Wednesday 25 July 2018

Welcome To Our Third Gardening with Cats! Make A Crystal Fairy Garden & Top Planting Tips

Welcome to

Happy Wednesday fabulous furriends

Now mew may be wundering why we weren't here on Monday, well we hit a bit of a snag on Sunday when we were just about to start making today's fairy garden.  We had effurything but the pot, now the P.A. was convinced she had a spare one under the carport, but the only thing she found was a broken pot - so yes she did have one but sadly not in the condition she thought and as it was past 4pm the local garden centre was closed and that's why we're late.

So anyhoo, this week we're going to show mew how to make a fairy garden and we've been meaning to do this post fur years, long before we even thought of Gardening with Cats. 

We know a lot of peeps today live in flats/apartments and have no gardens at all, so this is a purrfect way of bringing a garden to those that don't have one but have always wanted one. And fur those that do have gardens, balconies or terraces this will look so cute outdoors, though we wouldn't leave it out year round.

Now the size of pot mew use is entirely dependent on mew, as mew can go as big as mew want, or just have one small pot or even a series of different sized pots that are linked together by bridges, tree trunks [branches or twigs] etc.. mew can have as much fun and be as crazy as mew like when making these.

What Mew Will Need:

Plant pot or similar

A selection of plants 

Crystals and a few pieces of slate or stone/gravel

Organic compost + optional gloves when handling

Fairy house

and cute small stuff - we bought ours from Amazon - just type fairy garden in the search bar to get lots of options.

**Top Tip**

Health & Safety Always Comes Furst at BB HQ

Keep small objects away from curious paws & claws and also remember that this is not fur younger children/toddlers who may want to disassemble your hard wurk in seconds, as they won't be able to help themselves - it's their nature, and also there's a pawsible choking hazard too - so purrlease keep a close watch on small hoomans with little or no life experience under their belts, and with an aching desire to put most things they touch in their mouths!

And the same goes fur kittens and younger cats who may be enthralled with your creation and decide to nom on it. Remember that this is not a cat toy and the small bits and pieces are a hazard.

Our fairy garden is placed out of reach of all the aforementioned, just to be on the safe side.

Are mew ready to get started? of course mew are! MOL

Here's the pot we bought to replace the broken one, and we chose 2 alpines that will have a plethora of gorgeous white flowers when they get going.

**Top Tip**

Before planting, make sure mew water the plants thoroughly 

1.  Put a few stones or slate in the bottom of your pot to assist with drainage.

2.  Place a small amount of compost in the pot and then add your plants where mew want them.

3.  Fill with more soil until your plants are nicely firmed in and then water.

4.  When mew're ready, place your newly potted plants on a table - now our table is a scrub-top one in the craft room so we neffur put anything on there to protect it, but if mew're using your kitchen/dining or other indoor table purrlease make sure mew use either newspaper, cardboard or similar to protect the finish.

5.  The fun part... get all your fairy garden things ready to place. Our fairy house was actually bought from a second-hand store/charity shop, so it's always an idea to check those stores as the treasure mew can find sometimes is quite fabulous.

6.  As mew can see we placed our trees in the 'hills' and put the bridge them between so the fairies don't have to struggle to get home aftur a hard days graft! MOL 

7. Next we added a few pieces of slate to make a path to the bridge and then on to the house.

8.  We placed the house on one side, atop the slate, though it was too wobbly so instead we cut a piece of fake grass to fit and put the house on that.

9.  Then we added the magical shrooms over the hills and built up the front of the pot with more slate and the crystals. Plus we used a couple of lamp posts, a post box, the picket fence, the sign and the two little cats are actually 1/2th scale from the P.A.'s Dolls House that she still hasn't finished.

10. And there mew have it...

11.  Do mew think the fairies will like it? 

It took less than 20 minutes from start to finish, so it's a fab little garden project if mew're short on time.

Mew can also make this without real plants; use fake plants, furget the compost and fill your pot with gravel and then add all your fairy decorations and then mew can glue effurything in place.

As we said earlier, we wouldn't leave it out year round, we will purrobably put ours under the garden port fur the winter months and water periodically.


On the last GwC post the pawesome Tabbies of Trout Towne gave us this top tip fur watering:

pleez ta tell
de PA if her wantz nother waterin eye dea; get a few gallon containerz like
de kind waterz, jooze, milk etc comez in....N her can fill em with de H2O
de day bee for N let it getz ta room temp for de next waterin cycle

Dudes and Miss Dai$y, that is one epically epic top tip, thanks so much fur sharing *Paw Bump* mew guys rock! 

Weather Update:

It's still supurr hot - in fact epically scorchio here in Mewton-Clawson and on Monday the mercury tipped 33 Celsius or 91.4 Fahrenheit. We had a bit of rainfall fur about 3 hours on Friday evening so our extended rain dance with all the bells and whistles did wurk, howeffur there's no more rain due on the horizon fur the foreseeable future and this hotness is going to continue through August too. But at least the water butts got topped up a little.

Well that sadly brings us to the end of another Gardening with Cats, we do hope mew enjoyed it and do let us know if mew decide to make your own Crystal Fairy Garden. If mew missed our previous Gardening with Cats posts, here they are:

Grow Your Own Greens

Purretty Flower Ladder 

We'll be back on Friday with The Pet Parade and a speshal announcement so we do hope mew can join us again, and there'll a new puzzle on the 'Puzzle Page' tomorrow to keep mew entertained in the meantime... 

Until then

Bestest green-pawed purrs

Basil & The B Team xox


We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, gardening addictions, compost on cats, misplaced tools and gloves, cats stealing your string, broken plants, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Gardening With Cats posts we may share.

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