Showing posts with label Fudge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fudge. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned, Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck, Smooch's Brief Sunspot, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

Midweek News Banner ©BionicBasil® Spring 2025

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up!

Happy Wednesday, and great news, it's been sunny and warm during the day for over the last week or so. In other words, it's been wonderful weather, the nighttime temperatures are still near 0 - 1 degrees Celsius, but that's ok because we're inside and all snuggly bugly! MOL

Oh, and just look at what's sprung up in the last few days!

The baby daffodils are blooming. We prefer the more compact ones as they stay upright for much longer.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Baby Daffodils are Blooming

Do mew see the bee below?

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Colourful Crocus's at BBHQ

The purple crocus is such a stunning colour, and the bees, who started waking up last week, are now visiting. A really good sign that Spring has sprung at last. 

And mew may have noticed that the blog has a new header and all the graphics have changed again, well, mew know what we're like, we have to change with the seasons! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top news reports.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

First up in the news this week...

Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned

Fudge was not a happy camper, as the P.A. has pruned slaughtered the catmint in recent days, as it was getting far too straggly. She's hoping that the haircut will prompt it to grow back much thicker and lusher in the coming months.

There are other catmint plants lurking around the garden, but this one is Fudge's favourite.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news...

Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck

Pandora was enjoying a spot of birdwatching from the deck yesterday. She could have even sat in a small sun puddle but she preferred to sit on the steps of the deck.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

In other news...

Smooch's Brief Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Brief Sunspot

Smooch caught a brief sunspot in the courtyard as he was bipping past one of the raised beds.

He then declared it was too cold in the courtyard, as this time of year the sun is very limited there, and he promptly returned to the comfort of his Shroom! MOL

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

And finally, this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Last week mew voted for the gorgeous pretty Garden bandana, and it looks EPIC!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Pretty Garden Bandan

And, BBHQ's Supurr Model was contemplating doing a quick spin on the catwalk, but then he got distracted in the catservatory! MOL MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Contemplating Doing A Catwalk Run.jpg

There were copious amounts of catnip on the scratcher he was standing on... no catwalk today then! MOL 

He's really missing W.D.G. aka Were-Dee-Go, the invisible monster who lives behind the sofa, there was another postcard from Egypt this week. Hopefully, he'll be back at BBHQ soon, and Melvyn will feel a lot happier.

Plus, if mew missed all the action from the Mewton-Clawson Library on Friday, click here to catch up, as Melvyn has a stalker.

And Amber will be revealing one of the photos Prudence has sent Melvyn this week, OH MY COD, mew won't catch your breath!

In fact, poor Melvyn started to scream when he saw it... don't miss Friday's post to find out what's been happening in the library! 

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil® Bunting

Which one should he model next?

Here's the March Bandana Selection, and as we're headed full steam into Spring, we chose some colourful and bright bandanas for this month. Plus, it's St Paddy's Day, too, and how could we not have one for that epic day! MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® March 2025 Bandana Collection

The March Collection:

1. Spring Vibes

2. Pretty Garden

3.  Colourful Owls

4. St Paddy's Day

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

That's us done for today. 

Amber will be back on Friday with another pawesome book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

Pandora's Selfie

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Sixteen in Melvyn's epically epic supurr exciting origin story:

Hoping mew have a furbulous day, and remember to always...

Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil® Spring 2025

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil® Bunting
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 
Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil® Bunting
Graphics created with paid license  

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Smooch And Sauce's Slither of a Sunspot, Melvyn Denying Monday's Existence, Fudge's Summer Shape Up, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

Midweek News Valentine's Banner 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

How's your week going? 

The weather has been lovely since the end of last week, with sunny spells and warmer temperatures, although the nighttime temps are still too cold. There have been a few drizzly moments, too, but all things considered, so much better than the last couple of months.

And here's some Spring hope...

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Hyacinth's Are Awake

The hyacinths are awake! WOOOO HOOOOO!

The P.A. planted a selection of tulips, anemones and hyacinths in the autumn in shades of mystic purples and, I think, with a splash of white for contrast, but don't quote me on that, as I wasn't there at the time of planting! MOL  

If they bloom how the P.A. is expecting them all to bloom, it should look pretty epic!

 And, of course, mew our lovely readers will get to experience the bloomage in two or three weeks, depending on whether we get another cold snap that delays things. Apparently, there's some snow on the way, but we'll see as the weather peeps, even with all the technology they have, still get it wrong. We love that Mother Nature fluffs with them! MOL

And isn't it funny, this supposed snow that's going to sweep up from the south in the next five days or so is being hailed - pardon the pun - as a nightmare snowstorm which is going to dump up to a whopping five inches of the white stuff. Seriously, why does the media have to sensationalise the weather with such terrifying headlines? Why? 

A nightmare snowstorm in our humble opinion is one of magnitude and measured in feet, not inches. For instance, the day the P.A. was born all those gazillion years ago, it was eight to ten-foot snow drifts, aka serious snow, and it lasted for weeks. Today, an inch of snow is a whiteout and totally terrifying. 

Anyhoo, that's our opinion on the weather! MOL  

Well, we've only got two more days of February left, so make the most of the Valentinesy vibes, as that will be replaced, and we'll have a brand new look for March to welcome and hopefully hurry up Spring! 

Anyhoo, let's look at what the heathens have been up to this week.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

First up in the news 

 Smooch And Sauce's Slither of a Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch And Sauce's Slither of a Sunspot

Smooch and Parsley Sauce found this tiny slither of a sunspot on Monday afternoon.

They were feeling epically blessed in this moment!!! MOL

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Next up in the news

Melvyn Denying Monday's Existence

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Denying Monday's Existence

Melvyn didn't like the fact that the weekend seemed to be over in a blink.

He said, and I quote, "FLUFF MEW MONDAY!"

Oh dear, somepawdy has been pawtying hard all weekend! MOL

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

In other news...

 Fudge's Summer Shape Up

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Summer Shape Up

Fudge had to face reality yesterday and promptly decided that his Summer Shape-Up should start immediately.

And even though Pandora pointed out that it's probably just all floof, to help him feel a little better after he's spent the winter months bulking up for the great shred. 

Smooch added that perhaps he should have continued his training while in said bulking phase.

This did not go down very well.

And needless to say, he's hitting the gym in his BBHQ bunker with Parsley every day! 

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

And finally, this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Melvyn's modelling the final Valentine bandana today ~ Red hearts with red fringing

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Red hearts with red fringing

Doesn't he look cute?

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Which one should he model next?

Here's the March Bandana Selection, and as we're headed full steam into Spring, we chose some colourful and bright bandanas for this month. Plus, it's St Paddy's Day, too, and how could we not have one for that epic day! MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® March 2025 Bandana Collection

The March Collection:

1. Spring Vibes

2. Pretty Garden

3.  Colourful Owls

4. St Paddy's Day

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

That's us done for today. Amber will be back on Friday with another pawesome book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

 Smooch's Selfie

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Fifteen in Melvyn's epically epic supurr exciting origin story:

Hoping mew have a furbulous day, and remember to always...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023 bunting.jpg
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 
Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023 bunting.jpg

Graphics created with paid licence  

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge's Fleeting Sunspot, Smooch's Sheltered Sunspot, Parsley Taking Five In The Courtyard, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

Midweek News Valentine's Banner 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

How's your week going? 

We don't know about mew, but the cold has been insidious the last week or two. The kind of cold that leaches what tiny amount of body heat mew are holding onto and then permeates your being to the very core with icy tendrils, leaving mew feeling akin to an ice cube. We have to say, we aren't loving it at all on any level, where the fluff is Spring?

We have had some rather brief sunny intervals and a bit of blue sky, which Fudge and Smooch are modelling below, but even then, the sun really wasn't dialled up to our desired level of warms. In fact, it was like the lights were on, but the heat pump was on the fritz. Very disappointing indeed! MOL

Is it too much to ask for a nice clement 22 to 24 degrees Celcius? APPARENTLY, IT IS! 


We have to apologise for missing everypawdy's blog hops a couple of weeks ago. Last week, we did get the links in the hops but didn't get to comment on some blogs:- because after we'd visited Cat on My Head on Sunday morning something happened to the PC monitor, it kept flickering, then going black, and it was really strange so the PC then had to spend all of Sunday in clean up, defrag, debug and then scan mode. 

So many apologies for that; we'll endeavour to find a bit more time this week to catch up with mew all, stop by and say hi.

Anyhoo, let's look at what the heathens have been up to this week.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

First up in the news 

 Fudge's Fleeting Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Fleeting Sunspot

Yesterday, Fudge found this tiny patch of sunshine to try and warm him up for about two seconds. He then said, "Fluff this cold, I'm going back inside."

Mew know it's cold when Fudge doesn't want to stay outside.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Next up in the news

 Smooch's Sheltered Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Sheltered Sunspot

Smooch was a bit luckier on Monday as he found this spot to enjoy a few pitiful warms. 

He didn't last long here before he moved back indoors.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

In other news...

 Parsley Taking Five In The Courtyard

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Parsley Taking Five In The Courtyard

Parsley headed off into the courtyard after Sunday lunch and got on the bench; he wasn't there long. Yep, mew guessed it, it was too fluffing cold! MOL

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

And finally this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

This week mew chose: The White Hearts with glitter ribbon, and Melvyn loves it!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The White hearts with glitter ribbon

Sorry, there's no video this week; we are in a bit of a flux situation with social media. If we're honest, we detest it with a passion, so going forward at the moment, we are abandoning the video thing.

However, Melvyn says, if mew really, really, really want to see him on the BBHQ catwalk, do let us know, and we'll make it happen.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Which one should he model next?

Here's the Valentine's Bandana Selection.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® February 2024 Bandana Collection - Valentine's Day

The February Valentine's Collection:

1. Multi-coloured hearts with lilac fringing

2. Red hearts with red fringing

3.  White hearts with glitter ribbon

4. Red heart with red tassels

There's only one left to model for this month, and we'll share the new collection next week.

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

That's us done for today. Amber will be back on Friday with another meowvellous book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

Fudge's Furbulous Selfie

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator; we'll be back with Chapter Fourteen in Melvyn's epically epic supurr, exciting origin story tomorrow:

Wishing mew a pawesome day, and remember to always...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023 bunting.jpg
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 
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Graphics created with paid licence