Welcome to another edition of
Salutations and greetings on this fine Caturday!
Finally 12,000 miles later
The Top Cat Tea Party Report
is ready!

Mew may remember last week that we mentioned that we'd been furry kindly invited to the Top Cat Tea Party fur the launch of the new Warner Bros movie, Top Cat Begins.
And as we're supurr nice kitties, we thought it'd be really nice fur the P.A. to breach the Sweepy Ville borders, so we had her 'pass-out' stamped and sent her to London as our representative.
The party was held at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium, London's premier cat cafe
Mew can follow Lady Dinah's on Social Media here:
Entrance to the cafe
The Top Cat Buffet
Top Cat Lolly's
The walls were adorned with stairs, shelves and all manner of purrfect perches
Some of the resident felines going about their daily duties
Kitty beds galore and a custom kitty exercise wheel!
Meet Mue, a supurr cute kitty
The P.A. and her bestie had a delightful time, ate some of those delicious morsels and played with several of the resident felines. It has since been brought to our attention that the P.A. was rather smitten with a kitty called Alice - the cute tuxedo kitty in pic 4 - hmmmmmm.... purrhaps I should have gone afterall, the next thing we'll know is 20 new kitty's will be arriving! MOL MOL
To celebrate the release of the new Top Cat Begins movie, we asked the P.A. to buy a few goodies from Lady Dinah's shop so we can do a give-away - howeffur mew'll have to wait until she's back from her travels [more selfishness on her part] seriously though the things she bought were furry cute, so it'll be well wurth the wait!
We do hope mew enjoyed today's report and we'd like to say a speshal thank mew to Emma and Anya,Warner Bros and Lady's Dinah's Cat Emporium fur a totally terrific day out.
Many thanks fur joining us today and if mew've been lucky enough to see the movie already, let us know what mew think. The P.A. loved the cartoon as a child and her favourite character was Benny!
Don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.
Happy Caturday
Basil & Co xox

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