Friday 13 January 2017

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 178 ~ Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr Friday Salutations Pawesome Furriends 

We hope mew've had a great week, we are slowly catching up on all your adventures and commenting, though it has been rather slow and we do apologise fur this,  I've had serious wurds with our Admin staff and they assure me that their finally getting their act together.

Next week we are going to share The Smooch Report and how the Phantom Widdler aka Smoochie is doing and what measures have been implemented to assist him, so join us on Tuesday fur that if mew have time. 

Our week has been exciting, the courtyard and drive has all been redone.

So all the old gravel was removed with a mini digger, which was quite noisy with lot's of clanking and banging and squeaking.  The ground was then scraped level and 20 tonnes of new gravel were put down and spread.  It took 3 days but is was so wurth it as now it looks brand new and not a smidgen of moss is to be found! MOL

The P.A. is highly delighted and says that she's so purrleased it's finally been done [only been waiting 2 years MOL].  In fact she say's it's looks so posh we might have to move! MOL MOL [just kidding]

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

And don't furget to enter our free Give-Away:

And a quick reminder just before we go, as it's the start of a new year we're giving away beautiful colouring book which also has a wurdsearch on effury page.  To win a copy just leave us a comment on Mondays post and we'll draw a name out of the hat next Monday.  

Our Give-Away is Open WORLD-WIDE

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all a truly terrific weekend!

Happy Hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop linky party is for all pets and animal lovers.
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