Tuesday 5 September 2017


BBHQ Announcement ©BionicBasil

Pawesome greetings fabulous furiends

As we've been supurr, mega busy updating the blog and making new graphics, updating the pages and effurything else offur the last few days, this week sadly Part 8 of The Last Big Jolly will have to wait until next Tuesday!

We do apologize for this heinous interruption to our programming schedule, so in the meantime to soothe those jangled nerves aftur last weeks epically epic, tense and even possibly thrilling episode, just press play on the soothing elevator mewsic below. 

We even recommend shaking purrtend maracas [unless mew have real ones - even better] in time with the mewsic...

Amber is finding it most, and I repeat MOST therapeutic! 

[sometimes, I really, really, truly, honestly wunder about my fursibs *shakes head in complete dismay!*]

Once again purrlease accept our sincerest apologies fur possibly ruining your entire week thus far and just so that mew know, this weeks episode was legendary too and we were so looking forward to sharing it with mew, but never fear, it will be here next week instead.  

Epic purrs

Basil & Co  XOX