Showing posts with label agony uncle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agony uncle. Show all posts

Monday 19 August 2024

CATS HAVE PROBLEMS TOO! with Dr Basil ~ Featuring Today's Despurrate Dilemma **HELP! I NEED A NEW FAMILY!!!**

 Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday, furry floofers

Welcome to Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:


Dear Dr. Basil, I hope this letter finds mew in good health and high spirits, although I must admit that I am not in the same state of purrfection myself. Mew see, a traumatic event has recently occurred in my otherwise delightful feline life. My family, in a misguided attempt to add to our household, has brought home a sausage dog named Bub. Yes, mew heard that right, a sausage dog named Bub. As a sophisticated Siamese, I have always prided myself on my impeccable taste and refined sensibilities. And let me tell mew, Bub’s boisterous barking and rambunctious behavior have thrown the delicate balance of our household into disarray. It feels like the feline monarchy has been rudely invaded by a rowdy commoner! In light of this distressing turn of events, I find myself contemplating the unthinkable – trading in my current family for a more feline-friendly set of humans, and one that doesn't come with a side of sausage dog. But before I take such drastic measures, I thought it wise to seek your esteemed counsel on this matter. Is it unreasonable to expect a peaceful coexistence with a sausage dog named Bub? Am I overreacting to the point of melodrama? Or should I start packing my catnip collection and looking for a more canine-free environment? I trust in your wisdom to guide me through this tumultuous time and eagerly await your expert advice. Yours sincerely, Jade The Sophisticated Siamese

This is my Expert Reply

(Notice how I use a soothing blue text colour to soothe Jade's frazzled nerves and diffuse the situation!)

Dear Jade,

I understand that having a sausage dog named Bub join your family has caused quite the ruckus in your peaceful feline kingdom. It's completely understandable that mew're feeling a bit miffed about the whole situation. However, trading your family in might be a tad drastic, don't mew think?

Here's some sage advice to help mew navigate this new hairy territory:
1. Find Common Ground: Have mew tried finding common interests with Bub? Perhaps there's a shared love for sunny napping spots or tasty treats that mew both can enjoy. Building a bond with Bub might make his presence more bearable. 2. Establish Boundaries: It's vital to establish your own space within the household. Make sure mew have designated areas where mew can retreat to without the intrusion of Bub. This way, mew can have some "purrsonal meow time" without feeling stressed. 3. Seek Support: Have mew had an open and honest conversation with your family about how Bub's arrival has affected mew? Expressing your feelings to them might help them understand and make necessary adjustments to ensure peace and harmony among the furry members of the family. (And no hissing!) Remember, it's essential to approach this situation with an open mind and a sprinkle of humour. Who knows, after a little time has past, mew might just find a furiend in Bub after all! Wishing you a purrfect resolution,
Dr. Basil

@ The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ Always take a breath before acting, take a moment and step away from the situation and assess the dilemma from another point of view ~ 

If mew can relate to this purroblem or feel that mew need any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil with your dilemma or email me directly, and I'll get back to mew.

Thank mew all for joining me today at The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic, and I'll be back next Monday with another open clinic and a brand new case study.

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr on

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ M.S. ~ M.A. 

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence  

Monday 24 June 2024

CATS HAVE PROBLEMS TOO! with Dr Basil ~ Featuring Today's Despurrate Dilemma **HELP! WHY IS ISOLDE SEVERELY IRKED?!!!**

 Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday, furry floofers

Welcome to another episode of Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

 Take a seat, and read today's despurrate dilemma and my solution.

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:  

This came in yesterday, and I bumped it to the top of the pile as it's quite urgent. 


Dear Dr Basil, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing to seek your esteemed advice regarding a matter of great urgency. It appears that my feline companion, Isolde, has been behaving rather peculiarly as of late. It seems that she is quite irked about something, although I must admit that I am at a loss as to what might be the root cause of her distress. It's just the two of us at home, and normally we have a fabulous relationship.

It all started last Thursday when I attempted to engage Isolde in a game of fetch using her favourite toy mouse. To my utter consternation, instead of partaking in this enjoyable pastime, Isolde simply glared at me with disdain and promptly sauntered off to her favourite napping spot beneath the antique armchair. Since then, her irritable moods have only escalated. She now gives me a wide berth, and I suspect she might be clandestinely plotting a feline uprising in protest of some perceived slight that has eluded my awareness. Her appetite and litter habits are normal, and there are no signs of any injury or illness. Dr. Basil, I implore you to lend me your expertise in deciphering the enigma that is Isolde's discontent. Perhaps she is perturbed by the local songbirds' impertinent chirping or the audacity of the neighbouring felines to encroach upon her perceived territory. Your insights on this matter will be invaluable in restoring harmony to our humble abode. Eagerly awaiting your sagacious counsel,

Petunia, Isolde's Human Mum

This is my Expert Reply
Today, I use the colour BLUE, which is the colour of calm and hopefully will be the purrfect choice for this particular purroblem.

Dear Petunia, Human Mum of Isolde The Severely Irked,

Thank mew for reaching out to me regarding Isolde's recent purrculiar behaviour. It is quite intriguing to ponder what might be vexing your feline furiend. Rest assured, I shall do my utmost to provide sagacious counsel on this matter.

My first response is a rather swift visit to your veterinary purractitioner is highly advised to rule out any medical condition that may not be outwardly apparent to mew, and if that yields no clues and Isolde is medically well, there are a few other things I'd like mew to consider.

The scenario mew've described certainly paints a picture of a discontented and aloof Isolde, and I share your desire to restore harmony to your abode. It is indeed possible that the impertinent chirping of the local songbirds or the audacious incursions of neighbouring felines could be sources of Isolde's frustration. In such instances, it's often beneficial to engage in a bit of feline diplomacy. A thorough investigation of Isolde's preferred lounging spots, mealtime preferences, and potential sources of disturbances inside and outside the home could yield valuable clues. In addition, incorporating enriching activities and diversions tailored to Isolde's discerning tastes may help alleviate her discontent. It may be that she's just bored, very bored and needs new stimulation to thwart this feline irksomeness; therefore, if possible, I would suggest buying a couple of new toys, some really strong catnip and treats to tempt Isolde into a more playful state.

One thing that sticks out to me is the fact that she is giving mew a wide berth. Have mew by any chance started wearing a new purrfume or scent? Or are mew using new candles, scents, sprays or cleaners within the home? Check out our Top Tips for Cat Pawrents page for more info.

Other things to consider: Have mew had any new visitors to the home? Are their new neighbours, who may purrhaps be quite noisy? Barking dogs nearby? Purrsons with noisy cars racing around? Screaming children? Has anything changed within the area mew live in recent days? Have there been any noisy parties or events with loud mewsic? Have there been any fireworks in the area? Has anypawdy tried to grab Isolde, if she is an indoor/outdoor kitty? There are many things to ponder, and Isolde may be a very sensitive kitty, who is easily spooked by things she's not used to.

However, if none of those things have changed, plus if she doesn't respond to the new toys and there's no apparent reason for her avoidance of mew, then I would seek the expertise of a feline behaviour specialist to come to the home for further investigation as to what is bugging her boggle.

Though, let us remain optimistic that with a thoughtful approach and attentive care, we shall unravel the enigma of Isolde's vexation and restore tranquillity to your home. Do let me know if mew need any more assistance.

Yours most sincerely
Dr. Basil
@ The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ A process of elimination to reach the source of any purroblem can take time, and I would always advise a trip to the vet to rule out any medical issue first  ~
If mew can relate to this purroblem or feel that mew are in need of any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil.... or email me directly and I'll get back to mew.

Thank you all for joining me today at The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic. I'll be back in a couple of weeks with another open clinic and a new case study.

Also, many apologies for going on the missing list last week, all will be explained on The Midweek News, and we know mew won't want to miss that!

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ MS ~ MA

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic

(T.M. ~ Totally Meowvellous)

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence   

Monday 10 June 2024

CATS HAVE PROBLEMS TOO! with Dr Basil ~ Featuring Today's Despurrate Dilemma **HELP! I HATE MY HUMANS NEW BOYFRIEND!!!**

 Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday, furry floofers

Welcome to another episode of Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

 Take a seat, and read today's despurrate dilemma and my solution.

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:  


Dear Dr. Basil, I hope this letter finds mew well. I have a bit of a purroblem that I'm hoping mew can help me with. Mew see, my human recently started dating a new boyfriend, and I can't stand him. Every time he stays over, I can't help but pee on his clothes. My human is not happy with me, and I really don't want to cause any trouble. Can mew please help me figure out how to overcome my intense dislike of this new boyfriend? Sincerely, Pansy, the Tabby

This is my Expert Reply
Today, I use the colour PINK, which is the colour of love and hopefully will be the purrfect choice for this particular purroblem.

Dear Pansy, I understand that adjusting to changes in your human's life can be difficult, especially when it involves a new purrson who mew're not used to. Here's a 9-point plan to help mew overcome your intense dislike of the new boyfriend: 1. **Positive Association:** Try to associate the new boyfriend with positive experiences. Encourage your human to spend time with both of mew together, engaging in activities that mew enjoy. 2. **Comfort Zone:** Create a safe space for yourself where mew can retreat when mew feel uncomfortable. This will help reduce your stress levels and give mew a sense of security. 3. **Reward System:** When mew interacts calmly with the new boyfriend, ensure your human rewards mew with treats and affection. Positive reinforcement can help change your perception. 4. **Slow Introduction:** Ask your human to introduce the new boyfriend gradually. Let him approach mew calmly and offer treats or toys to build trust. 5. **Scent Transfer:** Exchange scents between the boyfriend and yourself by rubbing a towel or cloth on him and placing it in your favourite spots. This helps mew get used to his scent without feeling threatened. 6. **Playtime:** Engage in interactive play sessions with the boyfriend. Play is a great way to bond and build positive associations. 7. **Consistent Routine:** Maintain a consistent daily routine to reduce stress and anxiety. Predictability can provide a sense of security for both mew and the new boyfriend.

8. **Patience and Understanding:** Remember, change takes time. Be patient with yourself and the new boyfriend. Understanding each other's needs and boundaries is essential for building a harmonious relationship.

9. **Worst Case Scenario:** If you're still having trouble adjusting, consider contacting me again, and we'll devise a plan to run the new boyfriend off into the sunset to restore your zen harmonies! MOL

I hope these tips help mew navigate this challenging situation. Remember that mew deserve to feel comfortable and secure in your home. With patience and perseverance, mew can overcome your dislike and build a positive relationship with the new boyfriend. Or we can initiate Step 9, the Worst Case Scenario plan.

Yours most sincerely
Dr. Basil
@ The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ New purrsons in one's purrsonal space can cause much anxiety, it's always best to take things slowly to build a pawsitive connection ~
If mew can relate to this purroblem or feel that mew are in need of any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil.... or email me directly and I'll get back to mew.

Thank you all for joining me today at The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic. I'll be back in a couple of weeks with another open clinic and a new case study.

Also, many apologies for going on the missing list last week, all will be explained on The Midweek News, and we know mew won't want to miss that!

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ MS ~ MA

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic

(T.M. ~ Totally Meowvellous)

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence  

Monday 27 May 2024

CATS HAVE PROBLEMS TOO! with Dr Basil ~ Featuring Today's Despurrate Dilemma **HELP! I HATE CAR RIDES!**

  Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday, furry floofers

Welcome to another episode of Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

 Take a seat, and read today's despurrate dilemma and my solution.

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:  


Dear Dr Basil, I hope this message finds mew well. I'm writing to mew in a state of utter distress and confusion. My human, whom I love and adore, has been subjecting me to the most harrowing experience known to catkind - car rides.

Every time they open that metal contraption, I know I'm in for a rollercoaster of emotions, none of them pleasant. The loud noises, the strange movements, and the unfamiliar scents all combine to create a terror-inducing experience that leaves me shaking in my fur.

Dr. Basil, please, I implore mew, help me find a way to communicate to my human that car rides are simply not my cup of milk. Yours fluffing terrified, Roger

This is my Expert Reply
Today, I use the colour BLUE, which is the pawesomely soothing colour of CALM and hopefully will be the purrfect choice for this particular purroblem.

Dear Roger,

I understand that car rides can be a source of great distress for many felines. But sadly dude, we cats can't avoid the occasional car ride. But don't panic, I have some top tips to help mew and your human navigate this issue and hopefully make the experience less traumatic and terrifying for mew: 1. Create positive associations: Encourage your human to associate car rides with positive experiences. This could involve offering your favorite treats, engaging with beloved toys, and gradually introducing short rides to pleasant destinations such as the park or a friend's house. 2. Gradual exposure: Start by spending time in the stationary car without actually going for a drive. This can help desensitize mew to the car environment and reduce anxiety associated with the unfamiliar sounds and movements. 3. Comfort and security: Ensure that your human provides a comfortable and secure carrier or seat for you during car rides. Familiar scents from home and cozy bedding can help alleviate anxiety and create a sense of safety. 4. Calming aids: Your human can explore natural calming aids such as pheromone sprays or calming treats to help reduce your stress during car rides. These aids can provide a soothing effect and help create a more relaxed environment for mew. 5. Consult a veterinarian: If your fear of car rides is particularly severe, it may be beneficial to seek advice from a veterinarian. They can provide further guidance and support tailored to your specific needs, including potential behavioral or medical interventions to help address your distress. I hope these detailed tips provide some relief and help improve your car ride experiences. Remember, communication is key, so don't hesitate to express your feelings to your human in the most persuasive ways possible.

Yours most sincerely
Dr. Basil
@ The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ Always Take Your Time -  Sometimes New Experiences Need A Gradual Approach  ~
If mew can relate to this purroblem or feel that mew are in need of any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil.... or email me directly and I'll get back to mew.

Thank mew all for joining me today at The Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic, and I'll be back in a couple of weeks with another open clinic and a new case study.

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ MS ~ MA

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic

(T.M. ~ Totally Meowvellous)

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence