Friday 23 February 2018

The New Scratch Post, No Duty Free Goods and Don't Furget To Feed The Mice on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 235 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Hey guys, as mew know we got a new catservatory the other week and this is our furst addition.  We're still awaiting a heated floor, and finding a reliable tiler is proving somewhat troublesome, and as we're a rather eager little bunch of kitties we insisted - INSISTED - most vehemently that while we were waiting fur the new floor we didn't want to sit our fluffy little derrieres on bare concrete. So we set the P.A. the task of finding us something suitable fur the time being and this is what she found.

And it was a total bargain too, which purrleased Parsley immensely as he paid fur it! MOL 


Sometime later... much, much, much later... [MOL] 

Pandora was furst on it and Fudge was rather put out as she said in her funny, little foreign accent, "Fudge mew shall not pass!"


Smoochie and Parsley found this absolutely hilarious, as this week alone Fudge has usurped his beds and then yesterday 'toy snatched' one of the fab valerian toys we were testing fur 4Cats in Germany right out of Parsley's paws.

A few minutes later Smooch managed to get one of his beds back in the Sky Lounge...

Anyhoo, let's leave Smooch to his manic glee fur a moment and if mew like our new installation, it came from and cost £49.99 which fur the size we think is amazing.

*    *    *

In other news...

Amber's still living it up in Fiji with the Crotchety Cougars, she posted this photo other day...

We hadn't a clue she'd gone until we noticed she hadn't surfaced fur brekkie, and when Parsley went to look fur her he found this...
No invite! 

No do mew want to come with us?  

No do mew want to carry my bags? 

No will mew be ok without me?  

In fact nothing, nada, zero, zip.  

Just feed the library mice, pay her whoppingly huge heating bill and order her more books - like WTF?????

 Appurrently from secret intel we've gathered from our BB spy satellites, they're running amok chasing any available hot, young mancat - OMC the shame of it!!! 

AND... AND they're all out on that yacht in the picture - Bast help us all but help Fiji more!!!

Just wait until she gets home and gets greeted with the intervention we've got planned fur her.

We'll be back on the morrow when Pandora is here with her furry furst Fashion with Felines post, we do hope it goes well fur her!  And again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

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