Showing posts with label professor basil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professor basil. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025

**ST PATRICK'S DAY 2025** Brain Training with Cats #93 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To May 2010

Brain Training with Professor Basil  @BionicBasil® St Patrick's Day Banner

Happy Monday guys


Welcome to another furbulous Brain Training sesh on the blog today, and as it's St Patrick's Day, mew know where I'm going with this! MOL

And this week I'm sharing a throwback from May 2010, and I chose a really green photo! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #93 @BionicBasil® Basil's Epic Throwback - May 2010

Mew know that cat perch I'm on was absolutely epic, it was furry sad day when it finally decided to take itself to the bonfire and go to cat perch heaven!

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025

It's time to get those little grey cells working.

Here's the answer key to last time's sudoku #59
The answer key to last time's sudoku #59 @BionicBasil

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025

Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?

Brain Training with Professor Basil #93 Sudoku Puzzle #60  @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only
Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle. 

The answer key will be on the next B.T.W.C. post, which I'm thinking will probably be for Easter.

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025

Here's this week's wordsearch.

Brain Training with Professor Basil #93 St Patrick's Day #93 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only

Just click right-click to save and/or print the wordsearch.

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025

And finally here's this week's jigsaw puzzle.

Brain Training with Professor Basil #93 @BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took me 8 mins 56 secs...  How did mew do?

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025

I hope mew enjoy today's puzzles and The B Team will be back on Wednesday with the Midweek News Round-up, so join us for all the gossip! Until then...

Keep calm, and puzzle on

and be...
Epically Lucky  @BionicBasil® St Patrick's Day Banner

Professor Basil 

St Patrick's Lucky Clover Divider ©BionicBasil®  2025
Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence &

Monday, 17 February 2025

**VALENTINE'S 2025** Brain Training with Cats #92 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To July 2014

Valentine's Brain Training with Cats Banner ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday guys

Welcome to another furbulous Brain Training sesh on the blog today, and as it was Valentine's Day on Friday, I've got a Valentinesy theme for mew today.

And this week I'm sharing a throwback from July 2014, when the world was a much better place! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #92 @BionicBasil® Basil's Epic Throwback to July 2014

What an epic day that was, and look there are oodles of flowers too, total purrfection!

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

It's time to get those little grey cells working.

Here's the answer key to last time's sudoku #58

Answerkey Sudoku #58 at BionicBasil

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023
Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?

Brain Training with Professor Basil #92 Sudoku Puzzle #59  @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only

Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle. 

The answer key will be on the BT next post.

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

Here's this week's wordsearch.

Brain Training with Professor Basil #92 Valentine's Day #92 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only

Just click right-click to save and/or print the wurdsearch.

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

And finally here's this week's jigsaw puzzle.

Brain Training with Professor Basil #92 @BionicBasil® Basil's Epic Puzzle

It took me 10 mins 22 secs...  How did you do?

Sunday Selfies Valentine's Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023

I hope mew enjoy today's puzzles and The B Team will be back on Wednesday with the Midweek News Round-up, so do join us for all the gossip! Until then...

Keep calm, and puzzle on

and be...
Epically Valentinesy Banner @BionicBasil®

Professor Basil 

Follow Us @BionicBasil® on Instacat

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence &

Monday, 30 December 2024

**CATMAS SPECIAL** Brain Training with Cats #91 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To December 2017

Brain Training Banner Catmas 2024 ©BionicBasil®

Splendiferous festive greetings my pawesome furiends

Welcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog today.

This week, I'm sharing a throwback from December 2017, and at this point, I didn't know it was going to be my last Catmas on the earthly realm!

Brain Training with Professor Basil #91 @BionicBasil® Basil in December 2017

Isn't it funny, not funny, ha ha, but funny, strange how things work out?

And the sad part is we can't go back, only forward.

Brain Training Divider

It's time to get those little grey cells working.

Here's the answer key to last time's sudoku #57

Brain Training Divider

Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?

Brain Training with Professor Basil #91 Sudoku Puzzle 58 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle For Purrsonal Use Only
Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle. 

The answer key will be on the next Brain Training post.

Brain Training Divider

Here's this week's wordsearch.

It features one of my favourite things: CATMAS! 

Other than catnip, of course! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #91 Catmas Wordsearch 91 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only
Just click right-click to save and/or print the wordsearch.

Brain Training Divider

And here's this week's jigsaw puzzle featuring yours truly! 

Well, mew don't think I'm sharing anypawdy else now, do mew? MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #91 @BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took me 7 mins 00 secs...  How did mew do?

Brain Training Divider

I hope mew enjoy today's festive puzzles, and The B Team will be back on Wednesday with the first Midweek News Round-up of 2025, and Parsley's got something really furbulous to show mew! MOL

In the meantime...

Keep calm and puzzle on

And be...
Epically Festive Banner ©BionicBasil®

Professor Basil 

Follow Us @BionicBasil® on Instacat

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence

Other graphics created with paid licence & 

Monday, 28 October 2024

**HALLOWEEN SPECIAL** Bumper Brain Training with Cats #89 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D.

Brain Training with Cats Halloween Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

Splendiferous greetings my pawesome furiends

Welcome to another furbulous Monday on the blog. Today, all things are epically spook'a'licious.

And here's me all geared up for The Annual Mewton-Clawson Zombie Hunt, aka A.M.C.Z.H. - HOOOAH!! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #89 @BionicBasil® Basil The Zombie Hunter

 I may look all cute and fluffy most of the time, but really I am as dangerous as fluff. (Well, mew know that from our adventures.)

We'll let mew know how many undead we bag in next week's news. Smooch reckons he's going to beat my all time record of forty-two, but I told him. "Dude, mew've got no chance!" MOL

And great news today

Not only do we have a wordsearch plus a sudoku puzzle, a regular puzzle, but a colouring page, too. 

OH MY COD, I'm spoiling mew! 

It's time to get those little grey cells working...

Here's the Answer Key to last time's sudoku puzzle #55

sudoku 55 answerkey

Are mew ready for this week's puzzle?

Brain Training with Professor Basil #89 Sudoku Puzzle 56 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle For Purrsonal Use Only

Just click right-click to save and/or print the puzzle. 

The answer key will be on next time's post.

Here's this week's wordsearch, one with lots of Halloween stuff! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #89 Halloween Wordsearch 89 @BionicBasil® Downloadable Puzzle Fur Purrsonal Use Only

Just right-click to save the wordsearch to your 'puter or print it off

Here's a furbulously spooky mandala complete with ghosts, pumpkins, bats, and not forgetting the candy, and ours is sugar-free, of course! MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #89 @BionicBasil® BHalloween Mandala

Right-click to download and/or print the mandala.

This is our finished version...

Mandalas on Monday ©BionicBasil® Colouring With Cats Mandala #91 Coloured by Cathrine Garnell

Coloured on the iPad and then transformed in Prisma, this time, we chose the effect - Surf

This mandala was so much fun to draw and colour; it's one of our all-time favourites.

Finally, here's this week's jigsaw puzzle, featuring me obviously in a supurr arty pic. 

I think I'm looking pretty EPIC! MOL MOL

Brain Training with Professor Basil #89 @BionicBasil® Basil The Zombie Hunter Puzzle

It took me 9 mins 19 secs...  How did mew do?

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

I hope mew enjoy today's spooky puzzles. 

The B Team will be back tomorrow with a brand new Crafting with Cats and again on Wednesday with the Midweek News Round-up

If mew missed yesterday's epic Halloween Selfie, click here and here to catch up on Amber's latest book review.

In the meantime...

Keep calm, and go on a zombie hunt... and don't forget to...
Brain Training with Cats Halloween Saty Fluffy Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

Professor Basil aka The BBHQ Zombie Hunter

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & wordsearch created with paid licence

Other graphics created with paid licence &