Showing posts with label caturday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caturday. Show all posts

Saturday 30 March 2019

Pet Peeves with Parsley #23 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Pandora's Boggle Was Seriously Bugged

Pet Peeves with Parsley @BionicBasil®

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

OMC it seems like furreffur ago since I was here, and it was too, the 2nd of February to be exact!  

Anyhoo, I'm here today because Pandora's Boggle was Seriously Bugged, want to know more? Of course mew do! MOL

A couple of weeks ago, Pandora was modelling a lovely piece of collar couture which the P.A. had made especially fur her - the P.A. has gone a bit mad lately [since her birthday to be exact] and has started making all kinds of things, but anyhoo I digress - So Pandora was in the middle of her modelling shoot when Amber who doesn't give a flying fluff about anything or anyone at all because she's the eldest and that's her purrogative in life as a crotchety old cougar, and she basically ruined it fur poor Pandora! 

And to add insult to an already spoiled mood, Amber then said at the bottom of her post and I quote directly from said post: 

"Pandora was really peeved at this point and is no doubt writing to Parsley with a seriously serious Pet Peeve! MOL! OOPS! MOL!"

Amber Photobombs Pandora #2 @BionicBasil® Feline Fiction on Fridays

Pandora said and I quote, "I now understand the struggle Summer sometimes has when she's modelling!" #TheStruggleIsReal #ItsToughBeingSoFabulous

So if any of mew gorgeous lady kitties have any tips on how Pandora can avoid future upsets while on modelling assignments from crotchety old cougars, that would be epic, as being a man-cat I know nothing about female modelling dilemmas! MOL

[And I don't need to get between these feisty felines at home! MOL]

*    *    *

And quickly before I pootle off, I am joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

I call this pic: 

Amethyst Mountains 

Parsley Caturday Art @BionicBasil® Pet Peeves #23 Oil Painting
Picture made with paid licence: BeFunky - The effect used: Oil Painting

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comments, all are welcome!

Happy Caturday 


Follow Me @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence and

Saturday 2 February 2019

Pet Peeves with Parsley #22 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? The WWW Has Frozen!

Many greetings fabulous furriends

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

This week I've got quite an unusual Pet Peeve to share with mew; on Thursday morning while outside under the gazebo in our frosty winter wunderland I heard, "PSSSST!"

I glanced around, saw nothing so continued to take another step. "PSSSST! ARE YOU DEAF?"

"What the fluff!" I exclaimed and looked around again, and still saw nothing.

At this point I thought somepurrdy was yanking my chain, pulling my leg and having a laugh.

"UP HERE YOU BIG PUSSY!" the voice said again.

Looking up I saw a rather large spider staring down at me with 8 jet-black, glittering eyes.

"Are mew talking to me?" I asked.

"Well I don't see anyone else, so I must be!" the spider retorted and tutted.

Now let me say; I'm a furry laid-back kinda of dude, so this kind of trash talk was really pushing my buttons.

"Dude, get some manners happening," I growled and then pointed towards Fudge who was scaling the tree fur a change. "Mew see that ginger ninja offur there, he loves a fresh, juicy spider, shall I call him offur?"

I saw the spider recoil and begin to head upwards at speed. "Er no don't call him over, look I'm sorry but me and the guys have a bit of problem!" he said apologetically.

I waved my paw fur him to continue.

He gestured towards the gazebo post and said, "I've got a pet peeve - I HATE THIS WEATHER - the WWW has frozen, can mew help, as our call centre can't handle the influx of irate customers?"

The WWW Has Frozen, frozen spider web

"Oh dear," I replied, before adding. "Wait there I may have a solution!" 

Five minutes later, I'd got the extension cable rigged up and a kettle boiling, and in two shakes of a lambs tail the steam thawed the WWW completely.

Disaster averted, pet peeve sorted and the WWW was up and running again! MOL

Another B Team success HOOAH!

*    *    *

And today I am joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This picture was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Paper Petals

cute black cat, tulips, art effect, paper petals, garden, spring

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Follow @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence Prisma ios App

Saturday 5 January 2019

Pet Peeves with Parsley #21 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Amber's Not A Happy Camper.... OOPS Smooch! MOL

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

 Pet Peeves With Parsley

Happy New Year pals, my year got off to a rather peevish start when I was summoned to the library yesterday as Amber needed to get something off her fur.

It would appear that while Amber was reading this weeks book Smooch interrupted her...

A short while later when Amber went downstairs fur a snack, she saw a large box with her name on and promptly lost the plot fur purrsons failing to notify her of said delivery! OOPS! MOL

Obviously, as we're a furmilly friendly blog I can't actually repeat Amber's exact wurds, but here's a censored translation...



*    *    *

Today I am also joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Sailor

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Follow @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence & Prisma ios App

Saturday 11 August 2018

Pet Peeves with Parsley #20 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Amber Has A Propurr Meltdown - OH MY COD SOUND THE ALARM!

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

Oh my it's really been hotting up the Peeve Office [P.O.] this week, in fact it got so scorchio we nearly had a full-on meltdown as Amber had her boggle seriously bugged when the interwebs stopped wurking right when she was spending credits at Audible! OH MY COD!


Yes, she went absolutely off her chops! 

It would appear that Amber is having a quite bad week, as yesterday she was informed that she was required to leave her library to go rescue Fudge - OOPS!

So anyhoo, there she was mid download of several new books when the interwebs connection unexpectedly crashed.  I'd just emerged from the bunker entrance behind the summer house when I heard the furst scream and then she screeched...

...and then she shrieked rather hysterically [but obviously don't say that I said that! MOL]...

I rushed to the library to find out what had happened. "Amber, are mew ok?" I asked.

"NO I AM NOT OK!" she raged like a total lunatic. "I was just downloading 4 new books and I was also mid purrchase of 3 more when the connection crashed, I am so far from OK it's not funny!"

Oh heck, I thought, this is really bad as getting between Amber and her books is like falling in the ocean with a starving, great white shark when somepurrdy is throwing chump deliberately at mew in the water as mew're trying to swim away - NEVER EFFUR EFFUR MESS WITH AMBER'S BOOKS, AUDIBLE CREDITS OR BUYING OF BOOKS ~ seriously Amber should come with a government health warning!

"Wait there and I'll go reboot the router in the bunker," I said gently and then pointed to her chair [which nopurrdy is allowed to sit in but her] and added. "Sit down, take a sip of your nice cup of nip tea before it goes cold and I'll be back asap!"

I ran from the library across the courtyard and dived into the bunker. I reached the server room and saw that the light on the router was blue and my heart sank... OH HECK, I thought again, that's a gonner fur sure!


I reached fur the fixed bunker phone and buzzed up to the control room. Smooch answered. "Smooch here!"

"Dude we've got a situation!" I said filling him in as quickly as possible.

"Oh man, that's so bad," he replied taking a sharp intake of air. "Let me go ask the P.A. if she has any idea's, wait there I'll buzz mew back."

While I waited fur Smooch, I checked effurything in the room and all was fine apart from the router. 

The phone buzzed and I answered saying, "What's the good news dude?"

 "Dude, this is our lucky day fur sure!" Smooch laughed. "The P.A. had a brand new router in a box in the house, I'll bring it down to level 9."

Ten minutes later the new router was hooked up, installed and running purrfectly.

"That was close," I said. "Now do mew want to go tell Amber that it's fixed or shall I?"

"Nah mew go, I don't need the drama!" he said starting to laugh.

I ambled into the library as nonchalant as mew like and looked at Amber sitting in her chair sipping her tea, looking like the sky was about to fall down and the wurld was about to end.

"Do mew want the good news or the bad news furst?" I asked trying not to grin.

She glared at me and stuffed a whole nip cookie in her mouth with trembling paws. She chewed it rather savagely and gulped it down.

"OK I'll choose fur mew, the bad news is the router is toast!" I said and paused as I watched her stuff another cookie in her mouth and chomp it to death. Then I added. "But the good news is we had a new router in stock and it's all wurking fine now."

Cookie crumbs flew effurywhere as she whooped with joy, leapt from the chair and dove at her computer to see if the download and transactions had gone through.

And so Amber's horrendously bugged boggle was finally soothed as she watched the download bar and 7 new books arrived in the library 30 seconds later.

And the moral of today's Pet Peeve is


And yes, the siren was promptly turned off and the evacuation cancelled.

*    *    *

And now it's time to join in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This picture was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Skateboarder

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Graphics used under paid licence

Monday 30 July 2018

Pet Peeves with Parsley #19 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Jumpin' Jeepers Fudge is Well and Truly Peeved

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

OH MY COD!  Do mew remember last time I was here, and Smooch got right up in my grill with his severely bugged boggle?  Well things just escalated as Fudge found out that Smooch has his new gig **Smooch Around The Wulrd ~ Coming Soon** and now he wants one too! 

I found this memo pinned to my desk in the bunker on Thursday morning:

Oh heck, we've got a rebellion on our paws right now, I thought.  

So I went to find Basil who was in his private office and showed him the memo.

"Look!" I said passing it across the desk to Basil. "And he used all capitals in bold, and see how many exclamation marks too? That's a serious offur use of punctuation!"

He read it, paused fur a while then said, "Hmmmmmm, these youngsters always want fly before they shoot!"

"I concur," I said sagely.

"But I suppose we could give him the chance to explore his creative identity when we're not saving the wurld," Basil mewsed thoughtfully.

"That's definitely a pawsibility to explore," I replied helping myself to a few nip-fizz jellybeans from the jar on Basil's desk and thinking to myself, it might actually keep him out of trouble too!

We sat in silence fur a spell, popping the nip-fizz jellybeans into our mouths with gusto and much flourish while we pondered the possibilities of our youngest heathen recruit being grown-up enough to take responsibility and have his furry own post.

Basil got up and went to the drinks cabinet and poured us both a rather stiff niptini with a splash of lime and a cherry on the side. He said as he gave me the drink, "Mew know it might keep him out of trouble if we let him have his own post."

I began to smirk and fought hard to keep my laughter at bay. "D'ya think?"

Basil nodded. "Oh yeah, that one has far too much time on his paws, giving him this will save no end of future accidents and/or incidents in the bunker!"

"Great call Basil!" I grinned widely at him.

He took a gulp of his niptini and said. "Yeah dude, and I've got the purrfect gig just fur him and he can start this Caturday!" 

"Really!" I was still grinning. "Do tell me more?"

"Sauce buddy, I'd love to tell mew but'll it'll ruin the surprise!" Basil was really laughing by now, mew know the type of laugh; wildly infectious and with a little bit of wickness.

OH MY COD What Has Fudge Got Himself Into Now?

Find out on Caturday!

*    *    *

I am **LATE** joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This picture was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Paradise

*    *    *

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!


Graphics created with paid licence

Saturday 21 May 2016

The Saturday Special featuring Green & Wild's Organic Cat Treats - Part 2 The Nom'A'thon!

Welcome to another edition of

Saturday Special Banner ©BionicBasil 2016

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have another of our sponsored posts to share with mew from the amazingly fabulous peeps at the company:

Mew may remember in January that we reviewed several yummy flavours of their highly scrumptious organic cat treat range, well today we're back reviewing a new flavour... mmmmmmmmm... lucky us!  

 On the menu today

A Yummy Bag of Luvies ~ Tuna Flavour

And just so mew know what they look like up close and purrsonal

Our Chief Treat Taste Tester 


was eagerly awaiting fur the nom'a'thon to begin and sat waiting fur the plate of deliciousness to placed on the floor.

"Such a shame Basil isn't here," he said to the P.A. as he sniffed the tasty morsels.

"Yes," agreed the P.A. "But he did want to go outside."

"Ah well," Smooch replied, "all the more fur me!"

The C.T.T.T. [chief treat taste tester] began in his usual methodical manner, hoovering up the treats from left to right and in no time at all, the plate was left with just a few crumbs on.

"Better leave a little something fur effurypurrdy else!" Smooch sniggered.

[Don't mind the tiny spider at 28 seconds, he was looking fur crumbs too & Basil is too funny at 1.05]

*Rear stage, enter Basil*

"I can't hear mew!" Smooch said with a smirk trying his hardest not to laugh. "It's the double glazing, speak up!"

I was not best purrleased at Smooch's response.

I, Basil entered the kitchen to discover, much to my abject horror that the Heathen child aka Smooch aka Piglet had Dysoned [hoovered] up the treats, I quickly took care of the last few crumbles before deciding that more intense action was required.

"Smooch I'm confiscating these immediately!" I said.

"So not fair!!!!" Smooch cried looking between Basil and The P.A.

"Don't involve me in your treat squabbles," the P.A. replied.

I laughed at Piglet and began my own taste testing session.

"OMC I can't believe how good they taste!" I said with a mouthful, then demanded. "Hooman the plate is empty hand-feed me now!"

Well as mew can see, the Tuna flavoured Luvies were a total hit and we've already insisted that the P.A. put an order in today fur as many bags as the Postman can deliver! MOL

 We voted in the following categories


Texture & Consistency

Initial Bite & Flavour Intensity

Sensation in the mouth - Chew factor

Satisfaction & Satiety

We can safely say that these are our newest numero uno treats and aftur tallying up the votes we give them:

10 out of 10

*     *     *

Fur more information on the product featured today and previous products, mew can visit Green & Wild's website here:

Where mew will be able to find out all the nutritional info and full list of ingredients.  Not only do they supply kitty treats and food, they also have an extensive range fur our K9 furriends too.

Mew can also follow them on their social media as they sometimes run competitions and promotions:

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Green & Wild's fur giving us this oppurtunity to sample their furry tasty wares again ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Graphics created with paid licence