Showing posts with label easter hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easter hop. Show all posts

Friday 14 April 2017

The Easter Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 191 & Give-Away Winners ~ Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr greetings pawesome pals

Happy Good Friday! 

Furst we need to do the draw fur our calendar give-away, and here's the blogs who entered:

The winners are:

Lone Star Cats


The Tabbies of Trout Towne

Many congratulations guys, if mew could email us your snail mail address to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

We'll get the goodies to mew asap!

Now it's time for our Canadian Cats Report.

As mew will know Shoko & Kali's pawrents came to visit us in Sweepy Ville last Sunday and we had a truly terrific time.

The P.A. & Dad picked up Bill & Jean from the station and took them to see Southwell Minster which is about 12 miles from our house.  It's a 900 year old Romanesque Cathedral and it's amazing, they were so lucky to be there at midday when the bells were ringing, listen it's beautiful.

Then they came back to Bionic Basil HQ for tea and cake and to meet us.

I greeted our guests and offered them a comfy napping spot before we began the tour, as travelling always makes mew a bit tired. So aftur a quick catnap we headed into the garden.

"Shoko, Kali if mew would follow me I'll show mew our Control Room," I said.

Some of The 'B' Team were already there and we got settled while the rest of the team explained a few things about the bunker before we went back up top and into the garden.

"Hang a on sec," I said with my toothiest grin effur. "We've got a surprise fur mew!"

The bunker hatch slid back with a low rumbling sound and then the tank appeared on the lift and Humphrey drove it on the lawn.  The hatch closed with a soft thwump.

"Guys it's all yours!" I laughed as Shoko and Kali furry gracefully jumped onto the tank.

"Best day effur!" Shoko smirked.

"WOO HOO!" Kali whooped. 

We would have loved fur them to stay longer and purrhaps join us on one of our adventures, but then it was sadly time fur them to leave, as we had to take them back to the station to catch their train.

Guys mew know when mew're having fun as the time passes so quickly and their visit seemed to be offur far too fast, but we had the best day and loved meeting Bill & Jean and Shoko & Kali, thank mew so much fur coming to see us, and come back anytime!

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

We'll be back again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all a truly terrific Easter weekend!

Happy Hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

[Bunker picture used under licence from]

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