Showing posts with label 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 17. Show all posts

Saturday 1 June 2019

WING COMMANDER BASIL'S 17TH BIRTHDAY PAWTY ~ 1st Birthday at The Rainbow Bridge

It's Pawty Time  @BionicBasil® 2019


Dudes and dudettes, IRL [in real life] it would have been my 17th birthday here in the earth realm today and so that makes it my 1st Birthday at The Rainbow Bridge, and there have been quite a few tears shed offur whether we should have a pawty or not but I said, "it's my fluffing birthday and I want a pawty with my furriends!"


Earlier in the day...

We got all paws on deck decorating the garden, which was snoopervised by our resident Feline fashionista aka Pandora... 

Basil and Pandora  @BionicBasil® 2019

Then Smooch decided to join me under the gazebo... where we had a deep and meaningful discussion on whether we needed any more red balloons or more blue balloons, which thoroughly wore us out and then we needed to another take a quick nap! 

Basil, Smooch and Pandora  @BionicBasil® 2019

Though a short while later, it all started to come together...
Decorations  @BionicBasil® 2019
Then we got a couple of vintage vehicles out of storage from level 12 in the bunker, and next to arrive was the atlas crane sent by the P.A.'s brother fur bungee jumping.  It hadn't been parked fur more than a minute when Smooch just had to get all offur it, what a total heathen and Fudge couldn't wait fur his turn! [OMC, I can see this is going to get rapidly out of control! MOL]

Pawty activities  @BionicBasil® 2019

Pandora really loved the vintage car and got dressed appropriately fur a sedate drive around Mewton-Clawson with our guests when they arrive shortly.  So anypurrdy that wants to go 'Driving with Miss Dora'  do shout up, as I think she'll be quite in demand this evening!

Plus, fantastic news; Angels Humphrey, Snowie and Posie turned up just as we'd got set up on the lawn, ready to pawty hard and get their wildz on.

The lights came on as it got darker just as our fab furriends began to arrive from all offur the wurld...
garden at Night Basil and Pandora  @BionicBasil® 2019
garden at night Basil and Pandora  @BionicBasil® 2019
Doesn't it look purretty?

 *    *    *

So pawesome pals grab a hat, we've already got ours! MOL

Get some cake!
The Nip Bar is OPEN!
Have a drink! 
Who wants to go Tank Driving?


Don't panic guys, I've not touched a drop of Smooch's lethal Mindbender nip cocktail, so I'll be your designated tank driver tonight, all-a-board fur oodles and oodles of fun, and don't tell the P.A. but we might go blow some stuff up, just because we can! MOL 

Also we're offuring another 'one time only guided tour fur 2019' of our secret bunker, though we did start pawtying in there earlier aftur our epic angel fursibs arrived, sorry about the mess - OOPS - if mew're feeling a bit peckish Humphrey can whip mew something up in his lab, yes, it doubles up as his purrsonal kitchen when he pops in to visit and he invented an A.I. replicator that can make anything mew want.

 So fur all those guests who would like oodles of bacon with their bacon butties, bacon pies and bacon burgers mew are definitely in the right place, and put your paw in the air so he can fulfill that bacon, with bacon, with extra bacon on the side with bacon sprinkles on top order just fur mew!

Basil's Birthday in the bunker @BionicBasil® 2019

Oh just a quick warning during the tour, if mew feel an uncontrollable urge to push any RED BUTTONS that are clearly marked DO NOT PUSH - purrlease heed the warning as we don't want the dragon to escape again, or anything else fur that matter! MOL

And don't wurry about the kraken either, K.D. aka Kraken-Dude is on level 8 with Horice and all the creatures from the alternate dimension in the Bio-sphere, so unfortunately we'll be missing out on that level due to health and safety protocols as K.D.'s lessons in 'A Krakens Guide To Adapting To The 21st Century' are still going a wee bit sloooooooow and he hasn't quite grasped that he can't just randomly eat whateffur and wheneffur he feels like it. 
Help yourselves to nibbles!
Get some pudding!

Smooch and Parsley   @BionicBasil® 2019


We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the pawty, and if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out.

Luffs mew all loads

Wing Commander Basil and The B Team xox

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Gifs and Glitter Graphics & via GIPHY 
Graphics created with paid licence and
'Bunker' Background Image used under license from