Friday 27 July 2018

A Big Announcement, The Paddling Pool & Our Summer Block Buster on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 258 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furstly let's get on with the big announcement, a few of mew will know that a couple of weeks ago the P.A. posted in a FB cat blogger group that The Pet Parade needed a new main host as Rascal & Rocco are taking a bit of time off, and rather than let the Pet Parade slip into the oblivion of deepest, darkest space the P.A. asked if anyone would like to come on-board and be the main host.

AND The Dash Kitten Crew said they'd love to be the main host, as of next Friday Marjorie and the pawesome Dash Kitten Crew will be our new main hosts, how exciting is that? Epically exciting fur sure, thank mew Marjorie fur joining the PP team! 

We'd like to say a furry speshal thank mew to Leah with Rascal and Rocco fur hosting the PP all these years and asking us to be a co-host way, way back in 2014, guys mew're pawesome and we do hope mew enjoy your blogging break but know we are looking forward to your return to the blog'o'sphere in the future.

So there'll be a few changes to the PP in coming weeks, and we're all supurr excited to continue Rascal & Rocco's legacy and keep the tradition going, so we hope that mew'll all stick with us here at BB HQ, The Dash Kitten Crew and Barking from the Bayou as mew know how much we love your company!

It's still supurr scorchio here and today we've got temperatures of 33+ Celsius, it's so humid and feels likes there's no air.  In fact the P.A. is waiting fur delivery on a paddling pool fur herself and dad because it's just too hot now, and the old pool they had sprung a leak a few years ago and had to go get recycled into something new.

Eric and Flynn's fabulous Mum asked if we could take a few of the puzzles off the Puzzle Page - link below - as it's loading a little slow!  Yes we can indeed and we will take several off this weekend, and thank mew furry much fur bringing that to our attention, it was greatly appreciated. So if mew haven't had chance to do them, don't panic, they'll all still be at Jigsaw Planet and we'll put the direct link at the top of the page when we modify it in the next day or so.

In other news, we're busy writing our latest epically epic Summer Bock Buster fur mew and hopefully if all goes to plan we'll start sharing the furst part of that in the second week of August. The format might be a little different from previous ones as at the moment I don't think there'll be as many pictures due to the P.A. being beyond swamped at wurk - yep mew know what I said to that don't mew - this is exactly what I said. "I can't believe mew're so selfish that mew're going to deprive our pawesome readers of pictures!" 

She said. "Basil, I am very sorry about that and will endeavour to do what I can at the time!"


I can see we're going have to get some new staff again! MOL  And on that note, let's get our best bib and tucker on and ready to join in The Pet Parade!

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

Parsley will be here tomorrow with another Pet Peeves post and then we'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Go visit our pawesome hosts

to see this weeks 

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