Showing posts with label blog hops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog hops. Show all posts

Thursday 25 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Amber

Pawesome greetings wunderpurr furriends

Amber would really like to go inside, howeffur someone is being furry, furry thoughtless and ignoring her request.... hmmmmmm I wunder who that is???? MOL Mentioning no names - Smoochie!

It's been a little fresh again this week, although the days have been sunny, which has made a huge difference to the normally grey and oppressive skies that are usually in abundance this time of year.

All we can say is, Spring can't get here fast enough and it's being thoroughly thoughtless by taking too long!!

We hope mew all have a sunny spot, or puddle to snooze in today and we'll catch mew on The Pet Parade on the morrow.

Purrs and sweepy snoozes

Basil XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!"
And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text