Showing posts with label sir minimixalot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sir minimixalot. Show all posts

Thursday 31 August 2017

Parsley's 5th Birthday ~ PAWTY TIME & GIVE-AWAY

glitter maker

Woo Hoo guys

Happy Birthday to me, sorry there's no Pet Peeves this week, we're having a pawty and give-away instead... and look, I even put my bestest tie on! MOL

Grab a Hat!

Get some cake!

The Nip Bar is OPEN

Have a drink! 

Help yourselves to nibbles!

Get some pudding!


*    *    *

Now onto the Give-Away

Furstly as I'm the one with the cash at our place, I've had to supply the goodies fur the give-away! MOL

There is 1 x surprise goodie bag up fur grabs with a supurr selection of stuff... mew know how epic they are!

And all mew need to do to enter is LEAVE A COMMENT below and we'll pick a winner out on next weeks Pet Peeves post!  

*    *    *

We hope mew all have a totally wild time, if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out.

Thanks so much fur coming

Luffs mew all loads

Parsley and The B Team

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Thursday 1 June 2017

Basil's Bonkers 15th Birthday Bash & Give-Away!

Guys, today it's my 15th Birthday, I may be getting on in life but I still know how to pawty, so let's get the house rockin' and this PAWTY STARTED!


Here's a little bit of kitty narcissism with a just a couple of  photo's of moi offur the years! MOL

Dive in, grab a hat and eat some cake!

Official pre-drinks furmilly picture

The Nip Bar is OPEN

All drinks are created by Angel Humphrey the Master Mixer, mew can have anything at all providing its got nip in it! MOL

Unofficial post-drinks furmilly picture!

Fudge was off his chops, and kept trying to get the fairy in the chandelier.  "There's a freaking fairy up here!" he squealed with delight as he launched ceiling-wards again, in fact he made me quite dizzy yo-yoing up and down like that! MOL

"OMC!" I groaned as the chandelier began to swing back and forth.

Then he had a mad 23 seconds in the lounge with a catnip mouse while Pandora looked on rather bemused.

She said in her funny little foreign accent. "Basil, I don't think Fudge should 'ave anymore catnip!"

And to be honest I had to agree, one nip-pop and a shot of nip-quila and he's done! 

The sweetie buffet is rather delish, so take anything mew fancy!

"Fudge, get the flip away from the nip-pops, how many times do I have to tell mew, they're fur our guests!"

Smooch appeared and took young Fudge aside to sober him up before he caused some real mayhem.... 

The main buffet speaks fur itself, purrlease help yourself!

Are mew ready to pawty?

"DJ, where's the bassline?" I asked.

"Basil, get ready fur some real hardcore bass!" Sir MiniMix-Alot replied.

Guys, we so hope mew have a blast and feel free to stay as long as mew like, and fur those that may need a mid-pawty-nap, we've made in quiet zone in the crystal room so mew can get some zen harmonies and chillaxing happening.


Oh before I furget, leave us a comment to win a Basil goodie bag and one of the items will be an epically epic limited edition t-shirt, that the P.A. had made specially fur BlogPaws fur the BionicBasil Wurld Tour 2017.

Give-Away open World-Wide

*    *    *

Pawty on furriends


Basil & Co xox

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Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Parsley's 4th Birthday ~ PAWTY TIME & GIVE-AWAY!

glitter maker

Today is Parsley's 4th Birthday and to mark the occasion we thought we'd have a little celebration and effurypurrdy is welcome to the

Now onto the Give-Away

Furstly as young Parsley is the one with all the cash at our place, we told him that he had to supply the goodies fur the give-away! MOL

There are 3 x surprise goodie bags up fur grabs with a supurr selection of stuff 

And all mew need to do to enter is LEAVE A COMMENT below and we'll pick a winner out on the 10th of September - obviously we'll put effurypurdys name on a card and into a hat then Parsley will do the draw.  

Just so mew know the goodie-bags do include a genuine, yes mew heard me right - a genuine KRAKEN tentacle, as we know how much mew all love Krakens!

Dive in, grab a hat and eat some cake!

Official pre-drinks furmilly picture

The Nip Bar is OPEN

All drinks are created by Humphrey the Master Mixer, mew can have anything at all providing its got nip in it! MOL

Unofficial post-drinks furmilly picture!

The sweetie buffet is rather delish, so take anything mew fancy!

The main buffet speaks fur itself, purrlease help yourself!

We've got the bestest DJ to get some funky grooves happening fur mew again...

 Sir MiniMix-Alot

"DJ, where's the bassline?" I asked.

"Basil, get ready fur some real hardcore bass!" Sir MiniMix-Alot replied.

Guys, we so hope mew have a blast and feel free to stay as long as mew like, and fur those that may need a mid-pawty-nap, we've made in quiet zone in the crystal room so mew can get some zen harmonies and chillaxing happening.

Pawty on furriends


Basil & Co xox

Graphics created used under paid licence and 
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No attribute for kitty on the mixing deck