Showing posts with label adopt black cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adopt black cats. Show all posts

Monday 29 July 2024

Mancat Monday at BBHQ ~ Wing Commander Basil's Favourite Part Of The Garden in 2009 **AND DID MEW KNOW THIS?**

Mancat Monday at BBHQ with The B Team ©BionicBasil ®

Happy Monday Furry Furiends

It's Mancat Monday, and mew know what that means... it's a mancat zone! MOL  

Today I am here sharing all my uber manlycatness, as I don't think I've featured on MCM for years! 

So we're travelling back to the most epically epic year of 2009 when I was in my uber chonk'a'licious era! MOL

ManCat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil

Just look at me in my prime, even I can't catch my breath!!!! MOL


At BBHQ in the Spring of 2009, the P.A. and Dad did a little landscaping; the installed a lovely wildlife pond for the one resident frog, which mew can just see on the left of the photo, not the frog, the pond.

ManCat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil -  The Pond

And on the other side of the path they created a mini stone circle just for cats. It's true, take a look below.

ManCat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil - Stone Circle Garden

Mew see stone circles are in our DNA! MOL MOL 

ManCat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil - Stone Circle Garden - 1

I loved this rock garden more that mew could imagine.

ManCat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil - Stone Circle Garden - 2

And I spent countless hours that summer relishing in all that stone circle energy! 

Did Mew Know This About Me?

When I first arrived at BBHQ, I'd had four homes in two years, for some unknown reason I kept being returned to the small cat rescue shelter. But I understand why now; it was because I was meant to get to BBHQ, the P.A. and Dad, those other homes were not meant for me, BBHQ was, and the universe in those first two years of my life was orchestrating events to get me to there, and it did.

Mew know I spent many hours on Pawtrol in my life, and not only within the BBHQ compound, but also the field over the fence.  

And some summer evenings, when the moon was full and the air was still, I'd stay out really late and the P.A. would come looking for me down the field and carry me back home.

The P.A. would whistle when she required my presence, but on those hot summer nights, with all the little creatures rustling in the undergrowth, I must admit that I did purposefully ignore her. Hence the scenario above, when I'd be carried home! MOL

And finally,

I really loved cuddles, seriously I know it's hard to believe when mew read all our epic adventures, but I really did love getting snuggled and cuddled with the P.A. and Dad.

I'll leave mew bask in the magnificence of all my manlycatness, and look forward to your company on Wednesday when we're back with The Midweek News Round-up, until then...

Wing Commander Basil and The B Team  

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat, Twitter and Facebook


Graphics created with paid licence

Monday 21 November 2022

Mancat Monday at BBHQ with Angel Humphrey & We Bet Mew Didn't Know This Surprising Fact About Him

Mancat Monday at BBHQ with The B Team ©BionicBasil ®

Welcome To Mancat Monday 

And mew know what that means? It's pin-up time!

Today Angel Humphrey is here sharing all his uber manlycatness

Doesn't he cut a truly epic specimen of a ruggedly handsome mancat?

Angel Humphrey on Mancat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

We can almost guarantee all the lady cats in the blogosphere will be swooning over this gorgeous house-panther pin-up

We Bet Mew Didn't Know This Surprising Fact About Humphrey? 

Humphrey was always quite the character. He was a big cat too, though not quite as big as Parsley who's our reigning heavyweight at 6.3kg or 13.88lbs. That aside as black cats go Humphrey was magnificent and very handsome.

He arrived in Mewton-Clawson on the 4th of February 2000; we can only remember the exact date as it was the day before the P.A.'s Birthday and was actually her fraternal grampa's birthday. She went to the rescue after her furst cat, C.J. Catkin departed at the furry young age of 3 due to complications aftur being poisoned by some total flufftard who hated cats near the P.A.'s old house.

So she arrived at the lady's house who rescued all the stray/feral cats locally and did all the TNR [she still does today] to find a lonely black cat sitting in a pen next to a tiny tabby.

Brenda said, "The black cat is called Max, and the full tabby is called Tammy. No one will want either of them because people generally don't want a black cat and the tabby is completely terrified of everyone."

Fifteen minutes later Max and Tammy were adopted and in the SUV on the way home to BBHQ.

Aftur that complete digression, we bet mew didn't know that Humphrey was originally called Max!  

He didn't like the name. In fact, he didn't respond to it all as he said it didn't suit him in the slightest and that Humphrey was the purrfect fit! MOL

Have mew ever changed your name?

Angel Humphrey on Mancat Monday at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

So we'll leave mew to admire Humphrey and see mew on Wednesday when we're back- all being well - with The Midweek News Round-Up and Melvyn will be modelling the Glow Bugs bandana. Until then...

Keep calm and do manly-cat things! MOL

Commander Basil and The B Team  

Follow Us @BionicBasil® at Instacat

Graphics created with paid licence