Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Welcome to another Friday on the blog. Well we've come to the end of our regular programming schedule fur a while, Mandalas on Monday and Amber's Wordy on Wednesday will return in the Autumn or as our fabulous furriends offur the pond say; Fall. But neffur fear, we've not left mew empty pawed as on this weeks posts mew can download our new perma free Colouring With Cats Book II ~ Easy Mandalas and mew have today to get yourself three of our Kindle books fur free too!
asked if we'd like to share their cat/hooman years graphic, so of course we said yes, then we saw that Amber and I are in the geriatric section!!! MOL Ah well, mew can't stop time and at least we're still doing rather well fur old aged cats!
In other news this week, we've raised £150.00 from the Time Travelling Bobble Hat Tour and various donations to give to our fav rescue, Burton Joyce Cat Rescue, so this weekend we'll be sending the monies to them. Thank mew furry much to all who joined in the fun and to all those who sent donations, we luffs mew loads and wurds cannot fully express our gratitude. FYI we're taking a break from the TTBH Tour fur the summer and will resume later in the year fur another round of fun.
What have we been doing this week, we hear mew ask? Well, Smoochie got rather clingy and needed lot's of hugs. Fudge thinks he's completely invisible and totally undetectable when he's hiding out under the blanky, except that his tail is so huge that it sticks out and he has no clue at all! MOL Pandora spent an hour sitting by the patio doors the other evening undecided whether she should stay or whether she should go outside! And finally when the P.A. was watering the garden the other evening she spied this rather colourful cat-e-pillar, so that's what's been munching on our plants! MOL Don't wurry, the P.A. left it to do its thing, as it'll either turn in a beautiful flutterfly, or not so purretty moth, or wurse still get eaten by burds... that's nature though.
Do mew know what kind of cat-e-pillar it is? As we have no clue at all!
And if mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!
It's Friday again, mew know we can't believe how quickly time flies! MOL We'll be announcing the winner of my Epically Epic Birthday Give-Away on Sunday, the winner is going to be delighted when they see what they're getting - WOO HOO!
Anyhoo, moving on, we've got a rather purrplexing question fur mew all today.
The other evening when me and The 'B' Team were chilling, as we do aftur a hectic day the P.A. decided that she was going to conduct a little experiment.
Mew see when Smooch lost his leg aftur his rather unfortunate RTA, the P.A. noticed that his back paw wasn't ticklish at all, on any level. Mew can tickle his back left thumper until the Kraken comes home and he just doesn't acknowledge anything is happening.
So the P.A. in all her wisdom decided that she was doing the back thumper tickle test [BTTT] - yes seriously this happened, purrsonally I think she should have spent her time answering comments on our blog, but no, she was adamant that the BTTT was a go.
As mew can see I was rather chilled out in a complete Zen Harmonies Zone when she crept up and began to tickle my back left thumper, in fact I found it rather relaxing, much like reflexology fur cats.
"Don't stop," I said as my purring ramped up several notches.
"I'm going to do the right paw now," she said a few moments later.
Well, let me tell mew, my Zen Harmonies where shattered in less time than it took to say, "'l'll have four Number fives with a side order of fries!"
My back right thumpur is uber ticklish. She then went on to test:
Amber and Pandora refused at point blank range to join in. with the threat of finger amputation ensuing should the P.A. not take heed.
So what did we learn from this experiment?
Me, Smooch, Parsley and Fudge all have totally non-ticklish back left thumpers and our right back thumpers are a complete NO GO ZONE!
Our question to mew dearest furriends is:
Is it your left back thumper or right back thumper that is ticklish?
As we're all righties, so that four out of six, and we were wundering if all cats are the same, do let us know in the comments.
We know this this is a totally pointless, fruitless waste of time but now we're curious!! MOL
If mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!
We'll be back on the morrow with a really cool Crafting with Cats post, so we're sure mew won't want to miss that, and then we'll be back again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.
In the meantime we wish mew all an epically epic weekend!
Supurr Friday Greetings Pawesome Pals Welcome to our furry furst Summer Pawty Pet Parade, and we're still actually pawtying from yesterday as it was my birthday - woo hoo - I'm now 15 and still unable to obtain a legal driving licence in the UK! MOL Oh there's still time to join in the fun,click here to go enter my birthday give-away as I've got another epically epic bag of goodies to give-away and all mew need to do is leave a comment, the prize includes one of our limited edition t-shirts, that the P.A. had made specially fur BlogPaws fur the BionicBasil Wurld Tour 2017.
So we know mew just want to get your mittens on one of those! MOL
In other news our normal programming has resumed, [Thank Cod] but we still have a few more BlogPaws posts to do offur the coming weeks. The P.A. has been supurr snotty aka with cold fur the last week since she returned and she's still running on Myrtle beach time - so I've now revoked her passport and hidden it in the secret bunker, if she wants it back she's got 16 levels to search and we still have a dragon on the loose! Good luck with finding it! MOL MOL Oh and speaking of dragons, Part 2 of Dragon Wars will be live next Friday on The Kit Knit Cos Play blog, so mew'll not want to miss that as Fudge gets his Knight's costume on, with his little sword and shield... oh my cod, mew will not believe your eyes when mew see it!
And speaking of KKCP [KitKnitCosPlay] The Tabbies of Trout Towne asked if we could put a follow button on the blog, unfortunately thus far it seems to be eluding us as there's no Blogger Follower Widget anymore and when we try to add the G+ Follower Widget it keeps adding the account fur this blog, so if anyone has any idea's how we can remedy this, purrlease let us know, thank mew most sincerely. Oh and we've got a special treat fur all mew hardcore bacon lovers out there coming to the KKCP etsy store soon, take a look at this oink'a'licious feast...
The Bigge Breakfast comes with bacon, fried egg, grilled tomato and a waffle, all infused with primo catnip of course and we have other breakfast items being added to the feast, which will be available to view furry soon. Items will be available separately too upon request, so if mew're just a hardcore carnivore this is bacon heaven. As mew can see, Fency one of our chief product testers aka CPT absolutely loves it, so it's another all paws up!
If mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!
The P.A. is finally back from Blogpaws in Myrtle Beach and we've been hearing all about her epically epic adventure. She got to meet my supurr bestest buddy Herman fromwww.wonderpurr.com I was soooooo jealous, Herms dude so sorry I couldn't make it in purrson, next time fur sure! MOL
And the P.A. got to meet Herms Mom & Dad, they had a pawesome time, there's this story about the P.A.'s mum, a wild wheelchair expedition and some bikers - the P.A. is still laughing and laughing and laughing about it, in fact she's been laughing so much that I still can't understand what she was trying to tell me! MOL
She also got to meet Erin's Dad, Vivvy The Service Dogs' Mom, The Island Cats' Mom, Bear's MOM Momma Kat. Kitties Blue Mom from Cat on My Head, Megan the pawesome Pet Detective, Chirpy Cats Mom, Stunning Keisha's Mom, Lola & Lexi's Mom. Brian's Dad from Brian's Home, Manna and Dexter's Mom & Dad from Playful Kitty, Valentines Mom from Noir Kitty Mews, Truffle & Brulee's Mom from Sweet Purrfections, Talent Hounds Mom etc... [links in side bar] well mew get the picture, we could go on and on and on, in fact she met so many totally fabulous peeps her head is still spinning - no not like 'The Exorcist' but in a good way [MOL] and she was completely blown away at how amazingly wunderpurr effuryone was, she said, "Basil, it was such a pleasure and a real honour to meet so many fantastic peeps, I feel beyond blessed and I can't thank everyone enough, it was so amazing!" #BlogPawsRocks
Thank mew to effuryone who sent us toys, mew guys are just so pawesome and we hope mew managed to get some BionicBasil swag off the P.A. that we sent with her.
Here's just a quick selection of the peeps that the P.A. swapped business cards with.
Oh and we did get the most amazing swag bags, thank mew so much to allthe sponsors
Sadly the P.A. couldn't bring hardly anything home due to customs restrictions, and yes that went fur the bagged nip too, I did protest about it but the P.A. said, "Basil, there was no way that I was filling my case with bagged primo nip, customs would've pulled me for sure thinking that I was smuggling 10lbs of weed in my case!"
So she gave 95% of the stuff away just keeping a few toys, one of which was this:
We've neffur had a catnip banana before and Smoochie was furst to get his mittens on it much to Fudge's chagrin! MOL
So as mew can see the P.A. had a truly epically epic visit to Myrtle Beach, oh but mew'll neffur believe that she caught a cold on the way back and she's been snuffling and sneezing since her return - oh phooey!
Before I go I'd just like to say, along with the P.A. a huge thank mew to all our pawesome pals fur making her trip so furry, furry special! #PetBloggersAreAmazing
If mew missed anything during the last week or so, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!