Saturday 1 August 2020

In The Spotlight ~ Product Review ~ WHAT'S IN THE BOX? My Cat Grass ~ Ready Grown, Organic Cat Grass Pots ~ The Benefits of Cat Grass

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What's In The Box on In The Spotlight ©BionicBasil®

Wunderpurr greetings fabulous furiends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the pawesome peeps at..

image copyright

...who asked us if we'd like to try their ready grown, organic cat grass a couple of weeks ago, of course we would, as that means we don't have to grow our own for a few weeks! MOL

So let's show mew what was in the box.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® My Cat Grass with Melvyn

We got 4 ready grown grass pots delivered to BBHQ. They came very well packaged in a tough box and carefully wrapped in cellophane. As mew can see Melvyn couldn't wait for them to get unwrapped! MOL

Let's Look At All That Green Goodness: 

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® My Cat Grass with Melvyn 1

Mew also get a little surprise gift with your box of 4 x grass pots, ours was a yummy bag of Whiskas Dentabites [nom nom nom! MOL #pawesome!]

Also in the box is a leaflet on how to care for your grass pots, as they are 3/4 grown upon arrival so mew'll get a good 2 to 3 weeks worth if mew follow the instructions for optimal care. 

 Ours are 9 days old [yesterday] and are growing very well; thick, lush, green and juicy, see below how well they look on day 9 - loads of munching left!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® My Cat Grass  - Grass Pots Potted On

We potted ours on the same day they arrived and have followed all the care instructions to the letter.

Watch the video:

If it doesn't play here, click the link to watch direct on YouTube ~ Don't furget to subscribe to our channel. Fudge was a little camera shy today, not like him at all but then he might have just been letting Melvyn take the lead for a change! MOL

Benefits of Cat Grass

We're huge fans of cat grass and like to partake in it daily, and if mew don't know about the benefits, here's just a few: 

It aids digestion, helps prevent/reduce furballs, aids hydration, helps prevent constipation and it's a good source of insoluble fibre, and most cats love it.

And it's suitable for:

Indoor cats, outdoor cats, free-roaming cats, kittens, catio cats, garden cats... in fact all cats should really have access to some cat grass in our humble opinion.

Our closing thoughts:

We absolutely loved it; the idea is genius and the execution is even better!  

If mew can't grow your own organic cat grass [aka your hooman staff has a severe case of black-thumb aka can't grow anything! MOL] or mew just don't want to, this is a brilliant way to get some juicy greens delivered directly to your home.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® My Cat Grass  - Grass Pots

We've been growing our own here at BBHQ for years, though we can honestly say last winter was horrendous for growing and although we persevered our crops weren't great, this Autumn/Fall we will be subscribing to My Cat Grass and get ours delivered ready grown and ready to be munched on straight out of the box! MOL

They also supply: 

Grow Your Own Kits in wheat, barley or oat grasses - YUM!

Premium Seed Pouches in the above varieties


a really nifty grass-feeding station which fits all four pots in, ameowzing! 

Plus accessories to help mew keep your cat grass healthy for as long as pawsible.

Why We Love it

My Cat Grass uses only 100% organic certified seeds from British farmers. The soil used is approved by the Soil Association, and My Cat Grass is the UK's only Pet Food Grade producer of Cat Grass licensed by the Food Standards Agency, how epic, epically epic! 

They offer a subscription service so mew never run out, but not a subscription where mew're tied into a contract; mew can pause or cancel at any time. 

So if mew're looking for cat grass, grass seeds or grow your own kits, we think My Cat Grass is definitely the best place in the UK to go to get all your green needs met.

We give them 10 out of 10!

Top Cat Grass Supplier ~ Way To Go Guys!

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at My Cat Grass fur giving us the oppurrtunity to try their amazing ready grown greens ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit My Cat Grass online:

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we will be here with our usual Sunday Selfies post, in the meantime...

Happy Caturday

Wing Commander Basil & Co xox

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. I think the hooligans might enjoy that too, as I see them munching of shoots of grass outside.
    Pipo would go for it, but Angel Minko would have eaten till there was none left, he would go outside through the doggy doors to get at any grass he could find!

  2. That is a very good idea. Melvyn had so much choice he didn't know where to start!

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed that yummy grass, we enjoyed the video!

  4. I like to step in our cat grass as it is sooo nice on the toes. Rumpy comes in from the yard to nom some and always makes sure to come inside before horking up a hairball - usually with grass attached MOL. Dad bought a pound of cat grass seeds so we have plenty

  5. That cat grass is nommy looking. You're so lucky.
    If you get any seeds from China not to plant them. They don't know what they are and it could ruin the environment. Mom says the high ups people are saying it could be a scam.
    Great artwork.

  6. That's awesome, mew guys! We loved your video, and that cat grass sure looks terrific.

    Oh, guess what? We received a post from you today! We are so excited to open it, but Mom and Dad said we have to wait until later. Thank you! XO - Gracie and Ava

  7. The Hubby likes to grow cat grass for the kitties, but he's lost contact with his usual supplier of seeds due to the lockdown. Manny adores cat grass; he eats then barfs!

  8. I love that cat grass, how pretty it looks, enjoy kitties!

  9. You are lucky kitties- that looks like very fine grass. XO

  10. Mom Paula tried to grow some cat grass for us, but it got moldy, so she threw it out and hasn't tried again.

  11. That cat grass looks good. I'll have to grow some cat grass for Jake.


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