Showing posts with label Oxford Tearoom Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oxford Tearoom Mysteries. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #61 featuring Books 3 - 5 Oxford Tea Room Mysteries & Anything Supurr-Soft Is My Own Purrsonal Kryptonite

Welcome To

With me, Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello, hello, hello!

Many apologies fur missing last week, only the P.A. bought a couple of new supurr-soft teddybear blanky's fur the sofas in the sitting room, and believe me when I tell mew that anything supurr-soft is my own purrsonal kryptonite.

It's true, give me some softness and I'm rendered completely inert, sometimes fur days.  I just can't help it, it's like my mind becomes so focused on the softness that I furget effurything else that's going on... it's just like being in a trance-state-of-total-softness or TSOTS.

I've tried to offurcome this rather debilitating condition but from my research and the testings of many different styles of blanky's throughout my life, it's always the same;  Softness = Complete Inertia Recurring or S=CIr

If any of our fab furriends are in the scientific field I'd love to know why, and am I the only kitty in the wurld that suffers from this condition?

Thank goodness Basil and the rest of The B Team decided to put a poll on the blog on Friday fur mew to vote, as without that I don't think mew would have seen me fur months as my motivation to move was in the severe negative! MOL - OOPS!

When Basil last showed me the results of the poll on Monday, 70% said I'd DEFINITELY make it fur this week*, 22% said PURRHAPS I would make it and 9% said NO WAY -  Parsley and Smooch I know that was mew who voted fur the No Way - we'll be having wurds later!

* Thank mew fur believing in me

So this week, to make up fur my futile failings of last week, I'm sharing the next 3 books in the Oxford Tea Room Mysteries.  

This week I'm sharing

Books 3 - 5 Oxford Tea Room Mysteries


HY Hanna

Here's a little snippet of the book blurbs:

Book 3 Two Down, Bun To Go

A sinister phone call in the middle of the night throws tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, straight into the heart of a new murder mystery - this time with her friend, Seth, arrested as the key suspect! The mysterious killing in the cloisters of an old Oxford college points to a bitter feud within the University - but Gemma finds unexpected clues popping up in her tiny Cotswolds village.
7 hours and 40 minutes

*    *    *

Book 4 Till Death Do Us Tart

When Oxfordshire tearoom owner Gemma Rose enters her little tabby, Muesli, in the cat show at the local village fair, the last thing she expects is to stumble across a murder. And when her meddling mother and the nosy Old Biddies decide to start their own investigation, Gemma has no choice but to join in the sleuthing. She soon finds there's something much more sinister sandwiched between the homemade Victoria sponge cakes and luscious jam tarts!

 8 hours

*    *    *

Book 5 Muffins and Mourning Tea

Cotswolds tearoom owner Gemma Rose is excited to join the May Day celebrations in Oxford...until the beautiful spring morning ends in murder. Now, she's embroiled in a deadly mystery - with four nosy old ladies determined to help in the sleuthing! Before she knows it, Gemma finds herself stalking a Russian "princess" and keeping up with the Old Biddies in Krav Maga class, while still trying to serve delicious cakes and buttery scones at her quaint English tearoom.
7 hours and 46 minutes

*   *   *

As mew know I've really been really enjoying this purrticular series, and I've just finished book 5, as that's the last audio version in the series. There are another 2 books, but as of today's date, neither has been turned into an audio version yet, I'm hopeful that it won't be too long as this series is really, really good.

The books follow straight on from one another, so there's no huge gaps in the time-line, it's just like a constant flow of what happens next, which I do like furry much, as mew feel like mew haven't missed a thing. The characters get more and more interesting, and yes, there is a bit of a love triangle and relationship ups and downs, but that is a sub-plot so neffur offur-shadows the main storyline.

The entire series kind of has a Miss Marple vibe, though a fully modern version, so if mew like Agatha Christie, I believe mew'll really like these too.

And as soon as books 6 & 7 are available in audio format I'll share those too!

*    *    *

  • Publisher:  H.Y. Hanna
  • The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Books 3 - 5

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy these books if mew decide to give them a try... 

...and if mew've read them already, which is your fav book thus far?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget that I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber xox

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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #19 featuring A Scone To Die For

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Wunderpurr greetings fellow book lovers

Welcome to another Wurdy Wednesday in the Library.

Before I furget, mew may remember on Sunday that we started The Wurld-Wide Tour of

The Time-Travelling Bobble Hat

which is being kicked off by the fabulous Florida Furkids on their pawesome blog at:

So said hat is now speeding its way across the Atlantic as I type and should arrive on warmer shores early next week, if mew'd like to join in the tour purrlease do as the more blogs the woolly headgear visits the more money we raise fur our favourite kitty rescue and we will be monitoring its progress on our new page, here and are hopefully joining in and has furry kindly offured a donation if we supurr-impose a pink version of the bobble hat on one of her gorgeous foto's - no purroblem we said, as yours truly has a pink one!! MOL

So paws crossed that we can raise a few £'s and help some kitties in need.

And aftur all my cuteness modelling one of the bobble hats and mew have too much of a cuteness overload happening, I think it's time to share this weeks selection.

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

[Image @Amazon UK]

Oxford Tearoom Mysteries ~ Book 1


I have another furst to share with mew again this week, this is my furry furst cozy mystery written by a U.K. author!  

Here's the book blurb courtesy of Amazon UK:

When an American tourist is murdered with a scone in Gemma Rose’s quaint Oxfordshire tearoom, she suddenly finds herself apron-deep in a mystery involving long-buried secrets from Oxford’s past.
Armed with her insider knowledge of the University and with the help of four nosy old ladies from the village (not to mention a cheeky little tabby cat named Muesli), Gemma sets out to solve the mystery—all while dealing with her matchmaking mother and the return of her old college love, Devlin O’Connor, now a dashing CID detective.
But with the body count rising and her business going bust, can Gemma find the killer before things turn to custard?

My thoughts on the novel are in a nutshell:-  I really did enjoy it, though used to an American narrator as most of the audio books I choose to listen to are written by American authors; I have to say this was most enjoyable, the narrator oozed a Miss Marple type of vibe and being a huge Agatha Christie fan this entertained me muchly!

As I'm back on the cozy mystery genre, obviously there's a cute cat.  The cat is called Muesli and while most cats in books [except Bob & our furry own Basil] are usually fictitious Muesli isn't, she is the inspiration fur the author and mew can meet Muesli here.

Ok it's time to talk about the novel.  Gemma Rose, recently returned to England after abruptly quitting her high flying corporate job in Sydney, Australia decides to buy a tea shop in a quaint English village just outside of Oxford.  Only three weeks after the opening a rather brash American chap is murdered by a scone - yes hard to believe, and Muesli goes missing but mew know I won't spoilerize anything fur mew.

And that's when it all starts to get rather good.  Additionally there are four old biddies with bouffant hairdo's, who are also frequent visitors to the tea shop and they become amateur investigators assisting in solving the crime plus they add a good touch of comedy.  I had no clue who the murderer was until the big reveal aftur much twisting and turning of the plot.  

In my humble opinion I think this would be an excellent addition to your library and a must read fur any cozy mystery fan and what makes it even better, there are another four books in the series, so mew know what I'm reading next! MOL 

Paperback copy: 334 pages

Audio Edition: 6 hours 53 mins long

*    *    *

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

A Scone To Die For



Story Development


Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this novel and if mew've read it already, tell me did mew like it?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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