Showing posts with label wentworth puzzles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wentworth puzzles. Show all posts

Friday 19 May 2017

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #19 ~ The Saturday Special

Welcome to our 19th Flashback post.

Today we are going back to 22nd August 2015 and revisiting The Saturday Special

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go a just little further back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL

Welcome to

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Welcome pawesome furriends

Today we have something a little bit different fur mew, a couple of weeks ago we were furry kindly asked if we'd like to try a jigsaw puzzle, made by Wentworth Wooden Puzzles  well let me tell mew guys, the P.A. was thrilled, she absolutely loves jigsaw puzzles and we got to choose which one we wanted to road test.

So anyhoo, the P.A.'s totally, bestest, most favourite holiday is Halloween, so of course that's the one we chose. It's called: Halloween with Lesley's Cats  howeffur there were sooooo many pawesome cat themed puzzles in all honesty it was quite hard to choose!

It came beautifully boxed and the wooden puzzle pieces were in a lovely cotton draw string bag [no plastic here! MOL]

The P.A. was most eager to begin, so after tipping the contents out on the kitchen island the work began. During the sorting process, we found the most unusual shapes...

"Ah, they're the whimsy pieces!" the P.A. said.

I just gave her a blank look and nodded, not knowing what whimsy pieces were until she placed them on a place-mat fur my inspection.

"How apt!" I replied noticing that these 'special whimsy's' were all Halloween themed.

The P.A. beamed at me and said, "Now this is what I call a jigsaw!"

After sorting all the edge pieces and whimsy pieces from the rest of the pile, the P.A. began to puzzle with Parsley, Smoochie & Snowie - as they thought they were in it and wanted to make sure the P.A. did it right! MOL

"Mew're not doing right!" Parsley said. "That piece goes there!"

"I can see I'm going to have to do effurything!" Parsley muttered as he picked another piece up.

"Parsley," Smoochie said. "I can see one of these pieces from this pile goes somewhere!"

Slowly the puzzle was constructed.

Finally complete, Snowie came in fur a closer inspection and gave it her wholehearted seal of approval.

"The white cats are my favorite!" she declared after purrusing the picture.

"Of course they are," I replied.

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The P.A. had this to say:

The puzzle was fabulous at 250 pieces = 14.2" x 9.8" inches - it may have looked easy, but getting the edges done was tougher than you'd expect, I can only imagine what the 1500pc would be like.

The pieces fitted together beautifully and the quality was fabulous.  The picture detail was wonderful and every time you looked at it, you noticed something new, I must say the artist put a lot of thought into it, in fact I love the picture so much that I'm probably going to frame it.

Overall it took me just under 4 hours to complete from initially tipping the pieces out to the final piece being placed.  Not the speediest I've ever done a 250pc jigsaw but then I was in no rush and let's not forget the 'added help' [running interference] from Parsley and Smoochie - which was a complete delight, at least they didn't lose any pieces.

Also the surface I was constructing the puzzle on was not the best choice -  shiny black granite with a light directly above, not the greatest decision on my part! LOL

All in all, I absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed puzzling it together and will definitely be getting another one soon.  This is the one I rather like for next time in the 500pc Raining Cats and Dogs Jigsaw Puzzle

So if you're a puzzle lover, check out

 Wentworth Wooden Puzzles 

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Many thanks fur joining us today on our puzzling little journey and don't furget to stop by tommorow fur Sunday Selfies.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]

Thanks so much fur stopping by today and we'll be back with our next FlashBack Fever post before mew know it!

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

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