Showing posts with label sun puddles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sun puddles. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Crystal Healing with Smooch, Parsley's Snoopervising in The Garden and Melvyn's Latest Shopping Haul - What Should He Wear First? **PLUS** Unboxing The Halloween Feline & Fiction Box

Midweek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil® Autumn Banner 22

Supurr Wednesday Greetings Pawesome Furiends

Welcome to November and our weekly news round-up!

We can't believe that November has just popped up; where is the time going? It'll be Catmas in two shakes of a lamb's tail! MOL

And speaking of Catmas we've got to start designing this years festive card, do mew have any idea's for us?

First up in the news

Crystal Healing with Smooch

Smooch really enjoys being around the crystals. He also enjoys a bit of crystal healing too, although finding the right crystals to put on him can take a bit of time, though we did manage to get the purrfect selection the other evening and here are the ones we used: carnelian, apatite, orange calcite, and selenite tumble stones. We'll be sharing more info on these crystals in our upcoming Colouring with Cats posts.

Check out his supurr cute video on TikTok.

Doesn't he look so smoochy? MOL

Smooch also managed to find a tiny sun puddle the other day!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Tiny Sun Puddle

It was just a slither, but he loved it.

Next up in the news

Parsley's Snoopervising in The Garden

Parsley was the chief snoopervisor in the BBHQ garden on Tuesday.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Parsley Sitting In The Catnip Tub

We were planting some tulip bulbs, now do be careful as the actual bulbs are toxic to cats. We planted ours in some plant pots which The B Team aren't bothered with.

Also, don't let your kitties near daffodil bulbs either, just to err on the side of caution.

The B Team don't dig any bulbs up at BBHQ; in the 23 years we've lived here no one has ever had a bad experience with a tulip, daffodil or their corresponding bulbs. So we're pretty confident that we can have these flowers in our garden without issue but always do your own research.

Check out the selection that we planted in Parsley's TikTok video.

For those of mew who live in the UK, most of these bulbs were from B and M, on the 3 for £5 offer. They have some good bulbs at a reasonable price.

Finally this week

Melvyn's Latest Shopping Haul

Melvyn loves getting all dressed up, and mew know how much he loves his bandana shopping!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Wizarding Selfie

This is his latest haul. Aren't they really cute? 

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's latest Shopping Haul

Which one should he model furst?

The options from the top left in a clockwise direction:

1. Mystical Unicorns

2. Glow Bugs

3. Gingerbread Skelebobs

4. Evil Eye Protection

 Let us know in the comments, and he will model it on next week's post.

Also, if mew need your weekly Melvyn video fix, here's his latest TikTok where he is brutally assaulting the Giant Pumpkins catnip kicker toy. What a heathen!  MOL

 Unboxing The Halloween Feline & Fiction Box

Mew know we had a subscription with Feline and Fiction for ages, and then it lapsed and we forgot about it. Anyhoo last month we saw the Halloween box on Instagram and decided to sign up for 3 more months.

Here's their Halloween Black Cat Box unboxed with the invaluable help of Fudge and Melvyn.

It was filled with a really great selection of goodies; we especially liked the purple bats and the P.A. loved the little bag and oil burner!

We've had a bumper-packed Halloween week; here are the links in case mew missed anything! 




That's us done for today. Join us again on Friday when Amber will be here with this week's top book pick and the winner of her birthday giveaway. 

Until then

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 
Music used with paid license:  Artist: Rhythm Scott - Track: Curiously Funny

Thursday 16 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Smoochie & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Happy purrsday wunderpurr furriends

Today Smoochie is with us, sharing some long offur-due gratitude fur the door keeper [aka the P.A.] who tirelessly opens and closes the door as we require during outside hours!

Smoochie who can never seem to make up his mind and yo-yo's back and forth while he decides if inside is better than outside and vice versa, all because the P.A. refuses to install our furry own cat door due to 'what she may find in the morning' brought through said cat door - I have no idea what she's talking about, all the bunnies I bring home are my pals and if mew can't have your pals fur tea, then it's a sad wurld! MOL 

Here's to having a pal fur tea and maybe one day, our own cat door

purrs & much gratitude

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created with paid licence
Glitter Graphics 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Basil & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Purrsday greetings pawesome furriends

I'm here today with oodles and ooodles of thankfulness

Furstly I am thankful fur all of mew, my furry fabulous furriends, and thank mew fur coming to my birthday pawty last week, it was so totally terrific to see mew all, and I hope mew had a great time and plenty of cake plus noms & nip! MOL



Meezer's Mews And Freckles' Woofs


Pipo & Minko
Mr Jack Freckles

fur my supurr fab birthday card, the P.A. printed it off fur me and it's now in my office in the secret bunker - thanks so much guys!  More cake anypurrdy? 

I have a little apology too, the P.A. was travelling offur the last few days so due to her selfishness we're a little late visiting effurypurdys blogs this week -  howeffur the P.A. assures me this will be rectified in the next few days.

Wishing mew all a day filled with many happies, cuddles and sun-puddles

purrs & much gratitude

Basil XOX

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created with paid licence
Glitter Graphics