Showing posts with label Basil health update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basil health update. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Basil's Health Update ~ Don't Panic I'm OK

Hey dudes, dudettes and epically pawesome pals

Many apologies fur just dropping off the edge of the wurld on the 1st of June.

It seems getting older is seriously no fun whatsoeffur, and of all the times fur me to get a pancreatitis flare-up; offur my FLUFFING BIRTHDAY!  

And this time it came out of nowhere, one day I felt fine and the next I was at the VETS and it was all a little chaotic. But the good news is, I was really looked aftur really well and that made my pawspital stay fly-by - thank cod, as who likes being in those places. EEEEK

The even better news is; I'm now back at home and on the mend, though still taking my meds [uggggghhhh daily] and having my special diet food again [as I've lost a little bit of weight again], but the even better, better news is; my Pawty is a GO!!!! 

So cancel anything mew have happening on the 21st of June, as this is going to be the most epically epic pawty we've effur had in Mewton-Clawson, and it's Fudges 2nd Birthday too, OH MY COD, how wild? So wild! MOL

Though obviously as I'm still recovering, there'll be no nip cocktails fur me but I'm sure effuryone else will make up fur my abstinence! 

And thank mew so furry much fur all the get well wishes and fur sending bucket loads of healing vibes my way, I got them all and they helped so much; seriously mew have no idea how much they helped.

All being well, me and The B Team will be back to our normal summer programming schedule the week aftur the 21st, as I'm going to take the next week real slow and just concentrate on getting better while the P.A. and Dad pander to my needs, whims or whateffur.

So in the meantime, there'll be a few FlashBack Fever posts to entertain mew while I convalesce and I think mew've probably already seen a couple. I hope mew enjoy the FBF posts and we'll see mew all on the 21st bright and breezy! MOL 

Bestest purrs and huge hugs

Basil xox

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