Tuesday 18 July 2017

Crafting With Cats ~ Part IV ~ We Made A Rainbow Pom Pom Hammock

Welcome to

Supurr Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks fur joining fur us fur Part IV of our Crafting with Cats segment. Sorry The Last Big Jolly isn't here today, that's been rescheduled fur Thursday due my pancreatitis flare up last week - many apologies fur the inconvenience but I'm sure mew'll luff this post just as much! 

If mew'd like to see our previous CWC posts click here and see how we made Merlin's Wizard Hat.  And if mew missed out on how to make our Supurr Hero's cape, click here. And fur the Magical Kitty lantern click here.

**Purrlease Note**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design and we share them fur purrrsonal/home use only.

Copyright ©BionicBasil 

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This week we're making this!

What We Used:

A gazillion pom poms [MOL just kidding 1000 x 1" should suffice!]
Glue gun and lots of glue sticks
Fabric backing
Timber and wood screws
Paint - if mew want to paint it. [We used white gloss.]
Staple gun and/or upholstery tacks
A length of ribbon or trim

Now we made a supurr king size cat hammock, so if mew make a small one then obviously mew'll use less pom poms, glue and timber etc...

Optional cat/s fur snoopervising and general assistance

Are mew ready?

We'll start with the supurr easy bit

Furst, we'd suggest than mew sort the pom poms out, keeping the colours separate. Luckily we had a few spare baskets this week, absolutely purrfect timing as they ended up as pom pom sorters.

Next get your fabric, cut it to size and give it a quick iron, then place it on a flat surface.

Now we're hot gluing straight onto the fabric, so if mew luffs your table purrlease protect it as the glue will soak through and possibly ruin the finish.  Our table is purely fur crafting/sewing/painting etc... so we just give it a good clean between projects.

Ok, get your glue gun ready, oh and do make sure mew have plenty of glue sticks.

We ran out at this point and the P.A. had to do a quick re-order! MOL 

Thank Cod fur Amazon Prime...

And voila approximately 800 pom poms later [MOL!] and we're ready to move onto the frame. I did have to come and snoopervise the P.A. at this point and do my 'quality control check' fur loose pom poms, and yes, they're all firmly stuck in place.

*     *     *

Making The Frame

I do suggest mew familiarize yourself with the wood mew are going to be using, I do take my wurk furry seriously so this step did take quite a while.

Furst mew need 8 cut lengths the same size and 4 spacers.

Check that mew are putting it together squarely, I had to intervene at this point with my purrtractor just to check! MOL  Aftur rigorous checking, the second one was made.

Place the spacers on the corners, then put the second square on top and screw together.  So mew have something like this below.  We suggest that mew pre-drill the screw holes, as this makes it so much easier.

So now your frame is complete, mew can either leave it au natural or mew can paint it.  We used gloss paint.

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Putting it all together!

Now comes the really fun part, putting the hammock onto the frame. Now mew'll notice here that the pom poms don't go all the way to the edge of the frame, well there's method in our madness which will be revealed in a moment.

So now mew need to place the pom pom hammock onto the frame and get a gentle fall happening towards the middle of the frame. Staple one side, then the opposite side furst, then repeat on the two remaining sides. Slowly wurk your away around the entire frame until it looks like the bottom right picture. Trim off any excess fabric, so mew have a nice clean edge.  Take the remainder of your pom poms and finish gluing them right up to the edge of the frame, so mew have a purrfect edge. Finally mew can use a wide ribbon or upholstery trim to cover the staples. We opted fur a nice wide blue grosgrain ribbon and glued it on as at the final hurdle the P.A. couldn't find her upholstery pins/tacks.

And finally, mew should have something like this ~ isn't it epically epic or what!?

So what was The B Teams verdict?

Well actually we luffs it, Amber got furst dibs when it was in the lounge.  Pandora and Fudge were circling like sharks as she got her boose comfy.

Then it was moved into its final position upstairs in the new office under the corner desk, where Smoochie promptly got himself, his catnip nana and Mr Ratty installed post haste! MOL

 I actually spent the weekend convalescing on it, so I can safely say the hammock was a total hit, so much so that the P.A. is making two more smaller ones so there's plenty to go around! 

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And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our fourth crafting with cats post, we do hope mew liked it and feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics on our Facebook page at:

And if there's anything mew'd like us to make, leave a comment and we'll do our best.

We'll be back on Thursday with Part 2 of The Last Big Jolly and hope to see mew then!

Bestest crafty purrs

Basil & Co xox

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
Graphics created and used under paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com


  1. That is so cool! But we would be playing with all those pom poms and the mom would never get it made.

    1. Island Cats, my mom said the same thing. We would be picking the poms off the hammock and batting them around the house.

    2. Hi Island Cats, MOL yes it did get quite while when the P.A. tipped 500 pom poms on the table to sort... sorting did take much longer than expected!!! MOL XOX

    3. Hey Herms, once they were glued on there was no way to pick them off, I tried and tried!!! MOL XOX

  2. Wow, that is such an amazing hammock! Were there any pom poms left over to play with?

    1. Thank Summer, so glad mew like it, and yes there were oodles of poms poms left to attack! MOL XOX

  3. OMC, that is sooooo cool! And it looks super comfy!

    1. Chatty cats, it IS SO COMFY and mew get a mini massage too if mew roll offur! MOL XOX

  4. Has to say that is the BEST hammock in town if not the UNIVERSE! EPIC! The peep asks "does it come in other colours?" No wonder I give up. MOL
    Purrs. ERin

    1. Thanks Erin, and yes mew can have any colour mew like if mew can source the pom poms!!! MOL XOX

  5. I don't know how your Mum has the patience, Basil. I think I'd throw in the pom pom by the 100th. That said, I want to make my kitties a hammock - I just haven't figured out the how yet. I might borrow the idea of the frame from yours. We hope you feel better soon, Basil. We admire how you didn't let feeling bad get in the way of you supervising the project :)

    1. My mom said she'd take a short cut by spraying glue over a sheet and dumping all the pom poms onto it and hope they stick. Basil's mom is my hero.

    2. Hiya Momma Kat & Bear, oh mew wouldn't throw the towel in, let me tell mew it's like a meditation doing a repetitive job like that, rather soothing on the soul! MOL Oh we're making a swing hammock in a few weeks, one with a rope suspended bed, so mew'll be able to copy that, we're just finishing the 'Observatory' at the moment though! MOL XOX

    3. Hey Herms, the P.A. did think of that, but then the pom poms would have been anyhow, if mew look at how we did it, no two colours touch - so they each had to be placed separately that's why we suggested sorting them furst, as it made it much easier! MOL XOX

  6. Wow!!! What a Wonderpurr hammock! *chases tail* If I sent you two huge quarters, maybe I could borrow your mom to come to my house and build me one. It would have to be your mom cuz my mom started to cry when I asked her to make me one. Anybody got more tissue?

    1. Herms dude, the P.A. would luffs to visit and make mew a pom pom hammock it would be our purrleasure to send her!!! #PawtyHere when she leaves!!! MOL MOL XOX

  7. Oh Basil, weren't you tempted to attack all those pom poms before they got the glue?! They look like they would make fine pouncy toys! But they do look mighty fine made up into that hammock. I bet the poms make it extra posh! I love all the fur-tastic colors, too!

    1. Valentine, oh I did murderize several of the pom poms during construction much to the P.A.'s chagrin! MOL #BestFunEffur MOL XOX

  8. That truly IS an epically epic pom pom hammock - wow....I'd love for my Mom to make me one of those so I could try to pull all those coolio little furballs off I'd just LOVE IT! Just kidding....I think it looks super comfy with all those soft little colorful balls stuck on it. I'm going to BEG my Mom to give it a whirl. I won't hold my breath though......

    Love, Teddy

    1. Hey Teddy, oh mew defo need to get your mom to make one, it's truly the best bed effur in the history of cat beds!!! MOL tell mew what, once the P.A. has been to Herms house and made his, she'll pop by and make mew one! MOL XOX

  9. What an amazing DIY project ! Your hammock is pawsome ! Purrs

    1. Thanks so much Swiss Cats, we're so glad mew like it, and are mew making one as we know your mum is very crafty? XOX

  10. That hammock is awesome! You are lucky to be so crafty!

  11. dood...we hope ewe did KNOT heerz any ter mitez in that wood ~~~ whoa...N speekin oh whoa thiz iz more N epic lee kewl... thiz iz total lee awesum lee mega lee sooooper grate kewl.....yur mum did a GRATE JOB !!!!!!! ♥♥☺☺

    1. Tabbies, dudes and Miss Dai$y, nope there was no termites in the timber, I made sure of that, and thank mew, we delighted that mew like it! XOX

  12. That's pretty amazing. After your Mom is finished at Herman's and Teddy's houses, she could just drive up the coast and help us make one. Thanks, Jake and EggNog.

    1. Hey Jake and EggNog, of course we can schedule the P.A. to come to your house aftur Herman and Teddy's to build mew one, no wurries at all guys!! XOX

  13. What a cool idea! I'm not sure that I'd have the patience but it sure looks like a fun project!

    1. Hiya Mudpie, of we're sure mew have the patience fur it, in fact it was great fun to build/make it! XOX

  14. Oh my catness! Isn't that something! Our Kizmet is absolutely addicted to pom poms and I'm afraid he'd steal all 500 of them and I'd find them under the couch! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

    1. Hiya guys, oh Kizmet would luff this, it might end up bald but she'd still luff it! MOL XOX

  15. Wow, I need to get my petcretary busier than she already is...maybe if she starts now it might be ready by Christmas and my Birthday, the next day:)

    It is pompom-pawsome!

    1. Hey Pipo and Mr Jack, MOL MOL MOL mew guys are hilarious, yes she would certainly be ready in time fur your special day if she starts now and purrhaps she could go in purrduction!! MOL MOL XOX

  16. I absolutely love this diy project, so miss having a cat! I think my chihuahua would enjoy it as well. Hope you are doing better now with your health.

    1. Hi Jane, oh my Tootsie would luff this fur sure! Mew must make one!!! MOL XOX

  17. Hi! I'm at work surfing around your blog from my new apple iphone!

    Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look
    forward to all your posts! Keep up the great work!

  18. I couldn't resist commenting. Exceptionally well


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!