Friday 4 August 2017

Frogs Legs, The Resistance and Thumper Tickling on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #207 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

 background image NextMars used under licence from 

Pawesome Friday greeting wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade and furstly Smoochie wants to know...

Purrlease form an orderly queue!!! MOL

Then we had this happen...

So then Fudge took offur...

"Fudge!" I said sternly as I watched the ginger-ninja get his snozzle all offur the frog. "He is not dinner, he's a foreign exchange student and mew're in charge of his training, ok?"

Fudge gave me his best smirk and replied. "OK Basil but he does smell rather tasty..." then he added as an aftur thought. "But I don't sprechen ze froggy!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed monumentally. "Fudge mew'll wurk it out!"

At this point I just had to look away, like seriously I had no answer fur that then, now or effur!!!

Amber was equally shocked...

And now swiftly moving on....

And if mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal:

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all an epically epic weekend and don't furget to add your links to the Pet Parade hop below!

Happy hopping ~ most literally as now we have frogs

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code

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