Tuesday 9 August 2016



Dear Pawesome Furriends

We are furry sorry to inform mew that due to a disturbance in the force and an unexpected glitch in the cosmos our normal Tuesday programming schedule has been severely and most rudely interrupted.

In other words it's totally and unequivocally disrupted!

We cannot apologise enough.

Our technicians are working 24/7 [24 minutes in efurry 7 hours, statutory naps are required by law] to try and resolve the purroblem as fast as pawsible.

*    *    *

In reality, the P.A.'s hot water service broke a couple of weeks ago - luckily there's a back-up immersion heater so it hasn't been all hardship - and the plumber who'd been away on holiday turned up yesterday to fix what we thought was a dodgy thermostat on the hot water tank in the airing cupboard, this was not the case.  It was then thought that the boiler had locked out, this was true so a new filter was fitted to the diesel tank and then we tried the bleed the airlock.  This didn't wurk, so upon further investigation it was discovered that the gardener had accidentally cut through the pump wire at the rear of the house in his offur enthusiastic snipping and pruning and strimming and there ensued the purroblem.  Getting the new pump installed was no mean feat [the joys of ancient houses with supurr think walls - not], anyhoo finally the new pump was installed and paws crossed all is well in hot water and heating wurld once again!


So in the meantime, please enjoy some light refreshments and we'll entertain mew with this!

Press play any time to be instantly soothed and relaxed...

Once again purrlease accept our sincerest apologies fur possibly ruining your entire week thus far and just so that mew know, this weeks episode was legendary too and we were so looking forward to sharing it with mew, but neffur fear it will be here next week instead.  So until then stop by in the morning and hopefully mew'll like what Amber's prepared fur mew.

Epic purrs

Basil & Co  XOX