Showing posts with label trick or treat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trick or treat. Show all posts

Monday 31 October 2022

**TERRIFYING TALES FROM BBHQ** A Spooky Tail on All Hallows' Eve with Basil and The B Team

Terrifying Tales from BBHQ @BionicBasil® Halloween 2022

Happy Halloween fluffies

Welcome to BBHQ on this most spooky of spookiest days, and in true time-honoured BBHQ tradition, today we are sharing a rerun of our epically epic terrifying tale featuring lots of spooky stuff, including copious amounts of extra strong catnip, mind-bending cocktails formulated by Smooch, Snowie stuck up in the ceiling, plus 7 out of 10 B Team memfurs wearing the same costumes, yes we really are that original, and let's not forget the most terrifying thing, THE ZOMBIE CAT.

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®


A Spooky Tail on All Hallows Eve 

It had been a frosty day; the air was rather piquant with a fresh, zingy taste. We'd just finished decorating the bunker in the most spooktacular fashion, and even if I do say so myself, it looked as scary as the scariest place mew could ever imagine. White glistening cobwebs hung in thick swaths covering the walls and ceilings, bats dangled on invisible bungy cords, and there were pumpkins galore effurywhere.  

Spooky spectres glided along the bunker corridors wailing chillingly, and animated weird-wolves popped up and howled when mew least expected it.  The smoke machine was on overdrive, and a white, filmy mist swirled around rather hypnotically just above floor level.  Shocking shrieks and muffled bumps sounded through the comms systems and to be honest, I nearly jumped out of my fur several times. 

The Control Room had been transformed into the Halloween Hub, and all the pawty games were in place as an eerie bell tolled and a gruff voice announced:

'Get the pawty started!'

Parsley aka The Saucerer was bobbing for nip-laced apples. Posie aka The Mummy was lurching around unable to see due to a severe bandage malfunction.  Humphrey was wearing his invisibility suit and kept creeping on effurypurrdy, whispering in their ear in some strange foreign accent, "I'm vatching mew... muwahahahahahahaaaaa!"

Smooch, Amber, Fudge, Pandora, Melvyn and I all had the same idea and were dressed as witches and wizards. Parsley also was wearing a wizard's hat, but he claimed that he was a sorcerer! 

This was the reaction when four of us met in the corridor outside the Control Room.

The B Teams Halloween Spooky Story ©BionicBasil® Our Reaction When We Realised We Had All Chosen To Be Wizards and Witches

**note to self, I need a new costume for next year**

Anyhoo, there we all were having a wail of a time; screaming like gurls while a sinister soundtrack played in the background, plus we were enjoying some rather strange brew that Smooch had concocted in the laboratory. He'd even made it in a cauldron for added effect and to be honest, I could have sworn at one point I saw a tentacle rise up out of the bubbling neon-green liquid, then sink below the mist-swirling surface, but he said, and I quote;

"Trust me! I know what I'm doing, here drink this!" 

I did have several reservations hurtling through my mind, such as;

mew sure about that? 
it looks a funny colour! 
and why is it smoking like that? 
did I just see a tentacle in my drink?

But I thought what the heck and aftur several shots I found it rather entertaining when an eyeball appeared in my glass and stared right at me; it was like a surprise bonus, and we all laughed and laughed and laughed.

The B Teams Halloween Spooky Story ©BionicBasil® Halloween Pawty in The BBHQ Control Room

As the night progressed things did start to get a little outlandish, Snowie aka The White Phantom got tangled up in the suspension wires she'd rigged to her costume and hung upside down like she was trapped in some giant spider web and we just laughed and laughed and laughed.

In the middle of all this outlandish mayhem and hysterical laughter, the lights suddenly went out, and we were plunged into darkness. The inky pitch-black of a total power failure.

"Don't wurry," I laughed. "The backup generator will kick-in in a couple of seconds!"

Time ticked by, and we were all still sitting in the dark.

"Basil?" Smooch said bumping into me, then forcing another drink into my paw. "Why's the genny not wurking?"

"Ssssssshhhhh," Parsley hissed as we all giggled, too much nip and who-knows-what will do that to mew. "Do mew hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Posie said as she tripped over her bandages and landed with an ungainly thwump on the floor.

Scratch... scratch... scratch...

We all paused, listened and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

Scritch... scritch... scritch... 

"It's getting closer," Parsley said, sounding much sober than he had five seconds ago.

Scratch... scratch... scratch... 

We all paused, listened again and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

"DUDES!" Parsley said tersely; obviously, he hadn't had as much cauldron nip cocktails as the rest of us. "Something is coming down the corridor!"

Scrape... scratch... scritch... scrape... scratch... scritch...

We all paused, listened again and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

I suddenly heard a sickeningly soft hiss, and it made my fur bristle in all kinds of disturbing ways, or maybe that was the cauldron nip, at this point I couldn't be sure for sure.

"Guys, was that one of mew?" I asked as my highly honed senses suddenly burst into life and began to eke out in the darkness. "Do mew smell that? It's rank, fetid and has a rather old dead odour..."

Amber took huge offence to this and said rather snappishly. "No, I haven't been eating eggs again!"

"No, not mew," I said.

Scrape... scratch... scritch... scrape... scratch... scritch...

"Basil," Humphrey whispered in my ear, his cold breath making my ear-fur tremble and I nearly screamed.  Only just managing to swallow down my shriek Humphrey continued. "I'll go check. I've got my night vision goggles on plus I'm invisible, stay here dude."

"Great idea," I said, pushing him towards to door.

I could feel my fur-sibs draw closer towards me, and Smooch whispered. "Do mew guys have any weapons?"

I heard the distinct clicks of several safety's being slid off in the dark, and heard the collective reply of. "Of course we've got weapons!"

There was a light tap on my shoulder, and Humphrey hissed. "Basil, dude... I don't know how to say this..."

"Say what?" I asked with much trepidation, feeling the sudden pump of adrenaline flood through my body like an icy-wave crashing on the beach.

"There's a zombie cat in the bunker, and it's lurching this way!" Humphrey gulped.  

The B Teams Halloween Spooky Story ©BionicBasil® Zombie Cat.jpg

The lights suddenly came on.

Amber screamed, and then we all screamed and screamed and screamed!

The B Teams Halloween Spooky Story ©BionicBasil®

And then the lights went out again!

The B Teams Halloween Spooky Story ©BionicBasil® Blackout

**And Cut**

Hallowen Divider ©BionicBasil®

Happy Meowoleen guys, enjoy the Trick or Treating if mew're able to participate this year and be safe out there.

We'll be back on Wednesday with our usual Midweek News, so we do hope to see mew then.   

In the meantime have an epically spooky Halloween.

Supurr spooky purrs

Wing Commander and The B Team 

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®
Graphics created with paid licence and
Zombie Cat paid licence Artist: Distopic
Bunker images paid licence - Robert Kneschke & i3d

Saturday 31 October 2020

Happy Halloween and Spooky Story Time at BBHQ

Basil & The B Team Happy Halloween ©BionicBasil®

Spooky Caturday Greeting Epic pals

Halloween wouldn't be Meowoleen without us sharing our spooky little tale from way, way, way back in 2016, so in true BBHQ Tradition let the spookfest begin.

And if mew missed our Halloween Crafting with Cats post earlier featuring Gordon the Ghost, do check it out, click the link here to visit.

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®
pumpkin dividers, bats, halloween banners

is here and are mew ready for a chilling little tail, or we should say tale... muwhahahahahaha

Basil & The B Team Happy Halloween ©BionicBasil®

A Spooky Tail on All Hallows' Eve 

It had been a frosty day; the air rather piquant with a fresh, zingy taste.  We'd just finished decorating the bunker in the most spooktacular fashion, and even if I do say so myself, it looked as scary as the scariest place mew could effur imagine.  White glistening cobwebs hung in thick swaths covering the walls and ceilings, bats dangled on invisible bungy cords, and there were pumpkins galore were effurywhere.  

Spooky spectres glided along the bunker corridors wailing chillingly, and animated weird-wolves popped up and howled when mew least expected it.  The smoke-machine was on offurdrive, and a white, filmy-mist swirled around rather hypnotically just above floor level.  Shocking shrieks and muffled bumps sounded through the comms systems and to be honest, I nearly jumped out of my fur several times. 

The Control Room had been transformed into the Halloween Hub, and all the pawty games were in place as an eerie bell tolled and a gruff voice announced:

'Get the pawty started!'
Parsley aka The Saucerer was bobbing fur nip-laced apples.  Posie aka The Mummy was lurching around unable to see due to a severe bandage malfunction.  Humphrey was wearing his invisibility suit and kept creeping on effurypurrdy, whispering in their ear in some strange foreign accent, "I'm vatching mew... muwahahahahahahaaaaa!"

Smooch, Amber and I all had the same idea and were dressed as witches and warlocks. [note to self, I need a new costume for next year]
Anyhoo, there we all were having a wail of a time; screaming like gurls while a sinister sound-track played in the background, plus we were enjoying some rather strange brew that Smooch had concocted in the laboratory.  He'd even made it in a cauldron for added effect and to be honest, I could have sworn at one point I saw a tentacle rise up out of the bubbling neon-green liquid, then sink below the mist-swirling surface, but he said, and I quote;

"Trust me! I know what I'm doing, here drink this!" 

I did have several reservations hurtling through my mind, such as;

mew sure about that? 
it looks a funny colour! 
and why is it smoking like that? 
did I just see a tentacle in my drink?

But I thought what the heck and aftur several shots I found it rather entertaining when an eyeball appeared in my glass and stared right at me; it was like a surprise bonus, and we all laughed and laughed and laughed.

As the night progressed things did start to get a little outlandish, Snowie aka The White Phantom got tangled up in the suspension wires she'd rigged to her costume and hung upside down like she was trapped in some giant spider web and we just laughed and laughed and laughed.

Mid all this hysterical laughter the lights suddenly went out, and we were plunged into darkness.  The inky pitch-black of a total power failure.

"Don't wurry," I laughed. "The back-up generator will kick-in in a couple of seconds!"

Time ticked by, and we were all still sat in the dark.

"Basil?" Smooch said bumping into me, then forcing another drink into my paw. "Why's the genny not wurking?"

"Ssssssshhhhh," Parsley hissed as we all giggled, too much nip and who-knows-what will do that to mew. "Do mew hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Posie said as she tripped offur her bandages and landed with an ungainly thwump on the floor.

Scratch... scratch... scratch...

We all paused, listened and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

Scritch... scritch... scritch... 

"It's getting closer," Parsley said, sounding much sober than he had five seconds ago.

Scratch... scratch... scratch... 

We all paused, listened again and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

"DUDES!" Parsley said tersely; obviously, he hadn't had as much cauldron nip as the rest of us. "Something is coming down the corridor!"

Scrape... scratch... scritch... scrape... scratch... scritch...

We all paused, listened again and then laughed and laughed and laughed.

I suddenly heard a sickeningly soft hiss, and it made my fur bristle in all kinds of disturbing ways, or maybe that was the cauldron nip, at this point I couldn't be sure for sure.

"Guys, was that one of mew?" I asked as my highly honed senses suddenly burst into life and began to eke out in the darkness. "Do mew smell that? It's rank, fetid and has a rather old dead odour..."

Amber took huge offence to this and said rather snappishly. "No, I haven't been eating eggs again!"

"No, not mew," I said.

Scrape... scratch... scritch... scrape... scratch... scritch...

"Basil," Humphrey whispered in my ear, his cold breath making my ear-fur tremble and I nearly screamed.  Only just managing to swallow down my shriek Humphrey continued. "I'll go check, I've got my night vision goggles on plus I'm invisible, stay here dude."

"Great idea," I said, pushing him towards to door.

I could feel my fur-sibs draw closer towards me, and Smooch whispered. "Do mew guys have any weapons?"

I heard the distinct clicks of several safety's being slid off in the dark, and heard the collective reply of. "Of course we've got weapons!"

There was a light tap on my shoulder, and Humphrey hissed. "Basil, dude... I don't know how to say this..."

"Say what?" I asked with much trepidation, feeling the sudden pump of adrenaline flood through my body like an icy-wave crashing on the beach.

"There's a zombie cat in the bunker, and it's lurching this way!" Humphrey gulped.  

Amber Screaming ©BionicBasil®

Amber screamed, then we all screamed and screamed and screamed!

**And Cut**

pumpkin dividers, bats, halloween banners

Happy Meowoleen guys, enjoy the Trick or Treating if mew're able to participate this year ~ be safe out there ~  sadly our little county, Nottinghamshire got locked down yesterday for the next few weeks due to covid-19.

We'll be back on the morrow with our usual selfies post, so we do hope to see mew then.   

In the meantime have an epically epic weekend.

Supurr spooky purrs

Wing Commander and The B Team xx

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®
Graphics created with paid licence and
pumpkin dividers, bats, Halloween banners 

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Welcome to Our Mid-Week News Round-Up and Hot Gossip on The Pet Parade & Today's Headlines are ~ The Gorgeous Colours of Autumn/Fall, Diamond Sauce and Trick or Treat with Melvyn

The Pet Parade Autumn Banner 2019 @BionicBasil Dash Kitten & Barking from the Bayou
Pet Parade Autumn Banner ©BionicBasil®
Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furst up in the headlines this week is...

The Gorgeous Colours of Autumn/Fall with Smooch. 

The Colours of Autumn/Fall with Smooch ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

As we were waiting for dad to come home on Friday evening, Smooch got himself firmly ensconced on the P.A.'s lap in the catservatory for a cuddle, and that's when we really noticed how much the acacia tree in the courtyard had changed.  

Mew know when mew see things every day, and mew're always dashing here, there and everywhere mew don't always notice what's right under your schnozzle? This happens at BBHQ, though while sat taking a few moments we thought what a lovely shade of gold the leaves had turned, well most of them are on the floor, but that's a job for the P.A. as that's not our department! MOL

Anyhoo, our point is; isn't it absolutely beautiful out in nature right now?  And if mew hadn't noticed, go take a quick look, mew'll be so glad mew did.

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news this week.

Yesterday Parsely was insistent that he had a stroll in the garden and got some fresh air, so off he pootled while the P.A. and dad did a spot of painting upstairs. A short while later he was stood at the catservatory door asking to come back indoors, and he came dashing inside the minute it opened, and that's when we noticed this...

Diamond Sauce ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

His fur looked like it had been sprinkled with diamonds from the supurr fine drizzle outside. 

Amber, being as crotchety as ever from her higher vantage point on the sofa, said, "It looks like really bad dandruff, snowflake!" 

Well, the rest of us thought it looked rather sparkly, so Amber was out-voted, though Parsely didn't reckon much at all to it and promptly parked himself in front of the woodburner to let it evaporate.

We still thought it was an epic effect.

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

And finally this week, Melvyn is supurr excited to go trick or treating in Mewton-Clawson on Caturday, he's chosen the bandana he'll be wearing and thinks wearing this one will bring him the biggest rewards from the local residents. 

Trick or Treat with Melvyn ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

What do mew think?

Hot Gossip Banner ©BionicBasil®
Unbeknown to Melvyn, Fudge has also launched his own Trick or Treat campaign, he thinks he's going to outdo Melvyn and get all the village catnip for himself, OH MY COD, I can see this is going to end in disaster! MOL MOL

Trick or Treat with Fudge ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

Who do mew think will get the most catnip on their Trick or Treat quest? 

If mew like these bandana's check out our epic pal Eric from Eric's Empawrium, just click the little yellow badge in the left sidebar to see what delightful goodies he has in his Etsy shop this week.
Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil® Cats

If mew've missed any of the posts over the last week, here are the catch-up links:

**GUEST POST SEGMENT** Lost Cat Prevention 

Book Reviews with Amber #141

 Amber's 18th Halloween Birthday Pawty & Giveaway

Basil & The B Team Halloween Selfies

We'll be back on Friday with a spooky book review from 
Amber just in time for Halloween, so we do hope mew can join us then and don't furget there's still time to enter her birthday giveaway too - link above - and don't furget to hop along on the Pet Parade below.

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019
Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil® Cats

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co-Host

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

Guys just to let mew know mew can right-click to paste your links in below to make it easier to join in.

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Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence and