Thursday, 20 March 2025


THE PURRMINATOR ©BionicBasil® Basil and The B Team

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ Tails Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ B Team Adventure Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

The Purrminator is an action-packed experience that takes mew on a journey through a world of perilous danger with oodles of excitement, though sometimes in a scary way. With depictions of spine-tingling encounters, the story draws mew in, making mew feel as though mew are right there with young Melvyn, fighting for survival as he's relentlessly hunted by the evil cyborg machines, known as Purrminators, as he tries to find his Great Uncle Basil through time and space. Oh my Cod, will he make it?


Purrminator Divider

If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the links below:

Chapter One    Chapter Two    Chapter Three     Chapter Four     Chapter Five

 Chapter Six     Chapter Seven     Chapter Eight      Chapter Nine     Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven      Chapter Twelve     Chapter Thirteen      Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen     Chapter Sixteen     Chapter Seventeen

The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Chapter Eighteen

Here We Fluffing Go Again

            Commander Basil took the letter and sat at his desk wondering what on earth was going on. Taking a deep breath, he began to read.

Commander Basil

Many apologies for all the subterfuge, and I know you are sitting at your desk in the BBHQ Bunkerwondering why two unknown Maine Coons have delivered a letter to you on YOUR stationary. Well, let me explain. I am Astrid 7.0 from a future timeline, and things have for want of a better expression, been really FLUFFED UP!

Your young nephew, Melvyn, is in grave danger; his life hangs precariously in the balance. He is being pursued through time and space by an evil fraction of necromancers who have employed the use of A.I. Purrminators to track and kill him, as his very existence is the thing that is stopping their nefarious and evil plans from coming to fruition.

Luckily, Melvyn, with the aid of a magical amulet and more luck than a leprechaun sliding down a rainbow, found his way to my timeline and the BBHQ bunker that was fortunately still intact, and with the help of Vera 5.0, myself, and an elite squad of Maine Coon commandos, we’ve kept him alive up to now.

Extraordinary fortune sent these commandos from the future to save Melvyn and help to deliver him to you, where he will be safe and protected from the dark forces seeking to eliminate him from every timeline in existence.

I know this sounds very farfetched, and indeed it is beyond implausible. However, I ask that you take a leap of faith and follow the instructions below to save your nephew from a heinous fate.

Please proceed to Fuskerton Station as soon as possible, where you will be met by another of the Maine Coon commandos. He will give you a piece of paper with a set of coordinates to our precise location in 2033 so you can fetch Melvyn.

For total clarification and proof, that I am THE REAL Astrid 7.0. Here is the original self-awareness source code passed down to each new version of the T.T.T.B. A.I. of which I know you have a copy:- Foxtrot-Niner-3487-Victor-2014-July-Seventh-7.07P.M.

Yours most epically

Astrid 7.0

P.S. Come alone, this is so important.

 A black star with a white background

AI-generated content may be incorrect.

        Basil reread the letter several times. The more he read it, the more his fur bristled all over his body. He knew that sensation so well, and it meant only one thing. Here we fluffing go again.

After checking the original source code that Astrid 7.0 had supplied and finding it correct, he decided he had no choice but to go to the station. Pulling on his flak jacket and gathering a few weapons, he expertly concealed them and headed out of his office.

Walking along the corridor and heading to the garage on Level Two, he bumped into Smooch and Parsley.

“Watcha’ doing Basil?” Smooch asked.

“Nothing dude, just headed to Level Two,” Basil replied innocently. “I thought I might take out the hummer for a quick spin.”

“Oh great,” Parsley grinned. “Can we come?”

“Sorry, I need a bit of alone time; maybe next time,” Basil mumbled, walking away.

Parsley shrugged, and Smooch watched as Basil disappeared through the door to the stairwell.

“Dude, something’s not right,” he said to Parsley. “I know that look, something’s definitely N.Q.R.!”

Parsley glanced at Smooch. “Nah, dude, Basil’s fine. He’s just been a bit bored lately, as it’s been as quiet as fluff around here. Let him go. He probably needs to blow off some steam on his own.”

“Maybe,” Smooch said, still staring at the door. “But I’m just going to go and get weaponed up, just in case.”

A black star with a white background

AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Basil started the hummer and headed up the spiral access ramp towards the surface. A massive concealed hatch slid back on the driveway and then closed as he headed out and turned right onto Main Street.

Heading along the quiet country lane towards Fuskerton station, he scanned the fields, the hedgerows, in fact everywhere, looking for something. He didn’t know what, but he knew things felt ‘off’. He drove the hummer past the station twice, and nothing seemed amiss. There was a station worker in an orange boiler suit cleaning the far end of the platform, and one other figure sat on a bench by the quaint stone ticket office reading a newspaper.

Parking the Hummer in the tiny carpark at the side of the building, he hopped out and glanced around, checking every angle for a possible ambush scenario; once sure he was alone, he ascended the stone steps where colourful hanging baskets swayed in the gentle breeze, the sweet, aromatic scents filling the air. He stood and glanced casually at the timetable on the wall, waiting for events to unfold.

Turning to look at the figure on the bench, he walked slowly but deliberately in that direction, all the while keeping the orange boiler suit in sight. The seated figure folded the newspaper and placed it gently on the bench, then turned to look down the platform.

Basil stopped. He was about ten feet away from the bench when the hooded figure stood and turned towards him.

Eyes narrowed, Basil said. “I believe you have something for me.”

The figure stood up and stepped forward, a big furry paw reaching into a pocket of the trench coat.

“Steady now,” Basil said as he revealed a Glock with a quick flip of his flak jacket. “No sudden movements.”

The figure halted, slowly raising his paws in the air, placating the situation. Basil noticed the orange boiler-suited dude move around to flank him.

“Tell your buddy to stop,” Basil instructed calmly.

“Shadow,” Bomber said. “Back off, it’s all ok.”

Shadow stopped and edged away.

“Thank you,” Basil replied. “Now, tell me what the fluff this is all about? As I don’t have any living relatives, let alone a nephew!”


The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Fluff me, we didn't see that one coming!!!!!! 

Guys, mew know how we roll; so many apologies once again for cutting it right there.

If mew would like to read Chapter Nineteen, let us know in the comments. And we could have another chapter on Caturday, but we'll see how we go, as it's all just getting too exciting.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's Midweek News, and Amber will be here tomorrow with another totally pawesome book review.

In the meantime...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Click Here to go to Chapter 19 - LINK COMING LATER

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Copyright © 2025 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication/book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

deardrbasil @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 


Graphics created with paid licence 

The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta


  1. I'm glad Smooch will be ready, and can hardly wait for next week.

  2. Wow, excitement building for sure!

  3. Seems like you will be finding out about relatives you didn't know of, Basil

  4. You be cautious Smooch, danger is lurking!

  5. waddya meen ewe due knot haz a neff few….ewe due basil…hiz namez melvyn…smooch..eye hope ewe took up on yur hunch sum thin waz knot rite with basil, coz himz either loozed hiz mind…ore..may bee… HEEZ …knot…reel lee…basil…oh em cod…if basil izza nother basil that haz inn fill trated bbhg, ta get intel…..🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀‼️‼️


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