Showing posts with label happies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happies. Show all posts

Thursday 30 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Parsley and Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Hiya fabulous pals

Welcome to another pile or big heap of gratitude! 

Mew may or may not remember that young Parsley here is rather savvy with his money, and that last year we did a little bit of investing fur him and his nest-egg has grown somewhat nicely!

So as Parsley is the one with all the cash we, The Heathen Hoard had an emergency meeting today as we mentioned the other day that we really wanted to send the P.A. to the Blogpaws Conference this year but unbeknown to us she'd already planned another trip.

"This is no good," I said as we sat in the control room in the secret bunker.

"I agree!" said Amber.

"We really need to get the P.A. to the next one," I continued earnestly. "So I've just been on the interwebs and seen that the tickets are half price till tomorrow."

"Oooooooh nice saving!" Humphrey murmured.

I nodded. "A furry nice saving and if Parsley would oblige we can get the P.A. a ticket right now."

The Hoard looked at me, and then nodded in agreement.

"Who votes fur sending the P.A. to Blogpaws 2017?"

All paws went skywards in a unanimous vote.

"That's settled then," I grinned. "Parsley get your cash out!"

Parsley stared wide eyed at me, "I'm paying fur all of it?"

"No dude, just the conference ticket, The P.A. can pay the rest!" I laughed. "And we purromise to neffur make mew wear the pink collar again!"

"Phew!!!!!" he muttered. "I thought I was going to have to say goodbye to having that new multi-function massage bed I've been aftur fur ages!" he paused fur a second, "And that's fur defo about the pink collar, as mew know how much I detest it?"

"No more pink collar, I will purrsonally lose it down the field," I answered. "Then the P.A. will have to get another emergency collar out of the new batch."

So today we are uber thankful that young Parsley's' savings have ensured that the P.A. will be in Myrtle Beach next May MOL

"Parsley dude mew're the bestest!" I said.

So here's to sending the P.A. on recon mission to Blogpaws 

Wishing mew all a day of much happies

Bestest purrs

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence and

Glitter Graphics   

Thursday 23 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Humphrey & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Purrsday greetings pawesome pals

Humphrey is joining us today now he's finally gotten offur his two week Grump-Fest aka the dropped ice cream on our day out to the seaside!

We solved his surly mood by making him an entire tub of iced deliciousness made with triple-shot extra creamy cream with crunchie nip cookie chunks [Erin I know mew are salivating right now! MOL].  This, funnily enough abated the black cloud that had been residing approximately 6 inches above his head all this time.

He said and I quote,

"Basil, this is the best ice cream effur in the entire history of ice cream, we need to go into purrduction right away!"

Then he added,

"Thanks so much, I needed that! If mew need me I'll be in the lab getting it ready fur purrduction to begin immediately, by the way what are we calling it?"

"Humphrey I'll leave that up to mew!"

He waved and dashed off.

I nodded, waved back and was happy that he was happy, and the fact that he has a new project. 

So today I'm thankful that Humphrey's now Happy and not Grumpy anymore! MOL

Here's to Humphrey's new project and may it bring him much purrleasure

Wishing mew all a day of much happies

Bestest purrs

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence
Glitter Graphics   Glitter Text

Thursday 16 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Smoochie & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Happy purrsday wunderpurr furriends

Today Smoochie is with us, sharing some long offur-due gratitude fur the door keeper [aka the P.A.] who tirelessly opens and closes the door as we require during outside hours!

Smoochie who can never seem to make up his mind and yo-yo's back and forth while he decides if inside is better than outside and vice versa, all because the P.A. refuses to install our furry own cat door due to 'what she may find in the morning' brought through said cat door - I have no idea what she's talking about, all the bunnies I bring home are my pals and if mew can't have your pals fur tea, then it's a sad wurld! MOL 

Here's to having a pal fur tea and maybe one day, our own cat door

purrs & much gratitude

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created with paid licence
Glitter Graphics 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Basil & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Purrsday greetings pawesome furriends

I'm here today with oodles and ooodles of thankfulness

Furstly I am thankful fur all of mew, my furry fabulous furriends, and thank mew fur coming to my birthday pawty last week, it was so totally terrific to see mew all, and I hope mew had a great time and plenty of cake plus noms & nip! MOL



Meezer's Mews And Freckles' Woofs


Pipo & Minko
Mr Jack Freckles

fur my supurr fab birthday card, the P.A. printed it off fur me and it's now in my office in the secret bunker - thanks so much guys!  More cake anypurrdy? 

I have a little apology too, the P.A. was travelling offur the last few days so due to her selfishness we're a little late visiting effurypurdys blogs this week -  howeffur the P.A. assures me this will be rectified in the next few days.

Wishing mew all a day filled with many happies, cuddles and sun-puddles

purrs & much gratitude

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created with paid licence
Glitter Graphics