Showing posts with label 3 legged cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 legged cat. Show all posts

Monday 26 February 2024

**SMOOCH REVISITED** Smooch Around The Wurld and Today We're Smooching All Offur Port Douglas, Queensland in The Magical Land of OZ with Tuna of Moon as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Welcome To

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today?

So dudes and dudettes we're going to be Smooching All Offur The Planet as we Smooch Around the Wurld ~ how much fun, so much fun!

Oh and because The B Team doesn't use conventional means of travel, I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with! MOL

Furst though I have to do my travel check list:

Oh and I've already had all my travel vaccinations, as mew neffur know and I always think it's better to have the lot rather than risk getting some foreign lurgy which in turn ruins your jolly's! 

So where are we going today?

Today beautiful furriends we're off to the magical land of Oz, last time I went to Tasmania and it was a little bit fresh so I thought some warmz were needed and I decided the tropics were just the place to go! MOL  And also this week I have the best travel companion effur, Tuna of Moon from the pawesome Tabbies of Trout Towne is joining me fur the adventure of a lifetime.

I got his travel docs sorted, courtesy of my epically epic forging skillz contacts in the foreign office.

... just look at that, Tuna has wurld-wide access with no restrictions - wooo hoooo!

So anyhoo I hopped in the TTTB and teleported to Trout Towne, and thank cod Tuna set some flares off on the beach otherwise I might have landed in the sea! MOL

The TTTB landed on the glistening, white sand with a soft thwump.  I threw the door open - quite literally - and Tuna was causally strolling towards me carrying a small case and a paperbag.

I waved most enthusiastically and gave him a huge hug and paw bump when he reached me. "Dude!" I said. "So great mew could join me on this little jolly today!"

"Smooch, thanks fur the invite!" Tuna beamed, then shook the paper bag. "And I brought a snack selection of No 5's, No 7's and a few No 3's fur the journey so we don't starve!"

[If mew're wundering what a No 5, No 7 and No 3 are, way back in 2016 in our Pirate adventure we had to blow up a kraken and rather than waste the tastiness, we ended up taking it back to BB-HQ and devising a lot of kraken recipes and the Tabbies are our biggest customers in the entire US fur Kraken delicacies, we ship them an order at least once a month]

"Dude that's so epic," I replied grinning and taking one of the deep fried kraken rings and dipping in the wowkapow sauce Tuna offured. "Oh jeez that sauce is just amazing dude!"

He nodded and said, "Dude that hot sauce is the best!" 

His eyes almost bugged out as we entered the TTTB. "Smooch I can't believe I'm actually in the wurld famous TTTB, IT'S HUGE in here..." he looked around the bridge in awe. "Like in my wildest dreams I couldn't of effur imagined the size, mew could get lost in here fur days!"

"Fudge got lost fur an entire week once!" I laughed. "But he's ok now!"  

Then I added. "Would mew like to do the honours and push that red button." I pointed to the control console and grinned wildly.

Tuna gasped in delight and paw-smacked the button and off we popped.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

32.9433333333333r seconds later we landed.

We burst out of the door and were greeted by miles and miles of beach and ocean, in fact we'd just come from that exact same scenario but this time we were DOWN-UNDER ~ The most deadliest continent on the planet.

We got out the deck chairs as Tuna is quite partial to a bit of chillaxing; next we got the mini speedboat, the surf board, the brolly set up and I whipped us up a couple of coconutty grasstini's. Tuna tried a bit of snorkelling, but broke the surface of the water in a rather frenzied fashion and said, "Smooch dude, there's a fluffing giant jelly fish down there!" 

"Thank cod it wasn't a shark dude!" I replied and then remembered that up here there were salt water crocs, yep they live in the ocean too!

So all water activities were ceased immediately and we decided at that point to head inland and check out some of the sights.

As mew can see Tuna and I had a blast, we saw a few war memorials which we paid our respects at fur fallen hero's in WWII, as we know it most impawtant to honour those that gave their lives fur us today.  

We saw kangeroos, there was some real vishus burds, the cassowary; apparently a descendent of the dino rapters, and can gut mew with one swipe, although I diverted Tuna so we missed that and we went to see the crocs instead.

Tuna said as we started to pack the TTTB, "Mew know my sisfur Dai$y wants to go shopping somewhere fabulous and my new baby brofur Mack should come on a jolly with mew to give him some Wurld experience dude, he's young and I think it would be great fur mew to show him life outside of Trout Towne!"

"Dude it would be my purrleasure to take Miss Dai$y somewhere epic and also to take young Mack under my paw and take him on a really great adventure and I can't thank mew enough fur joining me on this one today, dude mew're epic!"

Tuna grinned and replied. "Smooch buddy, even though mew only have 3 legs, and we've been to the most dangerous continent in the wurld, I've neffur felt safer, thanks dude mew're the best!"

And sadly that brings us to the end of our OZ experience, we do hoped mew enjoyed seeing the sites and it's time I got Tuna safely back to Trout Towne before the FSG realises he's gone! MOL 

Thanks so much fur joining Tuna and I on our magical OZ adventure and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination so hope mew'll join me then!

Until next time

Keep Calm 


Don't Furget The Bug Spray



Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!

Graphics created with paid licence and 

Tuesday 30 May 2023

**NEW EXPEDITION for 2023** on Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Today We're Smooching All Offur Japan with Spike as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Welcome To

Smooch Around The Wurld Banner ©BionicBasil®

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today?

So dudes and dudettes we're going to be Smooching Around the Wurld, how much fun, so much fun!

And because The B Team doesn't use conventional means of travel, I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with! MOL

Smooch Around The Wurld ©BionicBasil® Banner
Furst though I have to make a travel check sheet:

Travelling Cat - Smooch Around The Wurld ©BionicBasil® Tasmania

 I've already had all my travel vaccinations, as mew neffur know and I always think it's better to have the lot rather than risk getting some foreign lurgy which in turn ruins your jolly's! 

Smooch Around The Wurld ©BionicBasil® Banner

So where are we going today?

Today we're going to the mystical land of Japan, and my epic travelling buddy is Spike, who resides in the gorgeous realm of Scotland, U.K. 

I got Spike's travel card ready, as I'm a bit of a pro at making these documents now! MOL 

Then I jumped into the Time Travelling Telephone Box and landed in Spike's garden about 3 seconds later.

"Spike dude, are mew ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" I yelled.

Spike opened the door and peered out, he looked rather shocked as I stood leaning against the TTTB waving his travel card.

"Smooch, me old scallywag, I wasn't expecting to mew until after lunch, I was just in the middle of my mid-morning snooze!" Spike replied, rubbing his eyes."Mew know us older cats need our extra catnaps, otherwise we won't have enough energy for our main snooze!" 

I laughed, "Dude mew are only sixteen, mew're still young!" 

Spike grabbed his backpack and headed towards the TTTB. "Wow, this is some impressive piece of kit Smooch," he said stepping over the threshold. "And just look at the size of inside, it's fluffing huge!"

"Everypawdy says that!" I said grinning. "And it has lots of levels too, dude mew could get lost inside here forever, come on let's get going as I've got a totally furbulous trip planned just for mew!"

We walked to the main console, and I could see Spike was rather overwhelmed, the TTTB does that to most cats who've never been inside it before.

"But Smooch, I just can't catch my breath at the scope of it, it's incredible!" Spike beamed.

"Dude I was exactly the same when Basil first showed me inside too, I couldn't get my head around the physics of it, in fact, it gave me a bit of a headache, so I decided to accept that it's a tiny telephone box on the outside and a massive multi-level space on the inside," I said. "I don't need to understand the method of why, I only need to know that it is what it is!" I laughed and Spike laughed and then I pointed to the big red button on the console.

"Spike would mew do the honours and push that button!"

Spike paw-smacked the button and the TTTB vanished.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

17.8412098237777r seconds later we landed here.

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Spike's Trip To Japan ©BionicBasil®

And this is what happened next...

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Spike & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Japan Scrapbook ©BionicBasil®

Wow, what an adventure we had; from the minute we landed to the minute we left.

Guy's what a trip, the temples we visited and the gardens we saw, mew can't believe how meautiful it is.

There are islands full of cats, seriously me and Spike were blown away by it, who knew that such places existed?

It was really comical when I went and asked one of the island cats on Aoshima where a good place to eat was and the dude literally through a fish at us! Seriously mew couldn't write it, anyhoo me and Spike really enjoyed that meal with the locals, and thank cod for the TTTB's A.I. Astrid, she was a supurr translator for us, as neither Spike nor myself speak the lingo.

And don't let Spike tell mew that I toppled off the lighthouse at Yakushima, it's a total fabrication and it never happened, well I did slip a little but I didn't fall off completely! MOL

The cherry blossoms at MT. Yoshino were truly pawesome, thousands of them like a pink carpet covering the landscape, it was ameowzing, if mew ever get a chance to go and see it, do, mew won't be disappointed.

And jumpin' juniper berries, one of the monkeys at Iwatayama was moody, somepawdy had definitely stolen his lunch that day, so I gave him a banana out of my backpack and that cheered him right up. But then at hearing the word bananas, we were suddenly surrounded by monkeys, it was a little disconcerting because they did have really big teeth, and I only had one banana left.

But then I remembered in my fannypack, I'd brought Humphrey's replicator wand with me, and what's really nifty is it has a setting to choose how many replications mew want of something, so I set it to 100 and I told Spike to throw the banana into the air away from us and I zapped that yellow fruit mid-flight and it rained bananas! MOL The monkeys all ran off after them, as me and Spike ran off the other way and back down the mountain.

We then headed into Tokyo, and OH MY COD is that a busy city, busier than I could have ever imagined, but it was fun to explore the city and yes we did go to the Hello Kitty store, as what to trip to Japan wouldn't be complete without visiting HK herself!!! MOL

Guys, Spike and I had a totally terrific trip, and sadly that brings us to the end of our adventure, though before we go I must tell mew about the samurai swords we bought as souvenirs (yeah right!), they are obviously not genuine, total plastic replicas (not!) and no, we didn't have a play sword fight in the middle of  Tokyo, so please dismiss any social media footage mew may see of this event. IT WAS NOT US AND IT NEVER HAPPENED! MOL 

Thanks so much for joining me and Spike on our epic travel adventure, and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination so hope mew'll join me then.

Until next time

Get the travel brochures out 


Don't Furget The Camera


Follow The B Team @BionicBasil®  on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence 

Tuesday 19 January 2021

**NEW EXPEDITION for 2021** on Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Today We're Smooching All Offur Egypt with Timmy as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Smooch Around The Wurld Graphic ©BionicBasil®

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today?

So dudes and dudettes we're going to be Smooching Around the Wurld, how much fun, so much fun!

And because The B Team doesn't use conventional means of travel, I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with, and I've just heard that the U.K.'s airports are all closed anyway.

Smooch Travel Divider B ©BionicBasil®

Furst though I have to do my travel checklist:

Smooches Packing List and Check Sheet ©BionicBasil®

I've already had all my travel vaccinations, as mew neffur know and I always think it's better to have the lot rather than risk getting some lurgy which in turn ruins your jolly's. 

So where are we going today?

Today pawesome pals we're headed to the most mystical of all lands and our motherland, Egypt.  

Timmy International C.I.A. Security I.D. ©BionicBasil®

So I got Timmy's travel card ready, and off I hopped across the pond and 9 seconds later I landed.

 I cautiously peeked out of the TTTB door making sure I was in the right place, and that's when I saw Timmy from the pawesome blog Tomcat Commentary ambling across the garden towards me.

Timmy and Smooch with the TTTB ©BionicBasil®

Timmy grinned and waved as he headed towards the TTTB.  "Smooch my old pal, what a lovely surprise," Timmy replied. "I've been waiting for this for ages, and I can't believe that mew're finally here!"

"Yeah sorry it took a bit of time dude, the P.A. said I couldn't travel because of this Covid-19 situation, but Humphrey managed to develop a cat covid vaccine so we're good to go once I've given you a dose," I said.

"Oh, it doesn't involve needles, does it?" Timmy asked, backing away warily.

"Oh, fluff no!" I replied, laughing. "It's been made by a cat for cats, so mew know there won't be any needles at all, in fact, Humphrey was most adamant that his vaccine tasted like a really yummy treat." I fished around in my camouflage fannypack and handed him a small fish-shaped snack. "Eat this," I said with a toothy grin. "It's tuna flavour."

Timmy took a bite and chewed slowly. "Oh, that's delicious!" he said aftur swallowing.

"Isn't it epic, and it's effective immediately offering 97.9% immunity," I replied. "If only humans liked tuna flavoured treats, we could save the wurld." We both nodded and headed into the TTTB.

 Timmy's eyes were the size of dinner plates as he looked around the TTTB interior, which is vastly different from the exterior.

"OH MY COD I can't believe how big it is in here and just look at the bridge, wow, I need one of these!" he laughed.

 We headed towards the main console, where I'd already inputted our next co-ordinates, and I said. "Dude, mew see the big red button?" Tim grinned and nodded excitedly. "Push it and let's get this pawty started as I can't wait to show mew where we are going today, it's literally going to blow your fur off when mew find out!"

Timmy paw-smacked the button and the TTTB vanished.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

10.56933201098237777r seconds later we landed here.

Timmy Tomcat and Smooch on the Sphynx ©BionicBasil®

And this is what happened next...

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®  1

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®  1

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®  1

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®  1

Timmy & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld ~ Egypt Scrapbook @BionicBasil®

Wow, what an adventure we had; from the minute we landed to minute we left.

It was supurr funny when we furst got there and landed on the back of the sphynx, we were taking a selfie with the drone and a security dude yelled at us to move OOPS, who knew it was a no-parking zone for TTTB's?! MOL

So we parked in front of the sphynx instead, and the moment we stepped onto that golden sand it was non-stop action, culture, excitement and thrills, in fact, we felt like just like Indiana Jones, EPICALLY EPIC! 

We did have to run away from the Ibex though when we were having a picnic, as they are really grumpy and bad-tempered much like Amber but don't tell her I said that, anyhoo they like to charge at mew, especially if mew look at them funny, but we think this one was aftur our bacon sammiches or maybe the catnip salad we were enjoying.

The camel ride was hilarious, our ride was called Gobby because he likes to spit a lot, though he did tell us he wasn't keen on a lot of the human tourists who visit.  He also said he'd like to come and stay at BBHQ, although I'm not sure what the P.A. would say.

And can mew imagine our surprise at realising the mosaic floor at Petra was really an ancient map and that leading us to the greatest goddess effur, me and Timmy totally agreed that meeting Bastet was the greatest moment of our lives. In fact, she's invited us back for a vay-cay later in the year if we want to go. To be honest, we were really sad to leave Bubastis, but we knew we had to get home as we purromised we'd back for a BBQ at Timmy's place, so we said our farewells and I did give Bast my snail mail address just in case she wants to write, I think it would be nice to have a goddess pen pal.

Well, that sadly brings to the end of another jaw-droppingly amazing trip with an amazing furiend and we really did have the best time ever.

Thanks so much for joining Timmy and me on our epic Egyptian adventure, and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination, so hope mew can join me.

And if any of mew would like to accompany me on any future excursions which no doubt will be terribly exciting, possibly a little bit dangerous, well it might be furry dangerous at times and definitely a once in a lifetime oppurrtunity, send an email to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

With Smooch Around The Wurld in the subject line and a nice picture of yourself which we can clip plus your name, age and a couple of fun facts about mew, and who knows mew could be joining me on the adventure of a lifetime.

Until next time

Keep Calm 


Don't Furget Mew're A God! MOL

Smooch ~ Wurld Traveller and Adventurer Extraordinaire

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!

Graphics created with paid licence and