Showing posts with label The Saturday Special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Saturday Special. Show all posts

Saturday 18 November 2017

The Saturday Special featuring TabCat Cat Tracker

Welcome to another edition of

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have one of our *sponsored posts* to share with mew.  The fabulous peeps from the company:

asked us if we'd like to field test one of their new tracking devices, and as most of mew know we love new tech here and so of course we said yes.

We were sent the unit way back in April, and so mew maybe wundering why we're only just reviewing in it November, our answer is simple, we wanted to really give this unit a really decent trial period.  So we nominated Parsley who is our Resident Techie and also our Expert-Over-The-Fence and Missing-Down-The-Field-Fur-Hours to be the guineapig.

So what was in the box, we hear mew ask?

Upon opening the box we were greeted with the destruction manual.

Underneath was the tracking unit, plus 2 x trackers with covers.

And finally, removing the tab in the battery compartment, and placing the collar unit in its cover.

*    *    *

This is quite an ingenious piece of kit, mew'll hear in the video coming up in just a moment, that when the P.A. zero's in on Parlsey the hand unit beeps like crazy, and the collar unit beeps too, so don't furget to turn up the volume.

As mew can see the unit isn't furry big at all and we think that Parsley looks rather fetching in that nice aqua shade.

So collar on, the P.A. gave him a 30 minute head-start to go and hide - which is fair game fur hide and seek! MOL  

And then went into the garden to search.  She pushed button 4 on the hand unit and off she went.

What we like about TabCat:

The unit is furry light
Fits easily onto any collar
A range of 122M or 400ft
It comes with a protective cover which is splash-proof
4 collar units can be assigned to one hand unit
Each of the collar units makes a slightly different beep so if mew have more than one kitty they'll each have their own unique sound. 

Mew can also train your kitty to come home, by pressing the button on the hand unit which is assigned to the collar unit.  The collar unit will beep if in range and this is how the P.A. found Parsley so quickly, he was 'prompted' to return by the collar unit.

The whole system is rather intuitive, in other wurds, it's easy: 

To set up
To learn
To oppurrate

The battery life is good too, and both units use the furry easily obtainable:

 CR2032 batteries ~ one in each unit

It's a one off purrchase price, so no monthly subscription service to drain your coffers.

In fact we can't think of  anything that we don't like about the system.

*    *    *

Our closing thoughts:

We think fur a one off price fur the system we tried at £69.99 is amazing fur the device mew get.

The four unit system costs £99.99 which is fantastic value and what's even better is mew can buy additional single tags fur £19.99 each should mew need to.

So, if mew want a cost effective way to keep tabs on your kitty, then we don't think mew'll get better than this. It's Brilliant! 

*    *    *

We would like to say a special thanks to the fabulous peeps at TabCat fur giving us the oppurtunity to try our their cat tracking device ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH it was pawesome fun!

And if mew would like to find out more, here's their links:




 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]

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Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Saturday 4 November 2017

The Saturday Special featuring Royal Cats and Dogs and A Pawesome Give-Away

Welcome to another edition of

glitter maker

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have one of our *sponsored posts to share with mew.  The pawesome peeps from the company:

contacted us a few weeks ago and asked if we'd like to sample some goodies from their site, we couldn't say no to an offer like that! MOL

So we chose a beautiful cushion or throw pillow - depending on where mew are in the wurld.

"The exclusive Royal Cats design cushions feature the adorable Bengal, Burmese, Scottish Fold, Angora, Norwegian Forrest, Bombay, Siamese, Manx, Australian Mist, American Curl, Sphynx, Ragdoll, Skoke, Persian, Maine Coon and British Shorthair.

100% Natural Soft Cotton.

Available with or without Anti-allergenic Inner Insert Pad.

A fabulous gift idea for all ages and occasions with a unique appeal for cat lovers and their Cats."

The P.A. has hers on her office chair and she loves it.  And yes, it is as fabulous as it looks. The quality is amazing, the print is super and it is on both sides.  The characters are just adorable, so cute and they didn't just send us one.  Erin the Cat has won two as part of Amber's epically epic birthday give-away and today we're going to give two more away.  

See how cute it is!

Just leave a comment and we'll pick two winners.  

**Though due to the size we'll only be shipping the cover**

We'll leave the comments open til Saturday November 11th at 2pm UK time. 

And announce the winner thereafter.

Open Wurld-Wide**

[**Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are!]

*    *    *

Also, while we were purrusing their website we came across this:

Bespoke Canvas Portrait of Your Cat in Uniform from Photo

Mew know aftur seeing that I'm going to get the P.A. to order one of me in the No: 2 Regalia, I think I'd look really rather dapper in that get-up... just call me King Basil from now on! MOL

*    *    *

We would like to say a special thanks to the fabulous peeps at Royal Cats and Dogs fur giving us this oppurtunity to try our their fab cushions~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

And if mew would like to find out more, here's their social media links:






 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]

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Saturday 2 July 2016

The Saturday Special featuring My Purrfect Gift Box ~ Part II

Welcome to another edition of

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have one of our sponsored posts to share with mew.  The pawesomely wunderpurr peeps from the company:


sent us another box of goodies [mew can see the furst box here] to try just before the P.A. left fur OZ, mew can imagine our sheer delight at this lovely surprise!

The P.A. was thrilled at the contents and she had every reason to be as it was full of goodies, mainly fur her!!!!

This is what we discovered

In the box:

1.  A totally gorgeous pink purse covered in kitties

2.  A fabulous spotty pet blanky

3.  Chocolate... [The P.A. said, "Mmmmmm, that'll do nicely!"]

4.  A gorgeous handmade silk kitty collar

5.   Four supurr cute kitty buttons - which will be sewn onto a waistcoat furry soon 

6.  A bag of yummy cat treats

7.  A totally terrific cat print scarf

8.  A beautiful antique style cat pendant

*   *   *

As this box was more fur the P.A. and sadly she ran out of time to take more photo's before she left the U.K. there aren't many pictures of us - shame on her!!! MOL

Here's Amber Modelling the beautiful silk collar, which she said and I quote, "Basil this is the softest collar effur, and no I'm not sharing!"

Then she added, "Don't mew think the purple looks fabulous against my orangeness?"

To be honest, I had no answer fur that! 

The P.A. modelling the fabulous scarf - which is just amazing with bronze coloured foil cats printed on a soft dove grey cotton and as the P.A. is a 'scarf purrson' this went down a treat.

and modelling the supurr cute kitty hand-made floral pendant - it's too cute fur wurds!

The kitty buttons are just delightful and the P.A. has plans to revamp a waistcoat with those upon her return to the U.K. and we'll be sharing that with mew on our new monthly feature, Crafting with Cats [more about that another day though].

We would have loved to have shared more photo's of the divine chocolate bar but sadly that disappeared rather quickly! MOL [nuff said!!]

The purse is just gorgeous and as the P.A. loves pink, all we can say is that it was purrfect fur her.

This box was just amazing and the P.A. was overjoyed at all the goodies, and as fur the cat treats, we'll be getting our mittens on those when she gets home and then we've got a big decision on:- Who gets the new blanky?

*   *   *

All in all we can safely say again, that the My Purrfect Gift Box experience was rated 10 out of 10 by all purrticipants and we highly recommend their service and products.

If mew would like to find out more, here's their social media links:

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at My Purrfect Gift Box fur sending us a second parcel of goodies ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

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Saturday 11 June 2016

The Saturday Special featuring The Top Cat Tea Party Report

Welcome to another edition of

Salutations and greetings on this fine Caturday!

Finally 12,000 miles later

The Top Cat Tea Party Report

is ready!

Mew may remember last week that we mentioned that we'd been furry kindly invited to the Top Cat Tea Party fur the launch of the new Warner Bros movie, Top Cat Begins.  

And as we're supurr nice kitties, we thought it'd be really nice fur the P.A. to breach the Sweepy Ville borders, so we had her 'pass-out' stamped and sent her to London as our representative.

The party was held at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium, London's premier cat cafe

Mew can follow Lady Dinah's on Social Media here:

Entrance to the cafe

The Top Cat Buffet

Top Cat Lolly's

The walls were adorned with stairs, shelves and all manner of  purrfect perches 

Some of the resident felines going about their daily duties

Kitty beds galore and a custom kitty exercise wheel!

Meet Mue, a supurr cute kitty


The P.A. and her bestie had a delightful time, ate some of those delicious morsels and played with several of the resident felines.  It has since been brought to our attention that the P.A. was rather smitten with a kitty called Alice - the cute tuxedo kitty in pic 4 - hmmmmmm.... purrhaps I should have gone afterall, the next thing we'll know is 20 new kitty's will be arriving! MOL MOL

To celebrate the release of the new Top Cat Begins movie, we asked the P.A. to buy a few goodies from Lady Dinah's shop so we can do a give-away - howeffur mew'll have to wait until she's back from her travels [more selfishness on her part] seriously though the things she bought were furry cute, so it'll be well wurth the wait!

We do hope mew enjoyed today's report and we'd like to say a speshal thank mew to Emma and Anya,Warner Bros and Lady's Dinah's Cat Emporium fur a totally terrific day out.

 Many thanks fur joining us today and if mew've been lucky enough to see the movie already, let us know what mew think.  The P.A. loved the cartoon as a child and her favourite character was Benny!

Don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created used under paid licence and
 Glitter Text