Festive greetings!
Welcome to our midweek post and we do hope mew're all having the bestest Catmas effur!
As mew can see we're headed off on a little trip down memory lane, and as a lot of us are in midst of winter and summer seams sooooooo furry far away, we thought we'd share one of our Annual Garden Safari posts way back in July 2014.
As mew can see we're headed off on a little trip down memory lane, and as a lot of us are in midst of winter and summer seams sooooooo furry far away, we thought we'd share one of our Annual Garden Safari posts way back in July 2014.
So let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go just a little short ways back....
Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL
The Monday Meow
Many Greetings furriends
Here we are again at the start of another fabulous week, today we're mixing it up and giving mew a purrsonal and intimate guided tour of our flower garden.
I will be your host as we cruise sedately around the garden at 'Chateau Basille' followed by afternoon tea and refreshments, should mew require any.
Welcome to the
Flower Power Tour
Here we are again at the start of another fabulous week, today we're mixing it up and giving mew a purrsonal and intimate guided tour of our flower garden.
I will be your host as we cruise sedately around the garden at 'Chateau Basille' followed by afternoon tea and refreshments, should mew require any.
Welcome to the
Flower Power Tour

Welcome furriends, are we ready to start the tour?
Excellent, now if mew'd like to follow me and we'll begin... and if anyone wants to stop fur a breather or a quick snooze on the lawn, just shout out...
Here we have a delightful blue agapanthus specimen, flanked either side with a pink dahlia and orange and yellow ganzia daisies.
Purrlease feel free to take pictures as we tour....
As we continue, mew'll see rather a lot of chives, these little oniony plants grow like the blazes, howeffur the P.A. says that's ok, as they taste furry nice.... I wouldn't know as I'm not a veggie type of cat.
Moving on, we're headed to where the beautiful blue cornflowers are growing, these are lovely little flowers, howeffur they are not built to withstand lot's of boisterous activity and being trampled on... so the P.A. has roped them off fur their own safety!
We'll go into the giant daisy forest now... effuryone keep up, I don't want mew getting lost in these tall densely packed flowers...
Is effuryone still with me? Pawesome...

Ahhhh, now we've emerged back into more normal sized vegetation, look what we've found! A dandelion head in prime condition... if anyone wants to make a wish, purrlease do so now, all wishes are included in the tour, there are no hidden no extras, so go ahead and wish away...

Now mew can see we've come to the white delphiniums, these majestic flowers are striking to say the least, there are 3 types in the garden, the white, pale blue and deep blue.... up close the petals are extraordinary, don't mew think so?

Moving on, we find ourselves at the echinacea patch, this is a furry interesting medicinal plant. Apparently in tincture form it helps keep our hooman staffs immune system fit and healthy, so I heartily recommend using it to keep ones staff full of vitality and vigour, especially in the winter months, when those pesky things called germs comes out and try to make effuryone cough and sniffle.

Shhhhhhh.... get close and mew can see a furry cute bee having a wild old time...

Here we are at the foxgloves, these are one of the P.A.s favourites... and the bumble bees too. Not that they compete fur the nectar, I must add! MOL
The P.A. does keep bees, she has two hives. So we get all our own honey, plus beeswax fur candle making [more on that another time though]

And here we are at the lavender patch, this is always bustling with activity, if mew peer a little closer mew'll see all kinds of insects. But as they're hard at work, we won't interrupt them fur too long....

Just nudge it with your nose and inhale that heady wundpurr fragrance.... it's delish right? Another interesting fact, lavender oil is furry soothing, so if any of mew have uptight or anxious staff, this is a really good one to use on them... just rub a little on their wrists/pulse points... and tell them to inhale deeply, it works wunders!

Now we're heading towards the lupins... these are lovely flowers, except fur the aphids... but the good news is, this year we watched the tiny hedge sparrows zoom in, and pick those meaty little pests right off the plant. This made us furry happy, as we do like to keep a completely chemical free zone. Plus the little birdies got a fabulous source of protein.

There are many lupin plants in all colours dotted effurywhere around the garden.

Heading onto the path, we have a nice selection of pinks... these are furry purretty little flowers, but a lot of dead heading is required, otherwise mew only get one good show a season.

Here we are in the courtyard, this is the P.A.s favourite rose, it's called Gertrude Jekyll, a furry old fashioned rose with lovely deep pink tones and a delightful fragrance. Don't get too close though, the thorns are vicious!

As we round back onto the lawn we can see some more pinks, and a few yellow snapdragons, which I find so funny as they never snap at me and they don't breathe fire either!

As we head towards the buddleia, or butterfly bush, mew'll smell the heady sweet heady scent and we can see quite a few varieties of butterflies... we have even sighted a really unusual bright yellow one before, so that was furry exciting... This one though is called a Peacock butterfly,

this one is a Painted Lady

and this one is a Brimstone [no fire included]

And finally we finish our tour at the highly fragrant honeysuckle bush, feel free to take a deep breath and enjoy the exquisite aroma....
Well, we've come to the end of the tour, I do hope mew've enjoyed yourselves and if mew'd like any refreshments such as tea and cake or some salmon sandwiches, purrlease make yourselves at home on the patio, and Amber and Snowie will be your servers.
Image courtesy of [Apolonia] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of [duron123] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of [tiramisustudio] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
If mew have any questions, feel free to ask away and I'll do my furry bestest to answer.
We've really enjoyed your company today, mew've been the best tour group effur!
We'll be back on Wednesday, with another riveting episode of The Pink Flamingo Saga, so don't miss out on that, in the meantime though...
Enjoy the rest of your stay
Bestest purrs
Basil & Co xox
Thanks fur stopping by and we hope mew enjoyed the tour!
See mew on Friday fur The New Years Pet Parade
Until then...
Bestest festive purrs
Basil & Co xox
Wow that was a pawtastic tour!!! So amazing to go down the vortex thank you!!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and lots of licks,
from your good friend Morrie Major!
Hey Morrie, so glad mew enjoyed it dude and here's wishing mew a supurr Chrispmouse! XOX
DeleteOMC Do you know how many times mommy passed out from the whirly? MOL We furinally zapped past really fast and luvved all your flowers. Bees? MeOW dat's really cool dat your peep keeps bees and ya'll get it furesh. We bet it's really tasty. We purray ya'll had a blest Christmas and wish you all da health and happiness fur da mew year. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Oh no, we hope mew helped mom when she got out of the other side, at least she got to relax in the garden fur a while to recover! We hope mew had a truly beautiful Catmas! XOX
DeleteI admit to being in the dumps about the current freezing cold weather, so it was wonderful to pretend to be in your garden in the warms! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAwwww guys, we're so happy that mew enjoyed the tour, it make us so happy! XOX
DeleteBeautiful flowers, nice to see some color- all we have is snow. XO
ReplyDeleteOh no guys, not oodles of snow, we were so happy to be able to share some colour with mew today! XOX
DeleteThank you for the colorful tour ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteAnytime Swiss Cats, we are so glad mew came! XOX
DeleteThe tour was beautiful and we thoroughly enjoyed our cupcake and tea!
ReplyDeleteWe have snow now in Vancouver so it's nice to remember the bright colours found in nature :)
the critters in the cottage xo
Hey guys, it was lovely mew had time to stop by fur a bit of tea and cake and to see the flowers, thanks so much! XOX
DeleteOh, I think Mom is anxious for spring now that she saw all those pics of your beautiful garden! She grows many of the same flowers & we get the bumblebees, too! Thanks for reminding us that summer isn't too far away! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteHi Valentine, oh we're chomping at the bit fur spring to arrive too, and how fab is that, your mom grows the same things as we do, that is so epically epic! XOX
DeleteWhat a pretty garden. It's freezing here, and we have ice and snow on the ground, so it was nice of you to share pictures of your garden.
ReplyDeleteHiya Edie, oh that sounds cold, mind mew, it was really cold here the last couple of days too, roll on spring, what say mew? MOL XOX
DeleteThose lovely flowers made us think of when our grass was visible...and of course our flowers were then, too. The other night it went down to -10F...brrr! And right now the wind chills are also way below zero...
ReplyDeleteThanks so the warmness you let us see...and those yummy treats to fill our bellies to help us stay warm too:)
Hey Pipo, awwww jeez that's cold... brrrrrr... we shivering with mew! Glad we brought a bit of summertime cheer though! MOL XOX