Showing posts with label news round up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news round up. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Let's Celebrate Dr Seuss Day, plus Dr Seuss Wordsearch, The BionicBasil Blog is Being Content Scraped Again & Maybe Yours is Too AND Amber is The Cat In A Hat

Mid-Week News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil® Dr Seuss

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Welcome to March, and how's your week going? We're delighted that we're moving into Spring, not before time as this winter seems to have dragged on somewhat. And we're also looking forward to lighter nights when the clocks go forward on the 27th of the month

First up in the news this week

 It's Dr Seuss Day WOOO HOOOO!

I am here looking epically epic in my special hat!

Basil The Cat In The Hat ©BionicBasil® The Midweek News Round-up
The Cat in The Hat is epically epic! MOL

And here's a fabulous Dr Seuss themed wordsearch.

Just right-click the image to save and/or print.

Next up in the news this week 

Bad news, the blog is being content scraped again by some worthless sack of used cat litter. The website is very bizarre, it appears to be in the Middle East, although there are no contact details on the website, and when mew click on anything it moves to another web address. They have really lots of really old content from BBHQ, as well as Amber's latest blog post last Friday.

Please note: the listed web addresses in red are NOT links and the blue text are active no-follow links to Whois, the look up directory.

The actual entry page to find anything being scraped is this one:

and here is the whois details for the above link:

Although everything is redacted on this page.

They've got loads and loads of clickable BBHQ pictures/links which then opens up more stolen content. The accompanying text is random and garbled, some text is from the posts and some is not. And also some of the links attached to the pictures are forwarded to unsafe pages or p.o.r.n.

Dash Kitten. Summer at Sparkle Cat. Eastside Cats. Wonderpurr. Erin the Cat Princess. The Swiss Cats and a video from Peaches and Paprika are just a few of the other cat bloggers we found. 

We didn't have time to search anymore, but it would appear they are serial offenders and have no shame.

If mew search for your blog on the site, other URLs appear such as:  -  here are the Whois details.  - here are the Whois details. - here are the Whois details.

And these aforementioned sites all have BionicBasil content on, which is spawned from the first website, this one:

Also, there are no available URLs for each individual pirated post, they all look like the above addresses in red. So it is impossible to copy a direct link to the pirated content. Our point is this, these scrapers are very clever and know that to successfully serve a DMCA mew need the direct URLs of each post on the offending website

We also found that when we clicked the back button on our browser from the websites in red it took us to a German website that has no content, though it did have a cat on it - see below. As we clicked around this site, we eventually found a contact page. 

Whether this German site is part of whatever is going on, we can't be sure, as they aren't actually showing any of our content, but the fact that it is linked to the main content is very iffy.

It seems that to get anything removed will be a job in itself as there are so many different websites involved, and the links from the main entry website are then just funnelled out to a myriad of other sites, and as we said hitting the back button sends mew to Germany - tres bizarre indeed!

We are unsure if they are content scraping through RSS feeds or just scraping the actual blog manually or with an automated bot. Our RSS feeds are short with no photo's so we are surmising that they are scraping directly from the blog.

We have just been checking on a few forums and the general consensus is this:

A DMCA Takedown Notice emailed to the website host, should be enough to have the websites removed. Apparently, the host has to remove the blog or site. Whether this is true or not in 2022, we don't know.

We just checked and Cloudflare is the hosting site of:  and after a little bit of recon, it would appear that they don't give a fluff about copyright theft and DMCAs from what we've just read on their forum. 

It cost us quite a bit of money to get the last content scrapers to remove our stuff from the ITN fake news site, as we had to get a lawyer involved as endless DMCA's emails to both the website owners and Hostgator did nothing; how is this fair, and where can we recoup that loss from?

So there mew have it, this week's mood spoiler with little or no resolution for the affected parties, and the thieves just keep on stealing.

Anyhoo, if mew're one of the unfortunate victims and do any research and come up with anything extra to this, do let us know. 

And finally this week

Let's finish this week with something truly, astoundingly wonderful...

Amber is The Cat In A Hat!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Amber is The Cat In A Hat

This is a picture of Amber from 2008 wearing a chullo, and doesn't she look gorgeous?

The P.A. will have more ghost stories for mew next week, we just ran out of time yesterday with all this extra research on the content scrapers. 

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's post click here to catch up on a BBHQ True Story, and if mew missed the epically epic final episode of Fast, Furry & Dangerous, click here.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 
Wordsearch created with paid licence from Crossword Compiler

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Welcome to The BBHQ Mid-Week News Round-Up & A Health Update on Sloppy Sauce AND **If Your Cat Eats This Popular Cat Food Brand Read This**

Mid-Week News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®

Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furst up in the headlines this week is...

The Gorgeous Colours of Autumn/Fall with Smooch. 

The Colours of Autumn/Fall with Smooch ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

As we were waiting for dad to come home, Smooch got himself firmly ensconced on the P.A.'s lap in the catservatory for a cuddle, and that's when we really noticed how much the acacia tree in the courtyard had changed.  

Mew know when mew see things every day, and mew're always dashing here, there and everywhere mew don't always notice what's right under your schnozzle? This happens at BBHQ, though while sat taking a few moments we thought what a lovely shade of gold the leaves had turned, well most of them are on the floor, but that's a job for the P.A. as that's not our department! MOL

Anyhoo, our point is; isn't it absolutely beautiful out in nature right now?  And if mew hadn't noticed, go take a quick look, mew'll be so glad mew did.

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news this week.

A health update on Sloppy Sauce, if mew missed Friday's post (link at bottom of page) Parsley had a trip to the vets as he's got diarrhoea, and the steroid injection and paste didn't work.

However, **PLOT TWIST** the P.A. hasn't been liking the look of our regular food, so she did a bit of digging and we since found out that our fav wet Felix in Jelly pouches has been causing massive issues including chronic diarrhoea, vomiting, running eyes, lethargy, and a whole host of other problems since it has been rebranded earlier this summer. 

Now we're not saying that this is anything to do with Parsley's issue, but Parsley's runny bum only occurred recently when we moved onto the new Felix formula, as we were still using our old stocks and hadn't bought any of the new formula until late August. Coincidence, purrhaps? 

But after reading page upon page of reviews on Trustpilot, about cats with chronic diarrhoea, sickness, dull coats, fur loss and other health issues, owners spending hundreds of pounds at the vets with no conclusion whatsoever, and 100's of cats are sick. And the really strange thing is, it appears as soon as the cats stop eating Felix after about a week or so they recover, the runs clear up, no more vomiting and they get their energy back.

Apparently, Purina who make Felix, deny there is an issue with the Felix food, even though some poor cats have died, and several commenters said they got no response at all from their queries. The comments on Trustpilot are pretty savage, and most owners say they will never buy that brand again, and are warning other pet owners to steer clear.

So if mew do feed your precious kitty any of the Felix products, and mew've noticed your kitty is perhaps not as energetic as normal or has any of the symptoms above, just go check out the comments, and check with your vet. There's also a dedicated Facebook group for this problem too, so if you're on FB, go join and see what 22,500 members are saying since the group began in June 2021. We haven't joined as we don't visit FB very often, but if you do, let us know what they're saying.

So back to Sloppy Sauce, he's now on Melvyn's Royal Canin Sensitive Kibble and we'll see how he goes after a few days. If there's no improvement, then it's the poop samples to the lab.

And it's no more Felix here either, the P.A. is really hissed off as she'd just spent over £120 on the stuff and no one will take it back.

The strange thing is, non of The other B Team memfurs are poorly, but the P.A. had noticed that they weren't eating the new Felix, in fact, she was throwing at least half away from each Felix meal. We also eat Whiskas, Royal Canin and Scrumbles food for variety, so we'll be staying with those brands now.

Anyhoo, we'll keep mew updated on Parsley, and thank mew for all the POTP!

Pet Parade Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil®

And finally this week, Melvyn is supurr excited to go trick or treating in Mewton-Clawson later in the month and has been trying on outfits earlier than normal, do mew think wearing this one will bring him the biggest rewards from the local residents? 

Trick or Treat with Melvyn ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

We really like this bandana.

Hot Gossip Banner ©BionicBasil®

Unbeknown to Melvyn, Fudge has also launched his own Trick or Treat campaign early, he thinks he's going to outdo Melvyn and get all the village catnip for himself, OH MY COD, I can see this is going to end in disaster! MOL MOL

Trick or Treat with Fudge ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 377

Who do mew think will get the most catnip on their Trick or Treat quest later this month?  

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's post, we're getting mew warmed up for the return of Colouring with Cats and our fab crystal series starting next week, plus we've got a really fun post to share on behalf of the Cats Protection, so stay tuned.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Welcome to Our Mid-Week News Round-Up on The Pet Parade & Today's Headline is ~ The Last Pet Parade at BBHQ

The Pet Parade ©BionicBasil® Winter Banner

Hello epically fluffy furiends

And welcome to the last Pet Parade at BBHQ, it's really quite sad as we furst discovered/joined in on the 6th November 2013 with Rascal and Rocco.

Here's a screenshot of our very furst hop... Who do mew recognise?  In fact, I think we met most of our blogging pals in the early days through The Pet Parade.
Our Furst Pet Parade Hop

 And from the 26th of November 2013 on hop #16 I don't think we ever really missed one. Also, as we were looking back in the archives we discovered that November 26th was the first time Jan from Jan's Funny Farm visited us - Jan was so epic and is still missed in the Blogosphere.

Here's a couple of stats:

Rascal and Rocco asked us to be co-host and our furst co-hosting was on hop #27 on 7th February 2014 and Jan's Funny Farm was the second co-host, WOW - time fly's!

On that furst co-hosting hop the featured favourite were the totally epic guys from Playful Kitty, Cinco and Manna.


Anyhoo, we'd like to say special thanks to Marjorie at Dash Kitten who took over as host in 2018 and Melissa from Barking from the Bayou for being a pawesome co-host for oodles of years too, mew guys are epically epic!

And oodles of thanks to all of mew for joining in every week too, we've loved hopping around the world with mew all every week.

Thank Mew Card BBHQ

Winter Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch-up links:

Amber will be here on Friday with another pawesome book she can't wait to share with mew, so do stop by the library, tea and nip cookies will be served, and we hope to see mew then! 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®
Now let's HOP on... 

The Pet Parade New Banner

Do visit our pawesome host & co-host 

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Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

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Wednesday 3 March 2021

Welcome to Our Mid-Week News Round-Up and Hot Gossip on The Pet Parade & Today's Headlines are ~ Why Do Cats Love Plant Pots? Part II, Epic Sun Puddles with Fudge and Parsley Goes Full Stealth with His Cloaking Device

The Pet Parade ©BionicBasil® Winter Banner

Hello epically fluffy furiends

How's your week been so far? 

Before we begin, we've decided that next week will be our last Pet Parade, we've been a co-host for over 7 years and have had great fun, Majorie aka Dash Kitten has been an epic host, and our co-host aka Barking from the Bayou has been wunderpurr too, thanks Melissa, and it's been really fun being part of the trio! 

And we'd like to thank all the pawesome regulars for joining us every week, as without mew guys there would have been no hop. So thank mew again from the bottom of our fluffy hearts we've really loved your company ever Wednesday.

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

So what's been happening in Mewton-Clawson this week, well furst up in the news is:

Why Do Cats Love Plant Pots? Part II

Last week, mew may remember that we asked why cats love sitting in plant pots and mew guys left some pawesome answers in the comments, and this week we thought we'd share another photo of Smooch in the catnip pot.

Sitting in Plant Pots with Smooch ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 395

So the general consensus is cats love sitting in plant pots because; they're cat-sized to curl up in, and they like it because if they didn't, they wouldn't get in/on them.  

Plus, they also love getting into drawers, boxes, cupboards, baskets, suitcases, handbags etc... they love to feel secure and safe, and these kinds of places give them that security, including some plant pots too! MOL

There mew have it, between us all we've just solved another cat mystery! 

Oh, and Smooch is having a tooth out this morning, so any POTP will be greatly appreciated, thank mew furry much.

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news...

It was fabulously warm on Caturday and Sunday, and Fudge did enjoy a garden safari, but the best was this sun puddle on Sunday...

Epic Sun Puddles with Fudge ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 395

It was the most epic sun puddle of 2021 so far; Fudge's face says it all! 

The P.A. and Dad went for a walk, and it was glorious. Take a look at this.

A Countryside Walk ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 395

It was gorgeous out and about in Mewton-Clawson, and no the P.A. didn't fall in the pot-hole on the side of the road; it was a close-shave though! MOL

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

And our final news sorry of the week is...

 Parsley Goes Full Stealth-Mode with His Cloaking Device.

Parsley Goes Full Stealth-Mode with His Cloaking Device ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 395

We actually meant to share this last week; our sofas have black blankets on them, and Parsley loves snoozing on them, only we have to be so careful as he sometimes he just seems to disappear, his camouflage skill are legendary anyway, but this takes it to a whole new level. Even Pandora is hard to see at times, though Parsley is the stealth king at BBHQ.

The Pet Parade ©BionicBasil® Hot Gossip Banner
Today is also National Peach Blossom Day; how do we know this? Because we checked in the epic book by our totally fab pals Peaches and Paprika, called Celebrating All Year Long.

National Peach Blossom Day 2021 ©BionicBasil® Diving In With Fudge

Fudge decide that he needed to fully immerse himself, so he dived right in! MOL

Winter Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch-up links:

Amber will be here on Friday with another fantastic book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by the library, tea and nip cookies will be served, and we hope to see mew then! 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

Snow Flake Pet Parade Divider ©BionicBasil®
Now let's HOP on... 

The Pet Parade New Banner

Do visit our pawesome host & co-host. 

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Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence and