Monday 30 July 2018

Pet Peeves with Parsley #19 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Jumpin' Jeepers Fudge is Well and Truly Peeved

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

OH MY COD!  Do mew remember last time I was here, and Smooch got right up in my grill with his severely bugged boggle?  Well things just escalated as Fudge found out that Smooch has his new gig **Smooch Around The Wulrd ~ Coming Soon** and now he wants one too! 

I found this memo pinned to my desk in the bunker on Thursday morning:

Oh heck, we've got a rebellion on our paws right now, I thought.  

So I went to find Basil who was in his private office and showed him the memo.

"Look!" I said passing it across the desk to Basil. "And he used all capitals in bold, and see how many exclamation marks too? That's a serious offur use of punctuation!"

He read it, paused fur a while then said, "Hmmmmmm, these youngsters always want fly before they shoot!"

"I concur," I said sagely.

"But I suppose we could give him the chance to explore his creative identity when we're not saving the wurld," Basil mewsed thoughtfully.

"That's definitely a pawsibility to explore," I replied helping myself to a few nip-fizz jellybeans from the jar on Basil's desk and thinking to myself, it might actually keep him out of trouble too!

We sat in silence fur a spell, popping the nip-fizz jellybeans into our mouths with gusto and much flourish while we pondered the possibilities of our youngest heathen recruit being grown-up enough to take responsibility and have his furry own post.

Basil got up and went to the drinks cabinet and poured us both a rather stiff niptini with a splash of lime and a cherry on the side. He said as he gave me the drink, "Mew know it might keep him out of trouble if we let him have his own post."

I began to smirk and fought hard to keep my laughter at bay. "D'ya think?"

Basil nodded. "Oh yeah, that one has far too much time on his paws, giving him this will save no end of future accidents and/or incidents in the bunker!"

"Great call Basil!" I grinned widely at him.

He took a gulp of his niptini and said. "Yeah dude, and I've got the purrfect gig just fur him and he can start this Caturday!" 

"Really!" I was still grinning. "Do tell me more?"

"Sauce buddy, I'd love to tell mew but'll it'll ruin the surprise!" Basil was really laughing by now, mew know the type of laugh; wildly infectious and with a little bit of wickness.

OH MY COD What Has Fudge Got Himself Into Now?

Find out on Caturday!

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I am **LATE** joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This picture was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Paradise

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What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Graphics created with paid licence