Showing posts with label photo fails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo fails. Show all posts

Friday 27 September 2024

Welcome To Friday Fluffers ~ Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives **STARRING ALL THE B TEAM** Parsley's Mancat Monthly Pin-Up ~ Smooch's Sit Up Fail ~ Fudge's Epic Specs Appeal ~ Pandora's Close Up ~ Amber Had To Outdo Pandora ~ Melvyn's Epic Modelling Fail AND **BONUS FLUFFER** WHEN BASIL FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TANK **PLUS** Friendly Fill-Ins AND Photo Fails Blog Hops

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on Level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of ever being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

Also, this is the last Fluffers post of the current season and today, everypawdy is here.

And as it's the last Friday of the month, today is also... 

...and we think this selection fits the criteria purrfectly! MOL

First on the podium is 

Parsley's Mancat Monthly Pin-Up

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Parsley's Mancat Monthly Pin-Up

Parsley's Mancat Monthly pin-up fail; we have no words! MOL

Smooch's Sit Up Fail

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Sit Up Fail

Smooch was taking advantage of a quick sun spell to have a quick workout, but he got stuck mid sit up! MOL

Next up is

 Fudge's Epic Specs Appeal

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Epic Specs Appeal

Oh, we did laugh when Cat Dad was holding Fudge, and the P.A. put the specs on him!

 Pandora's Close Up

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Close Up

Pandora got as close as pawsible to the P.A. to get her point across!

And finally 

Amber Had To Outdo Pandora

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber Had To Out Do Pandora

Amber, seeing Pandora's effort above, found this to outdo the close-up above! MOL

 Melvyn's Epic Modelling Fail

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Epic Modelling Fail

This was NOT one of Melvyn's finest modelling moments! MOL





That was all I screamed when I learned the tank had ended up in the quarry after Smooch Fudge and Parsley decided to go on a joyride #truestory! MOL 

We're joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. I have had Co-vid _____________ times.
2. There is no acceptable excuse for ________________________.
3. I wish _________ lasted all year long.
4. I probably look silly when I _________, but I don’t care.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. I have had Co-vid _____________ times. I don't think I've had co-vid. I've had a couple of colds since its emergence in 2020, and those colds were the normal variety, as far as I could tell. There was no way I was poking a stick down my throat to swab, to find out if it was of the co-vid strain, fluff that!!! 

2. There is no acceptable excuse for animal cruelty whatsoever. Anyone who harms animals should have the full force of the law dropped on them from a great height, like a pyramid.

3. I wish Spring and Autumn lasted all year long. I love those seasons, with Autumn, just by a cat's whisker, taking first place.

4. I probably look silly when I am talking about life, the universe and everything with the cats, but I don’t care. And I must say, their conversational skills are epic; the amount of meows and purrs of input are truly extraordinary, and their insights are eye-opening! LOL

Other Fun Blog Hops to Join Today


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and next week Amber will be back with her book reviews, as we know mew've missed her Friday segment terribly.

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Friday 20 September 2024

Welcome To Friday Fluffers ~ Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives **STARRING AMBER** in ~ Amber's Catmas Breakdancing Special - NOT! ~ Amber's Secret Catnip Addiction (circa 2009) ~ Amber's On The Warpath!!! **PLUS** Friendly Fill-Ins

 Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Epic Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on Level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of ever being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

First, this week is... 

 Amber's Catmas Breakdancing Special - NOT

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's Catmas Breakdancing Special - NOT

Way back in December 2008, Amber thought she had the moves after a few niptini's on ice.

Let me tell mew, she didn't! MOL

Next up is...

 Amber's Secret Catnip Addiction

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's Secret Catnip Addiction

Oh we did laugh at this from June 2009.

Amber's literally snorting the carpet, there's no catnip left, not even dust! MOL

And mew know now, she not really bothered about it, but back then she loved nothing more than a nice pile to get stuck into!!!!

And finally... 

 Amber's On The Warpath

Friday Fluffers At BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's On The Warpath

This is from November 2008, when Amber realised after a quick meeting with Bast - the golden one in the background - that she actually had supurr powers when she got angry; the laser eyes! MOL

And the moral of this photo is, don't upset Amber!

This week, we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. ___________________________ is a blog I enjoyed that is no longer there.

2  I won’t ever ________________________ again.

3. I once injured myself while _________.

4. I usually get _________ hours of sleep.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. Jan's Funny Farm (and Jan of course) is a blog I enjoyed that is no longer there. Well, it is there but you know.... 😞😓😢

2  I won’t ever purchase plants online again. If you missed what happened, click here and here. Although, I'm still waiting for said refund, and all I hear are crickets!

3. I once injured myself while _________. Hahahahahahahahaaaaa aka LOL LOL LOL - so many to mention, but today's memory is when I was about 18, I was trying to make a hole in a leather belt with my trusty Swiss Army Penknife, you know what's coming don't you? The blade flicked closed on my index finger, and stupid me and my cat-like reflexes, I snatched my hand away before my brain could compute to leave it where it was and open the blade again. Not my finest moment. The cut was deep, but I mackled up some steri-strips and doctored it back together. After that I bought a specialist leather punch tool.

4. I usually get eight to nine hours of sleep. I've always needed a lot of Z's, in fact, when I was about 6 or 7, my mum said that I could sleep for England! LOL


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos, and the last Fluffers of this season.

Oh, and Amber says that she'll back in the review hotseat in a couple of weeks, with a TikTok made me buy it book.

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Friday 13 September 2024

Welcome To Friday Fluffers ~ Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives **STARRING PANDORA** in ~ Is This My Best Side? Er... No, It's Not! ~ What Do Mew Mean I Look Like an Ewok? ~ Shocked That The Clown Collar Looks so Bad!!! **PLUS** Friendly Fill-Ins

Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on Level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of ever being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

First, this week is... 

Is This My Best Side? Er... No, It's Not!

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora - Is This My Best Side

Pandora, we think mew need to try the other side! MOL!

Next up is...

What Do Mew Mean I Look Like an Ewok?

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora - What Do Mew Mean I look Like an Ewok

She's such a hairy beast!

And finally... 

Shocked That The Clown Collar Looks so Bad!!!

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora - Shocked That The Clown Collar Looks so Bad

Even Fudge is horrified! MOL

This week, we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. _____________________would make me happier than _______________________.
2. ________________________ raises my blood pressure.
3. I have a lot of _________ that I don’t use.
4. I never seem to have _________ when I need it.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. More cats would make me happier than not, although hubby is adamant that six is the limit at BBHQ. So six it is, but I'm sure one day I'll get the limit raised... 

2. Stupidity and lack of common sense in others raises my blood pressure. I've noticed that practical common sense is a very rare commodity these days, and abject stupidity seems to rule supreme.

3. I have a lot of flip-flops that I don’t use. I wear flip-flops around the house when I'm at home and have a little hamper where I keep them all.

4. I never seem to have tape measure when I need it. Isn't it always the way when you want to measure something!!! LOL


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos.

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence