Sunday 2 September 2018

Sunday Selfies And Some Really Bad News

Sunday salutations pawesome pals

Dudes and Dudettes we've got some really bad news and we've got some even wurse news.

Purrlease sit down if mew're not already.

I Basil, was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and sadly there is no treatment - though we have been trying all sorts of things to try to treat it and abate the symptoms but sadly we've come to the end of the road and have run out of options.

There's no where else to go and we've had to face the facts that my time in this realm is not long, and it grieves me so much to flop this awful news on mew today. Though really, there is neffur a right time fur such things to be announced is there?

We've had a lot of tears of frustration at BB HQ offur the last few weeks trying to get me some extra time, and we've had a lot of tears about my pending departure. Know that I have been exceptionally stalwart and fought like a demon to beat this bass turd thing, but unfortunately not even I, Bionic Basil can beat this one.

I am almost at the end of my journey, though in all honesty I'm not ready to go but obviously the big dude up there OTRB has other plans fur me, mew don't know how I wish I had more time... the P.A. and Dad and my fursibs are beyond distraught, though I keep trying to comfort them.

And yes that's why mew haven't seen us much lately around the blog'o'sphere, now mew know why.

There's not much else to say other than I'll be here fur as along as I can be and I'm sorry fur being the bearer of such bad news today.

Yours fureffur purring

Basil xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ~ visit them at their fabulous blog:

Graphics created & used under paid licence