Hello gorgeous library guests
Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ
Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today.
Well, I don't know about mew, but I can't believe we're on another Catmas countdown already!
It doesn't seem like two shakes of a lamb's tail since it was this time last year. I'm not sure if it's a strange phenomenon but time really does seem to pass quicker the older mew get.
Ah well, that's progress for mew, anyhoo let's dive into this week's book, as I'm sure mew're going to love it.
Today the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. I don’t like ____________________ in my ______________________________.
2. My to-do list for December includes: _____________, ________________ and ______________________________.
3. I still need to _________ before _________.
4. To me, _________ is the most important part of the holiday season.
The P.A.'s answers are...
1. I don’t like white chocolate in my festive treat selection. I really can't stand white chocolate; it's just like eating pure white sugar.
2. My to-do list for December includes: This years Crafting with Cats post, some new header graphics and making a video compilation of Melvyn's modelling. Exciting stuff for sure! LOL And if all has gone to plan the new blog header should be right above and The B Team are in the BBHQ Winter Garden.
3. I still need to post a few UK Christmas cards before the end of next week and avoid the postal strikes, but the good news is this; I managed to get all the overseas cards posted on the 30th of November, so if mew're taking part in this year's card exchange and are not in the UK, your card has left BBHQ, just look out for a really pretty gold envelope landing on your doorstep soon!
4. To me, a good Christmas dinner with family is the most important part of the holiday season.
Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!
This week's top book pick is...
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy
A Spell Of Trouble
Silver Hollow Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series Book 1
Leighann Dobbs & Traci Douglass
Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:
When town trouble maker, Louella Drummond, drops dead in front of Isolde Quinn's pet store just minutes after threatening both Issy and her cousin Graeme, the police in the small lakeside town of Silver Hollow assume it's from natural causes.
... Until it's discovered that Louella was murdered.
Not just any murder, though. Murder by paranormal means. Dark magic that could only have been performed by a powerful witch. And every law-abiding paranormal knows that dark magic is forbidden and carries strict punishment at the hands of "the committee" - the mysterious entity that provides law and order within the paranormal community.
Not just any murder, though. Murder by paranormal means. Dark magic that could only have been performed by a powerful witch. And every law-abiding paranormal knows that dark magic is forbidden and carries strict punishment at the hands of "the committee" - the mysterious entity that provides law and order within the paranormal community.
As mew know I spend most of my summer break looking for and reading/listening to new books to share with mew ready for the new season, and believe me when I tell mew it's no mean feat to find good reads to share, as I typically need about 40 books per new review season.
Anyhoo, mew know how much I like the author Leighan Dobbs and the Mystic Notch Cozy Mystery Series is still one of my all-time favs, so mew can imagine my delight when I found another series called The Silver Hollow Paranormal Cozy Mystery series which is written with a co-author; Traci Douglass.
I was excited, as mew know how much I like my cozies! MOL
So what did I think of the first book in this new series? As mew know if a book doesn't have any cats in it, I won't review it and this one has a furbulous feline called Brimstone who's got a witty/sarcastic purrsonality.
Set in a paranormal town, although with non-magical humans too, it's an interesting setting with lots of quirky characters including witches, plus other types of paranormals. There are quite a few different familiars throughout the book which bring an added dimension to the story.
As with all cozy mysteries, there's a murder and the prime suspect is usually the wrong one and this book follows that formula. The plot is lovely and twisty, the characters grow and become like old friends and there are enough clues and red herrings to keep mew turning the pages, so all the ingredients are there for a fab and fun read.
I really did enjoy this book and look forward to getting my mittens on the next four in the series imminently.
Also, the pawesome news is if mew have an audible account mew can listen to this TOP PAW novel for free, and the narrator has a purrticularly nice voice and does a really top job voicing all the different characters.
Audio: 5 hours 50 Mins
Paperback: 353 pages
My Ratings Scale
Ratings of:
A Spell Of Trouble
Overall Enjoyment
Other Fun Blog Hops to Join in Today
I really hope mew enjoy the book as much as I did if mew decide to read it.
It's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.
Until next time...
Keep calm and read more books
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