Thursday, 26 October 2017

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells A workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #24 Halloween Style ~ MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!

Welcome to

Puzzling greetings my wunderpurr pals

Welcome to another fabulous Thursday on the blog and today it's all things spooky.... muwahahahahahaaa

And as an extra surprise... have not only do we have a crosswurd but a wurdsearch too! MOL

If mew feel the need to catch up on any of the previous puzzles, here's the links:

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking...

[just right click to save the crosswurd to your 'puter or print it off.] 

I'll publish the answers fur mew on next weeks post!

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and