Showing posts with label laughing cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laughing cats. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 August 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #3 ~ Bloopers Part 3

Welcome to our third Flashback post.

Today we are still on the blooper posts, this one is from May 12th 2014, so we're not travelling too far today!

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL

Welcome to

The Monday Meow

Bloopers ~ Part 3

Happy Monday my Furriends

Here we are again early on Monday morning ready to start your week off with a laugh or two [well hopefully] if not we'll try to do better next time.  Anyhoo, let's get started, you may remember in Bloopers Part 1  poor Amber, and how we all found it so amazingly falling-over hysterically funny?
And then in Bloopers Part Deux where karma bit me in the bum. 

Well in this installment I've been rumbled and I'm furry furry embarrassed that my secret is OUT! 

Let me explain.  Back in the day, I used to do a bit of glamour modelling.  I was young, free and wild plus I was total and utter stud muffin.  These are some of the candid at home shots that I sent to the racy magazine fur discerning lady cats called 'Glamour Pussy'  I thought they'd been destroyed but as effurything these days is digital there's always a copy!

Mew can just imagine my horror to learn that these supurr tasteful and furry provocative photo's of my manly catness had surfaced and much to my utter chagrin the rest of clan got to see them.

The utter shame of it!

A Stud Muffins Nightmare

Leafing nothing to the imagination!

Posing with props

Really getting it on fur all mew Ladeeee Cats 

Up close and furry purrsonal ~ mew know mew can't resist all this manly-catness

Take a cold shower ladies and cool off 


Don't furget to visit my profile at Glamour Pussy

100 things mew can do with  #HotSexyBasil


The reaction of my effur supportful siblings!


"Say what??  He did what??" Amber asked with total incredulity.

"Oh my cat!!!!!" Was all she could say when shown the photo's.  Then she murmured, "I neffur saw in him in any of the copies Glamour Pussy I got.  Note to self check all those back issues again!"  

"Mew woke me up to show me that!!!?" Humphrey said from his man-cave.  "I always knew he was a stud muffin and those pictures just prove it! Not that I'm into guy cats or anything but ... ahem... mew know... I'm just saying, he's got it all happening..."

Posie covered her eyes. "I can't look!" she cried as the blush made her fur tingle. "There's just too much mancat sexiness happening!"

"Show me that again," Snowie said with an almost delirious manic glee, as she did a whole host of mental calculations and came to the conclusion. "I see that this could be furry beneficial to upping my Dreamie rations!"  [See here fur Dreamie Rations

Smoochie's eyes widened as he looked at the pictures, he was so utterly dumbstruck that his mouth wouldn't work.  Much later after the initial shock had wore off he said. "Flipping heck, rub my ears and tickle me pink, I would have neffur thought Basil was naked pin-up cat, but he did do it really well!" MOL


That sadly brings us to the end of this Bloopers Post, many thanks fur joining us today fur our 3rd installment, I do hope mew've enjoyed it and stay tuned fur more outtakes, shameful secrets, mad meanderings and hilarious happenings coming to a blog near mew furry soon.

Happy Monday

Bestest purrs

Basil and The Kitty Clan!

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Graphics   

Tuesday 23 August 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #2 ~ Bloopers Part 2

Welcome to our second Flashback post.

Today we are still on the blooper posts, this one is from March 24th 2014, so we're still not travelling too far today!

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL 

Welcome to

The Monday Meow

Bloopers ~ Part Deux

Happy Monday my Furriends

Here we are again at the start of a new week, the furst official week of Spring too!  I do hope mew all had a fabulously amazing weekend.  Mine was furry interesting but we'll get to that another day.  Today I'm back to share some more out-takes/photo bloopers of The Kitty Clan.  But the really hilarious thing is, this week KARMA has come to bite me on the bum! 

Remember in Bloopers Part 1  poor Amber, and how we all found it so amazingly falling-over hysterically funny?

Oh yes, it took me quite a while to get over that...  

Guess what? The P.A. went delving into long forgotten dusty old folders and found THESE

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what she was uploading - the utter shock -  the absolute horrid horror - the total disbelief!

I moved in real close just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me

Oops it happened again

A Total Turtle Basil Style

It all started off relatively ok

Seconds later, it turned into this!

The utter shame of it!

Then to add insult to whateffur, the entire Kitty Clan got to see, I bet mew can't guess what happened next?

Amber couldn't believe it

She ran into the kitchen screaming

'Revenge is mine!'

Humphrey nearly pooped his pants and ran into the garden hiding when he saw her

only peeking out fur the briefest second as Amber continued to rant and rave of revenge

Posie launched herself into the roof of the Well to escape all the crazy madness

Then she blew a really loud raspberry!!!! [Because she just doesn't care]

Snowie dived undercover, peeking out from under some papers

She only broke through the papers after the insanity ebbed away, the terror still clearly masking her face

Smoochie ran outside too, back to 'his' spot

He totally refused to look or pass comment!

As mew can see after all that I still had the last laugh as I nearly rolled off the sofa ~ Amber is still more funny and scary than me!!

 MOL on my sofa


Thanks fur joining us today fur our second Bloopers Post, I do hope mew've enjoyed it and I'll be digging through the archives some more to find some more gems fur mew to see real soon.

Happy Monday

Bestest purrs

Basil and The Kitty Clan!

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Graphics   Glitter Text

Monday 22 August 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #1 ~ Bloopers Part I

Pawesome greetings supurr pals

Just so mew know we are taking a break from our usual programming schedule until later in September, so that means:

Fast, Furry & Dangerous will resume on 20th September when the final five episodes will conclude this epic, claw-biting tale.

Amber's Wurdy on Wednesday will resume on 21st September

Crosswurds with Basil will resume 22nd September

The Pet Parade & Sunday Selfies will remain as per normal.

Sorry fur any inconvenience this may cause, but our schedule is full to offur-flowing and we have product reviews and quite a few feature posts to catch up on...

So in the meantime, we are not leaving mew empty-pawed as we're running BionicBasil Revisited to keep mew entertained during this blog-transmission load-lightener.

Our furst Flashback is from March 10th 2014, so we're not travelling too far today!

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL 

Welcome to

The Monday Meow

Bloopers - Part I

I said a few weeks ago that I was going to share some out-takes/photo bloopers of The Kitty Clan and I finally got around to digging this little beauty out of the stack!

Amber will neffur furgive me, but mew know how it is when there's something funny to share!


Here is Amber modelling her lovely red Kitty Claws Coat at Catmass

A Total Turtle!

The utter shame of it!

I've fallen and I can't get up


This was the reaction from the other memfurs of the Kitty Clan when they were shown Amber's picture:

Posie nearly rolled off the table in her hysterics!

Humphrey said it was the funniest thing effur!

At first Smoochie couldn't look

Then he couldn't believe his eyes when he did!!! 

Snowie began to laugh hysterically too, nearly rolling off the bench

until she remembered 'that photo!'

The utter shame of it!

As fur me, I found it all so hilarious I fell over upside down in a box!


Thanks fur joining us today fur our furry furst Bloopers Post, I do hope you've enjoyed it and I'll go and dig through the archives some more and find some more gems fur mew to see real soon.

Happy Monday

Bestest purrs

Basil and The Kitty Clan!

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Text   Glitter Text