Purrsday greetings pawesome furriends
I'm here today with oodles and ooodles of thankfulness
Furstly I am thankful fur all of mew, my furry fabulous furriends, and thank mew fur coming to my birthday pawty last week, it was so totally terrific to see mew all, and I hope mew had a great time and plenty of cake plus noms & nip! MOL
Furstly I am thankful fur all of mew, my furry fabulous furriends, and thank mew fur coming to my birthday pawty last week, it was so totally terrific to see mew all, and I hope mew had a great time and plenty of cake plus noms & nip! MOL
Meezer's Mews And Freckles' Woofs
Pipo & Minko
Mr Jack Freckles
fur my supurr fab birthday card, the P.A. printed it off fur me and it's now in my office in the secret bunker - thanks so much guys! More cake anypurrdy?
I have a little apology too, the P.A. was travelling offur the last few days so due to her selfishness we're a little late visiting effurypurdys blogs this week - howeffur the P.A. assures me this will be rectified in the next few days.
Wishing mew all a day filled with many happies, cuddles and sun-puddles
purrs & much gratitude
Basil XOX