Epic Greetings Furiends
Welcome to the BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up!
Happy Wednesday, and great news, it's been sunny and warm during the day for over the last week or so. In other words, it's been wonderful weather, the nighttime temperatures are still near 0 - 1 degrees Celsius, but that's ok because we're inside and all snuggly bugly! MOL
Oh, and just look at what's sprung up in the last few days!
The baby daffodils are blooming. We prefer the more compact ones as they stay upright for much longer.
Do mew see the bee below?
The purple crocus is such a stunning colour, and the bees, who started waking up last week, are now visiting. A really good sign that Spring has sprung at last.
And mew may have noticed that the blog has a new header and all the graphics have changed again, well, mew know what we're like, we have to change with the seasons! MOL
Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top news reports.

First up in the news this week...
Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned
Fudge was not a happy camper, as the P.A. has pruned slaughtered the catmint in recent days, as it was getting far too straggly. She's hoping that the haircut will prompt it to grow back much thicker and lusher in the coming months.
There are other catmint plants lurking around the garden, but this one is Fudge's favourite.
Next up in the news...
Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck
Pandora was enjoying a spot of birdwatching from the deck yesterday. She could have even sat in a small sun puddle but she preferred to sit on the steps of the deck.

In other news...
Smooch's Brief Sunspot
Smooch caught a brief sunspot in the courtyard as he was bipping past one of the raised beds.
He then declared it was too cold in the courtyard, as this time of year the sun is very limited there, and he promptly returned to the comfort of his Shroom! MOL
And finally, this week
Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
Last week mew voted for the gorgeous pretty Garden bandana, and it looks EPIC!
And, BBHQ's Supurr Model was contemplating doing a quick spin on the catwalk, but then he got distracted in the catservatory! MOL MOL
There were copious amounts of catnip on the scratcher he was standing on... no catwalk today then! MOL
He's really missing W.D.G. aka Were-Dee-Go, the invisible monster who lives behind the sofa, there was another postcard from Egypt this week. Hopefully, he'll be back at BBHQ soon, and Melvyn will feel a lot happier.
Plus, if mew missed all the action from the Mewton-Clawson Library on Friday, click here to catch up, as Melvyn has a stalker.
And Amber will be revealing one of the photos Prudence has sent Melvyn this week, OH MY COD, mew won't catch your breath!
In fact, poor Melvyn started to scream when he saw it... don't miss Friday's post to find out what's been happening in the library!
Which one should he model next?
Here's the March Bandana Selection, and as we're headed full steam into Spring, we chose some colourful and bright bandanas for this month. Plus, it's St Paddy's Day, too, and how could we not have one for that epic day! MOL
The March Collection:
1. Spring Vibes
2. Pretty Garden
3. Colourful Owls
4. St Paddy's Day
Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!
That's us done for today.
Amber will be back on Friday with another pawesome book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:
Pandora's Selfie
Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Sixteen in Melvyn's epically epic supurr exciting origin story:
Hoping mew have a furbulous day, and remember to always...
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!
Graphics created with paid license www.canva.com
Hooray for Springtime coming to the BBHQ. Fudge, we hope the catmint grows back super big for you! Melvyn, how about the owls next time?