Showing posts with label wildly witty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildly witty. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #6 featuring Reservoir Cats

Welcome to 

The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Pawesome greetings fellow bibliocats

Hi guys, Amber here again *waves paw avidly*

It's lovely to be here again and sharing another book with mew all, and today I'm sharing one written by Basil's pawesome pal Squirt, from Twitter.  But before we get to that, here's a quick update from the lair of a literary kitty.

I was horrified the other day to read about a fellow library kitty called Browser who was being evicted from his library home by the local council in Texas - this in my humble opinion is outrageous; how can any library possibly function correctly without a cat?  It's NOT possible - I know this from purrsonal experience! 

Browser the Cat - Facebook Page

Mew can read all about it by clicking the link above and if mew haven't signed the petition to help him stay in his bookly home, purrlease take a moment to put your paw print on it by clicking the link below:

At the last count there were 13,500 signatures and it looks like Browser may have a temporary reprieve but the more peeps that share and sign the safer his future will be.

Thank mew and now onto the main event...

This week on Book Reviews with Amber, I'm sharing...

[Image - Amber's Purrsonal Copy] 

Reservoir Cats



Meet Squirt, a supurr savvy kitty with a fabulous tale to tell and pawesome witty mewsings to share.  I did have to repeatedly shush and then tell the P.A. to leave the library more than once while we were reading this as she began to laugh rather a lot at Squirts rather keen wisdom and comic literary wit. [Well mew know that mew have to have QUIET in library's and I do enforce that rule, even though on the inside I can be quite literally laughing my socks off! MOL]

If like the P.A. and I, mew enjoy a good chuckle or at times a random burst of hysterics then I can wholly recommend Reservoir Cats.  Squirt is a Somali cat living in the far wilds of Scotland, where he is in charge of... well effurything; including his staff, the estate, patrolling to keep the place safe from other kitty invaders [one inpurrticular, but no spoilers here] and even helping to teach the kitten newcomers next door a few tricks.  It's a really fun read, especially the part about the Boxman and 2 day old mouse [but that's as spoilery as I'm going to get], trust me mew'll laugh your fur off.

It is part diary and part kitty observations on life; getting revenge, the importance of goggles, feng shui and a whole host of other entertaining scenario's.

Squirt has furry valid opinions and highly adept answers fur effurything, plus an alter ego supurr villain called The Shadow! 

I am hoping that there will be a sequel, but I'll have to get Basil to ask Squirt about that. 

If mew want a wildly witty and comical caper, read this!

The Kindle Edition is 106 pages long

The Amber Biblio Rating System:

Ratings of Reservoir Cats

Cuteness Factor 

Fun Factor


Offurall Enjoyment 

So this is my furst 5 paws all round book, top marks!

 Squirt, dude purrlease get back in your office in front of the typewriter and get that second book written!!! MOL 

Well, it's time fur me to sign off again, as mew know the deal, so many books, so little time! 

And if any of mew have written a book that mew'd like me to feature; either use the contact form - look left on the sidebar - or use the contact us page fur our email address, as I'd love to showcase our furiends pawesome literary talents.

Happy reading



Graphics created with paid licence