Showing posts with label buy your own books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buy your own books. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #57 featuring Cat Selfies

Welcome To

With me, Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Happy Wednesday to mew all, I hope your week has been wunderpurr thus far! Mine not so much... mew see I've got a bit of a situation going on...



Buy Your Own Books 

my reply to which, was

 Mew Can't Be Serious!

I'd been browsing on my most fav interwebs shop effur, Amazon and found a fabulous selection of books to add to my library.  Then the P.A. arrived in the office and sat at the desk, so I seized the oppurrtunity and said.

The P.A. looked at me and said. "What are you taking about Amber?"

"Can mew just add your credit card deets and click buy so I can get some new books?" I replied.

The P.A. looked at my basket contents and scrolled through my soon to be new and delicious books delivered to my door the furry next day.

"Do you realize how many books you have here?" the P.A. asked in shock.

"It is a huge problem!" The P.A. answered. "Did you see how much the total is? And I just paid for your annual Audible subscription last week, so unless you've got a secret stash of cash, say bye bye to all the books!"

I gave the P.A. a rather withering look and said...

"Good luck with that!" The P.A. mumbled.

It's rather funny but suddenly I can't find Parsley anywhere, he seems to be avoiding me?????

I'll ambush him later!

*    *     *

Meanwhile in the inky blackness of Purradator Wurld...

"Shhhhhhhh Smooch, Amber's looking fur me, she wants my credit card to buy thousands of books fur her library!" Parsley whispered from his hiding spot in the dark under the stairs. "Anypurrdy would think I'm the only cat around here with a bank account!"

"Dude mew are the only cat around here with a bank account!" Smooch laughed quietly.

"Awwwww heck, I am too!" Parsley moaned. "What am I going to do? I've just put a deposit on an ex-army Unimog, I can't be buying books too, I'll be skint and living a low-life instead of a high-life in my epically epic new Unimog!" 

"But dude mew can't hide from Amber fureffur, she'll ambush mew when mew're in the litter box!" Smooch began to chuckle.

"Oh no, mew're kidding me?" Parsley groaned.

"Nope, I kid not, one time she ambushed Basil, he went mental, there was litter effurywhere!" Smooch began to laugh.

"Why did she ambush Basil?" Parsley asked.

"Because she needed cash!" Smooch laughed loudly. "Why do mew think she does pole dancing on Fridays and Caturdays, to earn cash fur books!"

"Well she's got her own cash then!" Parsley let out a sigh of relief.

"Nope dude, she spends that the minute she finishes her shifts, why do mew think there's an Amazon delivery most days?" Smooch replied.

"I thought that was cat-food and rations fur the bunker!" Parsley said.

 "Nope it's Amber's book addiction," Smooch grinned.

Parsley shook his head in dismay. "Dude she needs an intervention and quick!"

Suddenly there was a bumping sound above them.  Parsley squashed his paw offur Smooch's mouth to muffle the laughter.

"Shhhhhhhhh!" Parsley hissed. "Amber's coming down the stairs."

*    *    *

"Parsley! Parsley!  Come out, come out whereffur mew are!" I trilled in my most genial tone as I descended the stairs. [Though to be honest it sounded really, really creepy and I actually scared the bejeezus out of myself fur second!]

The house was stony silent as I hit rock bottom in the hall, and then I heard a strange noise coming from under the stairs, padding to the door I furry carefully hooked my paw around the edge of the door and pulled it open.  The soft hall light illuminated two pairs of startled eyes [vishus deer caught in headlights startled], staring straight at me from the coal-black gloom within.

"Oh there mew are Parsley," I trilled again. "Can I just..."

There was a flash of black fur as Parsley hurtled through the door and was gone.

Smoochie was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he ambled out at a rather leisurely pace.

"Hey Amber!" he smirked. "Bought any good books lately?"

"Well I would do if I could get any cash!" I replied haughtily.

"Purrhaps mew should consider taking more shifts at the club then!" he chuckled.

"And cut down on my reading time, are mew insane?" I shot back.

"Well mew either do more shifts and get more cash or keep doing what mew're doing and have no new books!"

To be continued...

*    *    *
Now I think it's time to share this weeks book.

This week I'm sharing

image Amber's purrsonal copy

Cat Selfies


Charlie Ellis

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

Everyone is snapping selfies and cats are no exception! From the sublime to the ridiculous, this book collects the best photos of felines who have taken the selfie craze into their own paws. 

*    *    *

As mew can see we all loved this book, some of the selfies are absolutely hilarious.

If mew need a chuckle in your life, then I heartily recommend this little book of laughs!

*   *   *

Hardcover: 96 pages 

  • Publisher:  Summersdale (2 Oct. 2014)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Cat Selfies

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this book if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, which was your favourite selfie?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget that I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence