Showing posts with label Telephone box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telephone box. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 December 2022

**RERUN** Smooch Around The Wurld and Today We're Smooching All Offur The North Pole with Shadow as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today?

So dudes and dudettes, we're going to be Smooching All Offur The Planet as we Smooch Around the Wurld ~ how much fun, so much fun!

Oh and because The B Team doesn't use conventional means of travel, I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with! MOL

Furst though I have to do my travel checklist:

Oh, and I've already had all my travel vaccinations, as mew neffur know, and I always think it's better to have the lot rather than risk getting some foreign lurgy which in turn ruins your jolly's. 

So, where are we going today?

Today pawesome pals, we're headed way, way, way up north to find the magical land of Santa Paws!

So with Shadow's travel card ready, I hopped in The TTTB and moments later landed in the front garden at Chez Shadow.

Now some of mew may not know that Shadow like myself is a tripod, tripawd, tripawed or 3 legged kitty - I'm sure there's some purrliticolly correct terminology to use but I always say tripaw! MOL 

So how epically epic, that not one but TWO tripaws head out on the adventure of a lifetime, OH MY COD it's gonna be so much fun.  

Anyhoo I digress, the TTTB landed in Shadow's front garden and I opened the door and let my terrific travelling companion hop in.

"Hiya Shadow dude, come in, don't hang about out there in the cold," I chuckled.

"Smooch dude, oh my cod!" Shadow said as he entered the TTTB and looked around the bridge. "Mew guys have the best toys effur, jeez I gotta sign up and join The B Team for sure!"

We paw bumped and I replied, "Dude we'd love mew to join, anytime just say."

"So Smooch what have mew got planned for me?" Shadow asked eagerly.

"Oh my cod, we're going up north to find Catmas," I laughed as I saw Shadows expression.

"Mew mean we're going to see Santa Claws?" 

"Yes indeedy we are, and mew just need to hit that red button and we'll be there in a jiffy," I answered.

Shadow peered at the red button and grinned madly. "Dude thanks so much fur this," he said as his paw came down hard and the TTTB vanished.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

11.56733200098234444r seconds later we landed.

And this is what happened next... 

Shadow & Smooch in Smooch Around The Wurld Catmas Scrapbook ©BionicBasil® 5

We tried snowshoeing but we both got stuck in a drift, it was hilarious; Note to self, tripaw cats can't snowshoe! MOL MOL  We fed all Santa's reindeer with some extra speshal carrots, they're the ones that make them fly, and the highlight of our trip was getting to go on the pre-Catmas test flight.

When I tell mew that sleigh is fast, jeez it's supurr-sonic guys; me and Shadow loved effury single moment and we whooped and hollered in delight fur the entire lap of the wurld. In fact we're surprised that some of mew didn't hear us! MOL

We definitely found Catmas and guys when I tell mew, Shadow and I had the best time, but we can't talk about the Catmas Casino incident with the mistletoe, the cat fairy and the sled aftur far too much catnip-nog [like eggnog only more potent] - needless to say we won't be invited back to that establishment anytime soon!! MOL MOL 

We both gave our letters to Santa aftur he hauled us free from another snowdrift, and said that he'd do his bestest to help as many shelter and homeless anipals as pawsible this year aftur he read our requests.  

And that brings us to the end of our adventure today and when I say what a trip, it was epically epic, it truly was!

Thanks so much for joining Shadow and I on our epic northern adventure,and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination, so hope mew can join me.

And if any of mew would like to accompany me on any future excursions which no doubt will be terribly exciting, possibly a little bit dangerous [might be furry dangerous at times] and definitely a once in a lifetime oppurrtunity, send an email to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

With Smooch Around The Wurld in the subject line and a nice picture of yourself [which we can clip] plus your name, age and a couple of fun facts about mew, and who knows mew could be joining me on the adventure of a lifetime!

We'll be back tomorrow with our midweek news, so do join us then as mew know how much we love your company! 

Until next time

Keep Calm 


Don't Furget Your Scarf

Smooch ~ Wurld Traveller and Adventurer Extraordinaire

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!

Graphics created with paid licence and 

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge is Looking For The Purrfect Bandana, Melvyn's Guarding Pom Poms and Parsley & Smooch Are on Shifts Growing the Catnip Plants

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

What have we got to tell mew this week? The weather has been a little better, and by all indications, it's going to be a lovely weekend over Easter so that means we could get some extra jobs done in the garden. In fact, the P.A. has bought a tin of red paint as our Time Travelling Telephone Box needs a bit of tickle, so maybe we might start the preparations on that. Shall we make a video of it being spruced up?

First up in the news this week

Fudge is getting ready for Easter and looking for a suitable bandana.

He thought we had one, but after much searching, he couldn't find it.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge Wears His Jazzy Bowtie

Do mew think this one works? 

Or should he get the P.A. to make a new one, with some fabric she has in the craft room?

Next up in the news

If mew saw Amber's post last Friday, where she got her murder mittens on a pom pom - see the link at the bottom of the post. She murderised it most vehemently. 

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Guarding the Pom Poms

Melvyn decided not to take any chances with his favourite pom poms in the BBHQ office and promptly moved them on top of the beam, well out of reach from Amber's murder mittens.

He goes and checks on them several times a day to make sure that Fudge hasn't knocked them on the floor, but so far, so good.

And for cod's sake, don't let on to Amber there are more pom poms which have been squirrelled away out of reach, as mew know what will happen!

Finally this week

Mew may remember on last week's News Round-Up that Smooch was in the plant pot keeping the catnip shoots warm.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Parsley and Smooch's Shift Change

Well, it would appear that he and Parsley are sharing the catnip warming duties, and are sharing the shifts between them. As mew can see Smooch is firmly ensconced again, and Parsley is heading into the catservatory for snacks after his long shift in the sunshine! MOL 

This week's hot gossip is, that we just set some new catnip seeds this week.


The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® BBHQ Catnip Seeds

And if mew're new to gardening, or unsure how to grow catnip plants at home, check out our definitive guide to all things catnip:

If mew missed any posts from the last week, here are the links:

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with an Easter themed book just for mew, and we look forward to your company at BBHQ then!

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Monday 27 December 2021

**RERUN** Smooch Around The Wurld and Today We're Smooching All Offur The North Pole with Shadow as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today? How's your Catmas so far?

I thought it would be fun to share my epic festive adventure to the North Pole again with my supurr pal Shadow, so sit back, relax and let's get started.

 I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with! MOL

Festive Divider

So where are we going today?

Today pawesome pals we're headed way, way, way up north to find the magical land of Santa Paws!

So with Shadow's travel card ready, I hopped in The TTTB and moments later landed in the front garden at Chez Shadow.

Now some of mew may not know that Shadow like myself is a tripod, tripawd, tripawed or 3 legged kitty - I'm sure there's some purrliticolly correct terminology to use but I always say tripaw! MOL 

So how epically epic, that not one but TWO tripaws head out on the adventure of a lifetime, OH MY COD it's gonna be so much fun.  

Anyhoo I digress, the TTTB landed in Shadow's front garden and I opened the door and let my terrific travelling companion hop in.

"Hiya Shadow dude, come in, don't hang about out there in the cold," I chuckled.

"Smooch dude, oh my cod!" Shadow said as he entered the TTTB and looked around the bridge. "Mew guys have the best toys effur, jeez I gotta sign up and join The B Team for sure!"

We paw bumped and I replied, "Dude we'd love mew to join, anytime just say."

"So Smooch what have mew got planned for me?" Shadow asked eagerly.

"Oh my cod, we're going up north to find Catmas," I laughed as I saw Shadows expression.

"Mew mean we're going to see Santa Paws?" 

"Yes indeedy we are, and mew just need to hit that red button and we'll be there in a jiffy," I answered.

Shadow peered at the red button and grinned madly. "Dude thanks so much fur this," he said as his paw came down hard and the TTTB vanished.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

11.56733200098234444r seconds later we landed.

And this is what happened next... 

We tried snowshoeing but we both got stuck in a drift, it was hilarious; Note to self, tripaw cats can't snowshoe! MOL MOL  We fed all Santa's reindeer with some extra speshal carrots, they're the ones that make them fly, and the highlight of our trip was getting to go on the pre-Catmas test flight.

When I tell mew that sleigh is fast, jeez it's supurr-sonic guys; me and Shadow loved effury single moment and we whooped and hollered in delight fur the entire lap of the wurld. In fact we're surprised that some of mew didn't hear us! MOL

We definitely found Catmas and guys when I tell mew, Shadow and I had the best time, but we can't talk about the Catmas Casino incident with the mistletoe, the cat fairy and the sled aftur far too much catnip-nog [like eggnog only more potent] - needless to say we won't be invited back to that establishment anytime soon!! MOL MOL 

We both gave our letters to Santa aftur he hauled us free from another snowdrift, and said that he'd do his bestest to help as many shelter and homeless anipals as pawsible this year aftur he read our requests.  

And that brings us to the end of our adventure today and when I say what a trip, it was epically epic, it truly was!

Festive Divider

Thanks so much for joining Shadow and I on our epic northern adventure,and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination, so hope mew can join me.

And if any of mew would like to accompany me on any future excursions which no doubt will be terribly exciting, possibly a little bit dangerous [might be furry dangerous at times] and definitely a once in a lifetime oppurrtunity, send an email to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

With Smooch Around The Wurld in the subject line and a nice picture of yourself [which we can clip] plus your name, age and a couple of fun facts about mew, and who knows mew could be joining me on the adventure of a lifetime!

Until next time

Keep Calm 


Don't Furget Your Scarf 

Smooch ~ Wurld Traveller and Adventurer Extraordinaire

Festive Divider

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!

Graphics created with paid licence

Monday 21 December 2020

**RERUN** Smooch Around The Wurld and Today We're Smooching All Offur The North Pole with Shadow as My Pawesome Travelling Companion

Woo Hoo Pawsome Pals

Smooch here, and how are mew doing today?

So dudes and dudettes we're going to be Smooching All Offur The Planet as we Smooch Around the Wurld ~ how much fun, so much fun!

Oh and because The B Team doesn't use conventional means of travel, I'll be using the TTTB aka the Time Travelling Telephone Box to go on my little jolly's, so thank cod I won't have to use an airport as I don't think I'd get through security with all the extra covert hardware I travel with! MOL

Furst though I have to do my travel checklist:

Oh and I've already had all my travel vaccinations, as mew neffur know and I always think it's better to have the lot rather than risk getting some foreign lurgy which in turn ruins your jolly's. 

So where are we going today?

Today pawesome pals we're headed way, way, way up north to find the magical land of Santa Paws!

So with Shadow's travel card ready, I hopped in The TTTB and moments later landed in the front garden at Chez Shadow.

Now some of mew may not know that Shadow like myself is a tripod, tripawd, tripawed or 3 legged kitty - I'm sure there's some purrliticolly correct terminology to use but I always say tripaw! MOL 

So how epically epic, that not one but TWO tripaws head out on the adventure of a lifetime, OH MY COD it's gonna be so much fun.  

Anyhoo I digress, the TTTB landed in Shadow's front garden and I opened the door and let my terrific travelling companion hop in.

"Hiya Shadow dude, come in, don't hang about out there in the cold," I chuckled.

"Smooch dude, oh my cod!" Shadow said as he entered the TTTB and looked around the bridge. "Mew guys have the best toys effur, jeez I gotta sign up and join The B Team for sure!"

We paw bumped and I replied, "Dude we'd love mew to join, anytime just say."

"So Smooch what have mew got planned for me?" Shadow asked eagerly.

"Oh my cod, we're going up north to find Catmas," I laughed as I saw Shadows expression.

"Mew mean we're going to see Santa Claws?" 

"Yes indeedy we are, and mew just need to hit that red button and we'll be there in a jiffy," I answered.

Shadow peered at the red button and grinned madly. "Dude thanks so much fur this," he said as his paw came down hard and the TTTB vanished.

TTTB Launch Button  ©BionicBasil®

11.56733200098234444r seconds later we landed.

And this is what happened next... 

We tried snowshoeing but we both got stuck in a drift, it was hilarious; Note to self, tripaw cats can't snowshoe! MOL MOL  We fed all Santa's reindeer with some extra speshal carrots, they're the ones that make them fly, and the highlight of our trip was getting to go on the pre-Catmas test flight.

When I tell mew that sleigh is fast, jeez it's supurr-sonic guys; me and Shadow loved effury single moment and we whooped and hollered in delight fur the entire lap of the wurld. In fact we're surprised that some of mew didn't hear us! MOL

We definitely found Catmas and guys when I tell mew, Shadow and I had the best time, but we can't talk about the Catmas Casino incident with the mistletoe, the cat fairy and the sled aftur far too much catnip-nog [like eggnog only more potent] - needless to say we won't be invited back to that establishment anytime soon!! MOL MOL 

We both gave our letters to Santa aftur he hauled us free from another snowdrift, and said that he'd do his bestest to help as many shelter and homeless anipals as pawsible this year aftur he read our requests.  

And that brings us to the end of our adventure today and when I say what a trip, it was epically epic, it truly was!

Thanks so much for joining Shadow and I on our epic northern adventure,and I'll be back before mew know it sharing another far-flung destination, so hope mew can join me.

And if any of mew would like to accompany me on any future excursions which no doubt will be terribly exciting, possibly a little bit dangerous [might be furry dangerous at times] and definitely a once in a lifetime oppurrtunity, send an email to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

With Smooch Around The Wurld in the subject line and a nice picture of yourself [which we can clip] plus your name, age and a couple of fun facts about mew, and who knows mew could be joining me on the adventure of a lifetime!

Until next time

Keep Calm 


Don't Furget Your Scarf

Smooch ~ Wurld Traveller and Adventurer Extraordinaire

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!

Graphics created with paid licence and