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Happy Monday, furry floofers
Welcome to Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats and cat pawrents with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone.
Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:
Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology
Psy.D. Furry Logic
MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense
My other Professional Credits include:
NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.
I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.
Plus, I only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:
Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties
Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility
ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements
YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked
Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)
YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked
Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)
I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense
Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents
To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email.
Mew can contact me directly at the following address:
To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email.
Mew can contact me directly at the following address:
DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com
So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

This is one of my cases via email:
Dear Dr Basil, I find myself in a rather dire predicament with my beloved feline, Mr Whiskers. You see, he has developed a penchant for stealing my socks. Not just any socks, mind you, but the ones that I rely on for my daily endeavours—especially the mismatched ones that bring me joy! To make matters worse, I recently discovered the shocking revelation that he has started a "Sock Hoard" in a secret nook behind the couch. I fear I might have inadvertently stumbled into a feline society where sock theft is a noble pursuit! Now, I’m torn: should I attempt to negotiate a peace treaty with Mr Whiskers, offering him catnip in exchange for the return of my socks, or should I join forces with him and start a sock fashion line exclusively for cats? Help! What’s the best course of action for me—and to ensure the safety of my remaining sock collection?
Sockless and Stressed, aka Mr Whiskers Mom, Cynthia
Yours most sincerely
Dr Basil
@ The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.
This is my Expert Reply
Dear Sockless and Stressed,
Ah, the age-old battle of humans versus their furry overlords! Mr Whiskers has clearly declared war on your sock drawer, and it’s time to approach this situation with both diplomacy and a sprinkle of humour.
**Step 1: Understand His Motivation**
First, mew must appreciate that Mr Whiskers is not merely a thief; he is an artist in the realm of sock craftsmanship. He sees your socks as not just footwear but as important artefacts in his daily kingdom. Take a moment to analyze the designs he prefers—perhaps they resonate with his uniquely impeccable taste!
**Step 2: Host a Sock Summit**
Consider organizing a "Sock Summit"—a playful negotiation session. Lay out a selection of his favourite socks (mismatched and otherwise) and your catnip offerings. Engage him with a mix of treats and, perhaps, a cat toy that he loves. Present these as peace offerings to show mew respect his sock-stealing enterprise.
**Step 3: Create a Sock Decoy**
Once trust is established, introduce a "decoy sock" for him. One that is specifically designed for his enjoyment—maybe one stuffed with catnip or with jingles inside. This way, he can still indulge his love for socks without pillaging your collection.
**Step 4: Set Boundaries with Humour**
Humour can be a powerful tool. Create a funny "Sock Code of Conduct" that outlines the terms of your treaty. For example, “All mismatched socks belong to Mr Whiskers, but the cozy winter ones remain off-limits.” Deliver this decree in a fun tone, perhaps while sporting a particularly comical sock ensemble yourself, and do offer copious amounts of primo catnip during this parle!
By approaching the situation with creativity and a touch of humour, mew might just find that mew and Mr Whiskers can coexist in a harmonious sock-sharing arrangement. Remember, a happy cat = a happy home!Yours most sincerely
Dr Basil
@ The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.
If mew can relate to Cynthia's problem or feel that mew need any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil with your dilemma or email me directly, and I'll get back to mew.
Thank mew all for joining me today at The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic, and I'll be back soon with another open clinic and a brand new case study.
Until then, Keep Calm and Purr on
Dr Basil
Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ M.S. ~ M.A.
'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'
Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats Have Purroblems Too Clinic

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