Hello meautiful library guests
Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ
Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today.
Well, would mew believe it? There I was in the kitchen at BBHQ, and I asked Parsley how things were going in the library, as I've taken a couple of days off this week and I asked if he could take my picture for today's post.
Anyhoo, mew may remember way back in the summer when I appointed him as my second in command because A. He's really good with money. B. He can organise anything at the drop of a hat, and C. He takes no fluff from nopawdy.
So, he's there with his iPaw phone on the kitchen island, as I heard it's rather flattering to take a photo from that angle, and I ask him how things are?
"Amber, the library is great. Yesterday, a clowder of cats from the Fuskerton Book Club came to use your rather lovely reading room, and I charged them five pounds entry fee each," he laughed some more. "Then the library mice took it upon themselves to serve optional refreshments." He was laughing almost hysterically at this point. "They charged a further seven pounds and fifty pence for a delightful spread of catnip tea, scones with catnip jam and some of those delightful mini sandwiches with tuna."
Then he added. "I also created some Mewton-Clawson library hampers filled with duplicate books from the store room and sold them."
I was getting really worried at this point and about to blow a gasket or two, because my reading room is MY READING ROOM. And it has a lot of first editions in the locked glass-fronted bookcases.
He saw my face contort and the huge grimace of utter horror, and then he showed me how much he'd made.
Well, mew could have dipped me in non-fat cream, rolled me in catnip and tickled me silly; I just couldn't believe it!
Are mew ready, he made two hundred and twenty-two pounds and fifty pence for two hours work.
I'm still in shock, but not that much that it prevented me from going and investing half of that into new books from Amazon. Parsley said he needed the other half to cover a few costs and the mice's wages, plus some left over to put in the bank.
So blurry picture it is, and I've asked him to organise other events because this way, I get to buy all the books I want... bliss!
And I must quickly add, no, I don't have a book addiction or a book buying addiction before mew jump to any conclusions; I just love books! MOL
Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top book pick.
Today, the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. ________________ is not complete until _________________.
2. I _______________to __________________.
3. _________ is my dream _________.
4. I wish I could remove _________ from my daily routine.
The P.A.'s answers are...
Seriously though, whenever a new B Team adventure begins, I have no idea whatsoever how long it will be, what is going to happen next and anything else at all. All I know is what is happening in the moment, and it unfolds as it unfolds; in other words, I'm a total panster. We don't plot at BBHQ; we just wing it! LOL
2. I still have to plant some Spring bulbs and other stuff in the garden. But the last week, time has just vanished, but hopefully, I'll get time on Saturday to finish that and then continue on the snipping and pruning journey. My work is never done.
3. Moving to Australia is my dream retirement. Lovely warm weather, but let's not mention the snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles and not forgetting jellyfish. So I'll be avoiding swimming in the ocean, walking on the beach, never going into woodland or long grass, and no fishing by the river, plus definitely no paddling in the rivers either etc... LOL
4. I wish I could remove just a little of the cleaning from my daily routine. As all of you know, having lots of cats requires lots of clean-ups, and some of those things aren't able to be left for another day. But I really wouldn't change a thing; my furbabies are the world to me, so no matter how much poop or piddle I have to deal with in the wrong place. Not naming any names-- Amber and occasionally Smooch. So be it! After all, I am a cat slave!!! LOL
Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!
This week's top book pick is...
Sofie Ryan
Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:
Meet secondhand shop owner Sarah Grayson and her rescue cat, Elvis, in the first novel in the New York Times bestselling Second Chance Cat Mystery series...
Sarah Grayson is the happy proprietor of Second Chance, a charming shop in the oceanfront town of North Harbor, Maine. At the shop, she sells used items that she has lovingly refurbished and repurposed. But her favorite pet project so far has been adopting a stray cat she names Elvis.
Elvis has seen nine lives—and then some. The big black cat with a scar across his nose turned up at a local bar when the band was playing the King of Rock and Roll’s music and hopped in Sarah’s truck. Since then, he’s been her constant companion and the furry favorite of everyone who comes into the store.
Sarah Grayson is the happy proprietor of Second Chance, a charming shop in the oceanfront town of North Harbor, Maine. At the shop, she sells used items that she has lovingly refurbished and repurposed. But her favorite pet project so far has been adopting a stray cat she names Elvis.
Elvis has seen nine lives—and then some. The big black cat with a scar across his nose turned up at a local bar when the band was playing the King of Rock and Roll’s music and hopped in Sarah’s truck. Since then, he’s been her constant companion and the furry favorite of everyone who comes into the store.
Oh wow, I'm so excited to share this new-for-me book series, even though this was first published over ten years ago in April 2014.
If mew’ve ever wanted a rescue cat named Elvis, The Whole Cat and Caboodle will have mew dreaming of furry furiends and cozy cat mysteries! This first instalment in Sofie Ryan's Second Chance Cat Mystery series introduces us to Sarah Grayson, the owner of a charming secondhand shop in North Harbor, Maine, and her lovable black cat, Elvis.
When Sarah’s elderly friend Maddie is accused of murder, it’s up to Sarah and Elvis to uncover the truth. What unfolds next is a delightful mix of suspense, humour, and community charm, with oodles of red herrings to keep the pages turning and mew guessing. Whodunnit?
The characters develop meautifully, and the coastal setting sounds pawsitively delightful, making mew feel right at home. The bond between Sarah and Elvis is rather heartwarming and adds a lovely whimsical touch to the story. Oh, and Elvis is a bit of a star and a bit of a hunky mancat! MOL
With an engaging plotline and a sprinkle of romance, this book is a pawesome read for a Sunday afternoon snuggled up, a cup of tea on the go, and mew're ready to jump right into this entertaining mystery—which mew won’t want to put down!
And to make it even better, there are twelve books in the series, as mew know how much I love a long series!
Another Totally Top Paw Read!
Paperback: 388 pages
My Rating Scale
Ratings of:
Overall Enjoyment
Other Fun Blog Hops to Join Today
I'm off to prepare for next week's review, as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time!
Until next week...
Keep calm and read more books
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review!
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Amber, talk about a silver lining to Parsley's shenanigans!
ReplyDeleteParsley was a great choice, for now, you can get more books!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great book, and series.
Well done to Parsley. He is quite the entrepreneur. That sounds like a nice new series of books for you.
ReplyDeleteAmber, Lynn is so furry excited, she can git this book at our library! Thanks a bunch. Lynn is slave to me and even that requires lots of her time and energy as if I was 6 cats, mol.
ReplyDeleteYou are always so cute sweet Amber and that is a terrific book review. Tell the P.A. I enjoyed her answers but was surprised with the Austrailia thing since they are quite okay with killing feral cats there. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteGuys, don't mew worry.. if we do go one day, we'll save as many as possible... mew know that's true! And perhaps that's where our true mission lies! HOOAH The B Team š¾š¾š»
DeleteSounds like Parsley is really helping out! And, great book review, Amber!
ReplyDeleteAmber, a blurry photo of you is better than no photo of you. Your review was excellent. Thank you to the PA for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am surprised she would want to move in retirement though. XO
ReplyDeleteYou are the cutest, Amber! Hope you continue to get lots of extra money. I love this book series too.
ReplyDeleteA tip of the tail to you for having the best library around
ReplyDeleteGracious what a way to make money! It sounds like a grand plan.
ReplyDeleteAdventure books written the way you do it are very exciting, I find.
The book sounds like loads of fun.
Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday and being patient with me while I catch up on blog reading. Work has been crazy, and the next 3 weeks are worse!