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On Guard, Valerian Toys & Cats In Boxes on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 234 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou
Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends
Welcome to the Valentines Week Report on the Pet Parade. We've had a really loved up week here on the blog, with heart selfies, heart mandalas, heart books, heart puzzles, like there's so much love happening right now we're about to get out the dinghies and start paddling! MOL
But seriously enough about love, let's move on and talk about toys... woo hooo we love toys [oops more love happening] here at the BionicBasil HQ and the other week our supurr, great pals at the pawesome blog Katzenworld asked if we'd like to try a recently released selection of valerian toys from4Cats in Germany.
Like would we effur - if there's catnip, catmint or valerian involved, WE ARE THERE DUDES!!! But seriously non of us here has a catnip, catmint or valerian addiction, we just really, really like those plants, GROWING, DRIED or SPRAY - it all wurks fur us! MOL
So the other day the P.A. unboxed effurything to see what we got and OMC just look at all, isn't marvellous, supurr, smashing, great? Anyhoo its not all fur us, that would be rude and mew know we love to share, so we'll be doing a propurr sponsored post featuring all these wunderpurr goodies next week and having another give-away, yep mew heard me right, another epic give-away, we bet mew're so excited about that!
Anyhoo, aftur the big reveal which was most epic and exciting, I took it upon myself to do the right thing and guard all those toys most seriously and stalwartly as mew can see...
Fudge tried to muscle in on the action but I said, "No way dude, mew stay offur there on your crinkle heart mat!"
"More like a complete heathen!" I muttered, then added. "Dude mew can guard the box on the early-burd shift between the hours of 3am to 5am, it will be in the safe so your job is to sit by the the safe and not move until somepurrdy else comes on the next shift!"
"OHHHHHHHH I can do that!" Fudge beamed excitedly. "Can I keep one of the toys to keep me company?"
"NO!" I replied.
"Awww but Basil they smell so good, and it would really help me stay awake!" Fudge said.
"Nope, nopurrdy has access to the toys until tomorrow in the pm!" I stated firmly.
He nodded agreeably and then asked...
I gave them my bestest eye-roll and said. "Dudes, mew're both on the early-burd shift now!"
"Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!" Smooch protested. "I've got big plans fur tonight!"
"Not anymore mew don't!" I replied. "And by plans mew mean sleeping in that box!"
To be continued next week....
If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:
We'll be back on the morrow with another Pet Peeves post and again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend and don't furget to join in today's blog hop!
I would so steal that box too and I LOVED you guys Valentine yesterday! I am sorry I am late...(glares at Mom) Mom was too busy working to help me visit liast night! Purrs Marv
Oh my word, so much nip in one place! I can almost smelt from 20 miles down the road!!! I think maybe I should come round and give it an armed escort into my Bentley! Save you guys from getting too stressed by it MOL Toodle pips and purrs ERin
Listening to you guys makes us feel at home. We have the same conversation at home. Not on the same subject, but it's like DaJaVou. We've never met DaJaVou but we hear he's amazing.
What a cachet of goodies! At least your siblings give you the proper respect and let you be the first to try out the goods, Basil. Is it possible that Fudge and Smooch like each other so little because they're so similar? I don't know if that's true - but it's an interesting thought!
Hi MK, BC & EM, I think your deduction is on the nail, they are furry similar and as Smooch was always the baby until Fudge came along, he's got issues! OOPS! MOL XOX
Wow! You guys got a lot of stuff. Is there going to be a Smooch in the box available in the giveaway too? 😄 Have a good weekend. Try to get some rest so you're not too tired to play with those new toys.
That stuff from 4Cats and Katzenworld is awesome! They sent the PAWS cats some great toys a while back that the kitties LOVED. Smooch, we kind of don't blame you for your reluctance to give up that box. :)
❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️ FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!
I would so steal that box too and I LOVED you guys Valentine yesterday! I am sorry I am late...(glares at Mom) Mom was too busy working to help me visit liast night!
Hey Marv, oh dude that box was the best and interestingly enough it's still in one piece! Happy Valentines! XOX
DeleteOh my word, so much nip in one place! I can almost smelt from 20 miles down the road!!! I think maybe I should come round and give it an armed escort into my Bentley! Save you guys from getting too stressed by it MOL
ReplyDeleteToodle pips and purrs
Erin, your HRH I think mew should indeed organise that and save us from the stress! MOL XOX
DeleteListening to you guys makes us feel at home. We have the same conversation at home. Not on the same subject, but it's like DaJaVou. We've never met DaJaVou but we hear he's amazing.
ReplyDeleteMOL Funny Farmers, so glad we're not alone! MOL
DeleteHappy belated Valentines Day!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend...
Noodle and crew
Hey Noodle, hope mew had a great V day!!! XOX
DeleteWhat a cachet of goodies! At least your siblings give you the proper respect and let you be the first to try out the goods, Basil. Is it possible that Fudge and Smooch like each other so little because they're so similar? I don't know if that's true - but it's an interesting thought!
ReplyDeleteHi MK, BC & EM, I think your deduction is on the nail, they are furry similar and as Smooch was always the baby until Fudge came along, he's got issues! OOPS! MOL XOX
DeleteWow! You guys got a lot of stuff. Is there going to be a Smooch in the box available in the giveaway too? 😄 Have a good weekend. Try to get some rest so you're not too tired to play with those new toys.
ReplyDeleteHiya Edie, MOL seriously I don't think mew'd want Smooch with his widdling purroblem! MOL XOX
DeleteHmmm, kinda like the fox guarding a hen house!
ReplyDeleteGuys I couldn't have said it better!!! MOL XOX
DeleteYou are lucky kitties. I hope no one pulls a Penny and pees in the box.XO
ReplyDeleteGuys, with Smooch that is highly probably, but as the P.A. puts the box away it may last a bit longer! MOL XOX
DeleteWow, so many great toys! If you are having a giveaway of a box full of Smooch I will enter.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, oh mew can defo have a box of Smooch, but I know mew'd be sending him back!!! MOL MOL XOX
DeleteThat stuff from 4Cats and Katzenworld is awesome! They sent the PAWS cats some great toys a while back that the kitties LOVED. Smooch, we kind of don't blame you for your reluctance to give up that box. :)
ReplyDeleteHey guys, oh wow so mew have already partaken in the fabulousness!!! PAWESOME!!! XOX
DeleteThere is going to be some action...I can feel it...those look like toys that I would have to guard well, too!
ReplyDeleteMOL MOL mew know its true Pipo!!! XOX