Thursday, 10 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Snowie

Hello fine and fabulous furriends

Welcome to another Thoughtless on Thursday, starring Snowie. 

Today Snowie is being utterly thoughtless by hogging the crystal chakra chair! MOL

She wouldn't say which of her chakra's felt out of whack, yet from the time she spent on the chair the rest of us came to the conclusion that it must have been all of them.

And just so mew know which crystal and colour is fur which chakra, here's a little list:

Obviously if mew are pacing crystals directly on kitties, DO NOT leave them unattended just in case the kitty thinks of trying to nom or eat the crystals = choking hazard.

If mew are worried about kitty eating the crystal's, print off a photo A4 size and place the crystals on the photo instead, obviously in room where kitty doesn't go - effurything is such a health and safety nightmare today!!!!

The P.A. regularly uses crystals on us, howeffur we live surrounded by crystals and have done fur offur a decade or more, so this is the norm fur us.

So that brings us to the end of our little impromptu crystal session, if mew wold like to know anything more, feel free to ask as this is basically a guide to chakra's and crystals in 60 seconds or less! MOL

Wishing mew all a terrifically beautiful day

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

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  1. Looking good, Snowie. We sure hope you find that Chakra!

  2. Can you believe my human actually KNOWS all that chakra stuff? She learned it in the 1990s.

    1. Summer, your human and my P.A. have a lot in common then ;)

      Is your human a crsytal'a'holic too? xox

  3. We don't know too much about Chakra...but we did think those were beautiful gems you were being surrounded by!
    Our Grandpawppy was a gemologist among other things...amethyst was one of his faves! Now meowmy has a large part of geode that was filled with crystals of amethyst. Its so purrty:)

    1. Awwww we're so purrleased mew like the gems and how lucky are mew that your Grandpawppy was a gemologist, wow the questions our P.A. would ask! MOL Amethyst is our fav too :D :D

  4. snowie....for reelz...due ewe haza lot oh crystals round wear ewe live !!!

    awesum ♥♥♥

    1. Tabbies, there are more crystals than mew could poke a stick at in our house, the P.A. also has an amethyst Henge, mew've heard of Stone Henge, like that only smaller of course!!! MOL

  5. You're looking great today, Snowie.

  6. Your crystals are gorgeous and look great on the white fur.

  7. PepiSmartDog: Snowie is so adorable!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We really appreciate you always supporting out hop each week. Have a great week! *waves paw* :=o)


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