With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

*waves paw*
Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library
Sorry we're a little late posting today, we've been dealing with a lot of disruption the last couple of days at BBHQ. Remember the P.A. fell through the kitchen ceiling way back in June? Well she's still suffering and healing from the fall, but the good news is; she is mending but slowly.
So the plumbing job that caused the fall, has had to be completely redone and then we've had to wait for the decorator to come and paint the kitchen and the bedroom, and finally the flooring dude turned up on Wednesday so Dad had to quickly move everything upstairs into the sky lounge and office while the new floor gets put in the bedrooms and along the landing, and new flooring is still under construction as I type this.
So we've only just been able to battle though all the stuff to get to the computer this morning, so that's why mew didn't see us yesterday commenting anywhere.
Though we do hope mew had an epically epic Halloween and it wasn't too scary! MOL
No Book Review But Great News!
Well gorgeous pals, remember last year when we got listed in the UK's Top 10 Pet Blogs at Vuelio, well the good news is we're still there. They announced this years list on Wednesday and we are still in the No 2 slot behind Katzenworld again, so we're best purrleased about that!
Many congrats to all the other pet blogs listed, mew guys are pawesome!
In fact we're all feeling purretty chuffed about it, but as mew know it's really all down to me, yours truly; Amber and my utterly amazing book reviews, so therefore by my reckoning I deserve more books for all my hard wurk over the last 12 months. I shall be putting in my request post haste, well actually I'll be emailing my very full shopping basket at Amazon to the P.A. right aftur I've finished this post.
Many congrats to all the other pet blogs listed, mew guys are pawesome!
In fact we're all feeling purretty chuffed about it, but as mew know it's really all down to me, yours truly; Amber and my utterly amazing book reviews, so therefore by my reckoning I deserve more books for all my hard wurk over the last 12 months. I shall be putting in my request post haste, well actually I'll be emailing my very full shopping basket at Amazon to the P.A. right aftur I've finished this post.

* * *
Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with 3 books just fur mew to make up for this weeks severe lack of reading material.
And if mew're wondering what to read this week, go check my previous reviews on my Book Review page!
And if mew're wondering what to read this week, go check my previous reviews on my Book Review page!
Happy reading or listening until next time, and don't furget we'll be back on Sunday with our usual selfies post, so do stop by if mew get chance.
Follow me at angry_amber_badtemperedkitty