Showing posts with label Dead In The Dining Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dead In The Dining Room. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2025

**FELINE FICTION FIX** Book Reviews with Amber at The Mewton-Clawson Library #312 featuring **Dead In The Dining Room ~ A Moorecliff Manor Cat Cozy Mystery Book 1** by Leighann Dobbs **PLUS** Friendly Fill-Ins

Amber's Book Reviews Spring Banner 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Hello furbulous library guests 


Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ 

Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today, and OH MY COD things have really escalated on the Prudence front, and not in a good way.

If mew missed last week's excitement in the library, click here to catch up, and then on the Midweek News, it was mentioned that Melvyn's elderly stalker had sent a picture, to try and woo him... all I'm going to say is, OH MY COD... again!  If mew're squeamish or have a sensitive constitution, please look away now...

Amber's Book Reviews #312 ©BionicBasil® Prudence's Selfie for Melvyn

A short note accompanied the photo and it said.

My Dearest Melvyn, 

Purrlease find enclosed a supurr special selfie for my supurr special guy, and I even put in my teeth just for mew!

I can't wait to elope with mew, my young studfluff... 

(I had to cut the letter here as it was wholly inappropriate, and I try to be as family furiendly as possible.)

Yours now and forever

Prudence xxxx
Well, I'm now not the only one who needs to go and wash their eyes out. Melvyn took one brief glimpse at it and ran screaming for the bunker and engaged the CODE RED protocol thus locking himself inside.

Anyhoo, several more items have arrived since which I have returned to sender, as I fear what may be inside those innocent looking boxes. I dread to think!

This is a situation of the like the Mewton-Clawson Library and BBHQ has never encountered before, and to be honest with mew, we're a little flummoxed by it all. So I called Erin, aka Princess Erin, and asked her sage advice, and it's a good job I did, because she came up with a most shrewd strategy to save Melvyn's bacon.

So stay tuned for that next time, as today we need to get to my book review! 

Part of The Mewton-Clawson Library ©BionicBasil®
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The P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. My March to-do list includes _________________ and ____________________.
2. I used to like_____________________, but not anymore.
3. _________ is an obscure _________ that I really enjoy.
4. I’m most productive _________.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. My March to-do list includes lots of gardening and finishing The Purrminator, I'm almost there, I'm thinking two more chapters and then the epilogue. Obviously that's subject to change during the actual writing, and when that's finished I'm going back to finish a kids book I started last summer, but then Melvyn's adventure decided that it needed writing, so the other project got shelved temporarily.

2. I used to like going out for dinner, but not anymore. There are too many people who want to video everything without a thought for anyone else, and personally I don't want to be in some influenza's (yes, I did use influenza instead of influencer!) social media video, no thanks. I do wish that restaurants would stop all this flufftardery and ban such stupidity and let people enjoy themselves, like back in the good old days, when going out was going out and not a social flex to try and impress a load of people who you don't even know.

3. Moon watching is an obscure thing that I really enjoy. And if you've been watching the moon for some time, you may have noticed that it's not always where it should be in the sky. I think there's a problem on the moonbase and the usual programming code is on the fritz or perhaps they can't hire any staff either, and it's all gone to fluff! LOL. 

4. I’m most productive when I'm in the flow or vibe. If I'm not flowing or vibing with the task at hand, I get an apathy ambush and it all goes downhill from there! LOL

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Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!

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Amber's Book Reviews #312 ©BionicBasil®Dead In The Dining Room - A Moorecliff Manor Cat Cozy Mystery Book 1 by Leighann Dobbs
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy

Dead In The Dining Room 

A Moorecliff Manor Cat Cozy Mystery Book 1


Leighann Dobbs

       Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:      

The butler did it.... or did he?

A classic whodunit with a clever senior sleuth and mystery solving cats set in a manor house.

When the patriarch of Moorecliff Manor drops dead at dinner, it’s up to Aunt Araminta and her Siamese cats Arun and Sasha to uncover the identity of the killer. It will be no easy task, as there is no shortage of suspects... including the butler.

But Araminta soon finds herself with more questions than answers. What was the mysterious phone call about? Who has been removing heirlooms and why?
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If mew've been visiting my Friday book reviews for a while, mew may know that I'm a huge fan of Leighann Dobbs, and I adored The Mystic Notch series and The Oyster Cove Guesthouse series, plus I've read a lot of her other series, although I haven't reviewed them yet, but today we're diving into the Moorecliffe Manor Cat Cozy Mystery series.

If mew're in the mood for a delightful dose of intrigue mixed with feline fabulousness, Dead In The Dining Room by Leighann Dobbs is the purr-fect read! This cozy cat mystery whisks you away to the opulent – albeit slightly murderous – Moorecliff Manor, where dinner takes a deadly turn. Meet Aunt Araminta, the clever senior sleuth whose sharp wit and penchant for mystery rival that of any seasoned detective. But let’s not overlook her dynamic duo, Arun and Sasha, the Siamese cats whose snooping skills would make any feline envious. Together, they form an amusingly unconventional team as they set out to solve the mystery of who poisoned the patriarch during what should have been a lovely dinner. The plot masterfully weaves a web of suspects, each with more motives than a cat burglar choosing a house to loot in Mayfair. From the ever-cryptic butler Harold, who prefers to remain a mystery himself, to family members who have secrets buried deeper than the manor’s garden, the plot thickens with each turn of the page. I found myself chuckling as Araminta tackles peculiar puzzles like why Harold never answers the door—might he be hiding more than just the crossword? The twists and turns keep mew on your paws, and just when mew think mew’ve figured it out, a new clue sends mew darting down another rabbit hole. Who knew heirlooms could be so scandalous? And the revelation about the mysterious man in the garden? Absolutely riveting! Dead In The Dining Room is not just a mystery; it’s an enchanting celebration of family, wit, and the undeniable instinct of cats to uncover the truth (especially when it involves dinner). This book is a must-read for cozy cat mystery fans and anypawdy who enjoys a sprinkle of humour with their suspense. Grab your favourite blanket, a cup of tea, my preference is an extra potent catnip blend, and let Aunt Araminta and her chatty feline companions lead mew through a maze of deception—just don’t forget to look out for the butler!

A totally Top Paw start to this series, and so far there are five in total, YAY for that!

Paperback:  170 pages
Audio:  2 hours 43 mins
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My Rating Scale

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Ratings of:

Dead In The Dining Room 

Overall Enjoyment
Amber's Book Reviews 5 Paw Rating ©BionicBasil®
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Other Pawesome Blog Hops to Join Today

          Brian's Home   Catblogosphere    Feline Friday   Nature Friday    Flashback Friday   Friendship Friday          

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I really hope mew enjoy the book if mew choose to read it.

It's time for me to say BFN or bye-for-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't forget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.

Until next time...

Keep calm and read more books


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 graphics created with paid licence 
Prudence character created with Ai Arta