Showing posts with label Special Guest Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Guest Interview. Show all posts

Monday 29 July 2019

ON THE COUCH AT BBHQ ~ Special Guest Interview with Chelsea White Host of Show Me Your Kitty

Welcome to

Hiya pawesome pals

Welcome to our interview segment at BBHQ, where we get on the couch and interrogate our suspects, ask our amazing guests fun questions about life, cats, the universe and effurything!

And today we've got a fabulous writer/producer/comedian/cat-enthusiast all the way from America, so get comfy and let us introduce our furry Special Guest 

Chelsea White 

host of 

Each episode of Kitty features Chelsea White visiting the apartments of cat owners and learning all about their feline companions, all the while playing games such as “Are You Kittying Me?” (a lightning round of true or false questions about cats) and “Purrr-fect Match” (a kitty-friendly take on the Newlywed Game).

Hi Chelsea and welcome to our blog at BBHQ

What made you decide to do a web series about cats? 
I love meeting kitties and figured this would be the best way to do it! Cats and cat people can never be celebrated enough. 

Who was your funniest guest/cat? 
It’s so hard to choose! All kitties are purrrfect! But I’d say Desus Nice and his kitty Charlie were two faves. Even though Charlie was camera shy.

Tell us a little about your cats, Tanooki and Miranda Hobbes. 
Tanooki is my firstborn and we’ve been through so much together! He had diabetes but is thankfully now in remission after only 3 months of insulin. But as any per parent of diabetic per knows it can be a scary diagnosis! Tanooki is super lovable and licks my face like a dog, but with others he likes to keep a cautious distance. But Miranda Hobbes loves EVERYONE. I have several friends who didn’t consider themselves cat people (I KNOW CAN YOU IMAGINE) who credit Miranda with turning them around to loving kitties. She jumps in everyone’s lap to snuggle, but also has a lot of cattitude!


Who is the most famous cat you’ve ever featured on Show Me Your Kitties
Probably Damien Fahey’s kitties Gazpacho and Dakota! They are heavily featured on his Instagram.

And finally, as we know you're supurr busy, Fudge wants to know if you’ve ever met a cat with a tail fluffier than his? [see pic] And if so, what episode was it in? 
I definitely have not!!! Fudge, you are paws down the fluffiest!! I would love to know your fur care regimen I’m always looking for ways to get more body in my hairdo.
Fudge's Ginormous Tail @BionicBasil®
It's official, and Fudge is offur the moon that Chelsea has not seen a kitty with a fluffier tail than his! MOL

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us and if you’re ever in England do come visit The B Team. 
Thanks guys will do!! xoxox


Social Media & Websites:

Many thanks to Chelsea fur joining us today and we'll be back on Wednesday with our regular Pet Parade Blog hop so do stop by to hop around the wurld with us!

Until then

Keep calm and purr on

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

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