Wednesday Greetings Pawesome Furriends
Welcome to WOW on The Pet Parade!
What's your WOW today?
Ours is this...
As mew know our pawesome brofur Basil, furry sadly departed offur the RB on the 9th of September, since then we've been pawsitively useless and really struggling to come to terms with it.
In all honesty we know that we'll neffur actually reconcile his loss or get offur it, we know this in our broken hearts.
So we decided that we needed something extra speshul to honour Basil, and we thought what better way to do this than to name a star aftur him, and by doing this; we know that up there in the vastness of the cosmos, there's an extra bright star called Bionic Basil twinkling away fureffur and effur and effur, shining down upon us all.
Basil's star is located in the Phoenix Constellation which is visible from the Southern Hemisphere.
Now mew may be wundering why we bought a star in the Southern Hemisphere when where in the Northern part - well our supurr furriends, The P.A. and Dad have a star in the same constellation and they wanted him to be with them, and as Dad is from Australia, when they visit and eventually relocate there, it'll make it all the more speshal to look up and know he's right there shining down on the magickal land of OZ.
Now mew may be wundering why we bought a star in the Southern Hemisphere when where in the Northern part - well our supurr furriends, The P.A. and Dad have a star in the same constellation and they wanted him to be with them, and as Dad is from Australia, when they visit and eventually relocate there, it'll make it all the more speshal to look up and know he's right there shining down on the magickal land of OZ.
This is his extra bright star in the night sky... look how he shines...
If mewed like to visit Basil's star, click here
We love mew dude!
If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch up links:
Basil Visited from the RB [Yes we got a kick up the backside]
Oh and don't furget that there's still time to enter our Catit Flower Fountain Water give-away though it's only open to UK residents.
And if mew still need some more entertainment, get our free mandala colouring books below:
Amber will be here on Friday as she's decided to move days, so join her fur Feline Fiction on Fridays or FFOF fur short when she's got a trio of fantastic books to share with mew, seriously mew won't want to miss it, and tomorrow we're sharing a speshal guest post from the pawesome peeps at, so we hope to see mew then!
Bestest purrs and big hugs
The B Team xx
Now let's HOP on...

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